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15 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 transport forms of Lipids and where do they originate from?
VLDL - Liver

Chylomicrons - Gut Epithelium

LDL - Blood

HDL - Liver

What do Chylomicrons provide in the sense of lipids in the body?
They deliver lipoprotein breakdown particles into the liver, and supply with the dietary origin of cholesterol
The liver makes 60% of cholesterol requirements. what is the regulating step of its production?
HMG COA Reductase is the rate limiting enzyme in the production of Cholesterol.
WHY does the liver need cholesterol?
To produce VLDL and Bile Salts
Why are VLDLs so amazing?
They provide fatty acids to other parts of the body. Leaving behind LDL particles.
What is an LDL Particle?
carry alipoprotein B-100, mediate the uptake of LDL to cells
Whats a HDL?
They transfer cholesterol from the tissue to LDL = Cholesterol from tissues to liver
What is Hyperliponatremia?
Can be genetic (primary)

or you could be fat and unhealthy (secondary)

LDL is NOT Good

Why does LDL suck so much?
Elevated LDL means you are at increased risk of clogging your arteries (artheroschlerosis) esp when LDL kicks out HDL and the ratio is rubbish.
How would you treat Primary Hyperliponatremias?
How do you treat the fat lazy peeps? (Secondary Hypernatremia)
Lose weight


How do Bile Acid Sequestrants work?
Removes Bile acids in gut lumen

Dosage is high - not very compliant for clinical

What are statins?
Inhibit HMG-COA Reductase

they look similar to the physiological enzyme substrate

Liver has to compensate for the lack of blood circulating LDL and so it takes in any LDL, reducing the circulating LDL further.

Most important Lipid Lowering Drug

What are Nictontic Acids?
Activate endothelial lipoprotein Lipase = Lowering triglyceride levels

What are Fibrates?
Lower concentrations of LDL and VLDL. May cause damage to liver or skeletal muscle