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15 Cards in this Set

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MOA: inhibits HMG-CoA reductase,
inhibit cholesterol precursor (mevalonate); in response, hepatocytes inc their surface expression of LDL (to inc uptake of circulating LDL)
uses: 1st line for lowering LDL,
can also increase HDL, and lower TG's
S/E: inc LFT's, rhabdomyolysis
MOA: inhibits lipolysis in adipose tissue, reduces hepatic vLDL secretion
uses: 1st line to raise HDL, can also lower LDL and TGs
S/E: flushing, itching, gout, insulin resistance
Phx: (for flushing) aspirin
Antidote: (for flushing) antihistamine
(colestipol, colesevelam)
Bile acid resins
MOA: prevent reabsorption of bile acids from gut. (liver will have to use cholesterol in body to make more)
uses: decreases LDL, raises HDL
S/E: bad taste, GI discomfort, dec absorption of fat soluble vitamins, raises TG's
CI: gallstones
MOA: prevent cholesterol reabsoption at small int. brush border
uses: lowers LDL
S/E: inc LFT's, myopathy
(clofibrate, bezafibrate, fenofibrate)
MOA: upregulate LPL
uses: 1st line for lowering TG's,
can also lower LDL, and raise HDL
S/E: inc LFT's, myositis
Treatment of high LDL
diet first
statin second
add Ezetimibe if needed
Treatment of high TG
diet first
fibrate second
add niacin if needed
Treatment of low HDL
diet first
niacin second
MOA: inhibits pancreatic lipases
uses: long term obesity mgmnt
toxicity: steatorrhea, GI discomfort, fat soluble vitamin deficiency, headache
uses: short-term and long-term obesity management.
toxicity: HTN, tachycardia
4 ways to raise HDL without meds
1) diet
2) excersize
3) moderate alcohol
(1 shot wiskey, 1 glass wine, 2 beers)
4) estrogen
Can we measure LDL?
No, we have to calculate it
Formula for LDL
LDL= total chol - HDL- TG/5
Which lipid lowering agent dec incidence of 2nd MI, and inc mortality?
Which fat drugs are "nice" (dec LDL, dec TG, inc HDL?
niacin, fibrates, statins
(niacin is more specific for HDL, fibrates are more specific for TG, statins are more specific for LDL)