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69 Cards in this Set

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What is the system call for opening a file
"int open (const char *name, int flags, mode_t mode); "
What is returned on success of the open system call?
The file descriptor
The three main flag arguments to open are?
O_TRUNC is an additional flag that means what?
Truncate to a length of zero (start over)
The mode argument is used for what?
Specifying file ownership
What is O_CREAT?
"If the file denoted by name does not exist, the kernel will create it. If the file already exists, this flag has no effect
The creat function corresponds to what flags in open?
What does the creat signature look like?
"int creat (const char *name, mode_t mode);"
The main system call for reading a file is?
The signature for read is ?
"ssize_t read (int fd, void *buf, size_t len); "
"On success, read returns what?"
The number of bytes successfully read.
"On error, read returns?"
By default, what will happen if a call is made for len bytes, but no bytes are available for reading
The call will block
Non-blocking reads are possible using...?
Open the file with O_NONBLOCK and handle the EAGAIN errror
What does the signature of write look like?
"ssize_t write (int fd, const void *buf, size_t count); "
What is append mode?
"Writes always occur that the end of the file, not where the fd currently points. Even works with two concurrent writers"
"When a write returns, where is your data? On disk?"
"No, a write only takes your buffer and writes it into a kernel buffer. "
What is "writeback"
When the kernel takes all the "dirty" buffers and optimally writes them to disk
What if prior to writeback a read is issued for that data?
The request is then served from memory and not disk!
Can multiple processes dirty a buffer? Are buffers associated with a process?
Yes multiple processes can dirty a buffer. Buffers are not associated with a particular process
What is the maximum time a buffer can remain in memory before it is written out to disk?
"It's configurable, found in .../proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centiseconds"
Why would you want to use synchronized I/O?
If you care about when the data hits the disk.
How does fsync work?
Writes all dirty data buffers to disk for a given file
What is the signature of fsync?
int fsync(int fd);
What is sync
"Flushes ALL buffers, not just for one fd"
"Which runs faster, sync or fsync?"
"fsync, sync can take several minutes on a busy machine."
What is direct I/O?
"Bypassing the Kernel's I/O system (caching, buffers, etc...) and doing this all in user space. Some database systems roll their own I/O system."
How do you do direct I/O?
provide the O_DIRECT flag to open()
What does the O_DIRECT flag do?
Bypasses kernel buffers and loads data directly into the user-space buffer provided. All operations are synchronous (won't return until completed)
What is the signature of the function that closes a file?
int close (int fd);
What does a call to close() do?
Unmaps the file descriptor from the file and disassociates the process from the file.
"When close() is call, will a file be flushed to disk?"
No. Closing has no bearing on when this is done.
Can you move the file position around for a given file descriptor?
"Yes, using lseek()"
What is the signature for lseek()
"off_t lseek (int fd, off_t pos, int origin); "
what are the three values for lseek() origin?
How would you set the current file position to be at char 1875?
"ret = lseek (fd, (off_t) 1875, SEEK_SET); "
What is a 'hole'?
A padding of zeros (if you write passed the end of the file)
What is the pread function used for?
A variation on the read function that takes a file position as an argument.
Do pread and pwrite permanently change the file position?
"No, upon completion the file position is not updated."
Why is pread/pwrite preferable to lseek?
"Thread safe, it's possible for one app thread to call lseek(), then before it gets a chance to call read/write another app thread calls lseek and changes the position"
What system call would you use to truncate a file if you have a file descriptor?
Can you use ftruncate() or truncate() to make a file larger?
"Yes, if so, it is padded out with zeros."
Do the truncate calls update the current file position?
"These flags are defined where...O_RDONLY, O_WRONLY, or O_RDWR"
The functions for using variable arguments to a function is found in...
The structure that contains the list of variable arguments is of type...?
"To initialize va_list, you need to call...?"
How do you retrieve the value for the next argument?
"va_arg(va_list, type)"
What function ends the program?
"exit(1) (1 means error, 0 means success)"
Blocking on more than one file descriptor at a time (without the use of threads is known as what?
Multiplexed I/O
Why is multiplexed i/o preferable to non-blocking i/o for multiple file descriptors?
Non-blocking i/o causes you to read in a loop, continuously tying up resourses. Multiplexed i/o blocks, thus freeing up the processor.
What does select's signature look like?
int select (int n,
fd_set *readfds,
fd_set *writefds,
fd_set *exceptfds,
struct timeval *timeout);
What are the three interfaces for multiplexed i/o?
Select, poll and epoll
What is the timeout argument used for in select?
If the timeout arg is not null, the call will return after that time period if no fd's are ready for I/O
The first arg to select (n), what is that?
n is equal to the value of the highest valued file descriptor in any set, plus one
T or F, the timeval must be reinitialized after every call?
True, it must be reinitialized
The file descriptor sets used by select are implemented using what data structure?
bit arrays
How many bytes would you need to represent a range of 0 to 1024 file descriptors (1024 is the default)?
128 bytes
An file descriptor set (used by select) is of type...?
How can I clear all fd's from an fd_set called myset?
How can we add a file descriptor to a given set?
FD_SET(fd, &fd_set);
How can we remove a file descriptor from a given set?
FD_CLR(fd, &fd_set);
How can we check if a file descriptor is set?
FD_ISSET(fd, &fd_set));
On success, select returns what?
The number of fd's ready for I/O
Why use select as a portable subsecond-resolution sleep?
Implemented on lots of Unix systems, call would be select(0,NULL, NULL, NULL, &time);
What's the diff between select() and pselect()?
pselect does not reset the timeout param, so no need to reinitialize each time. And pselect uses the sigmask parameter.
What the signature of poll look like?
int poll (struct pollfd *fds, unsigned int nfds, int timeout);
Instead of using 3 fd_set structures like select(), epoll uses an array of what?
struct pollfd
What does a struct pollfd look like?
struct pollfd {
int fd; /* file descriptor */
short events; /* requested events to watch */
short revents; /* returned events witnessed */