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28 Cards in this Set

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what is lilo
its a boot loader
what are 3 components to a linux machine GUI
X server
Window Manager =
(Beryl, ice, sawfish)
Desktop environment =
(all point and click functionality...KDE, GNOME, CDE)
play around with all your options, settings and everything you can manipulate, if your worried about breaking something run linux from a LIVE CD.
Or use a VMWARE player and Vmware image of your choice of linux. (a vmware image is called a Vmware application in vmware terminology and called a template in Oracle virtual machine terminology as of 2009)
to mess with your linux GUI on a granual level you must use
(must be a capitol 'X' and You must be a superuser)
what does Xconfigurator change
changes the xf86 config file
where is the xf86config file
usually in /user/X11R6/lib/X11 or /ect/X11
go to XFree86 or view the readme file in the X11 directory
Having trouble with resolution video card settings and such. what do I edit
cd /ect/X11
vi X11
su (or sudo) nautilus
(browse to the X11 file and edit it accordingly)
monitor is not in your list in Xconfigurator
choose a custom monitor and enter your color depth and refreshrate (don't choose a refresh too high or a resolution too high just yet)
what is shell scripting
mini-program that has multiple linux commands stringed together. resolves repetitive tasks. sort of like a Macro in Windows.
every shell script ends in
all shell scripts start with a "shabang" what is this
#! <-- that is a shabang...the sharp symbol followed by the exclamation point...Sha# _ Bang!
what comes after the shabang.
the path to the shell script you want to use...for instance.
#! /bin/bash
any line that starts with the sharp sign (#) is what?
# a comment or note to the reader, author, update history ect...
show /print on your screen this statement:
"I am writing a short script"
echo "I am writing a short script"
echo "I am bashman, ahh ha ha"
now run your script after you have saved it in your script editor
bash yourfirstscript.sh
You just got a 'permission denied' error when trying to run your script. What do you do?
here you must change the file to execute permissions. with the following command

chmod 755 yourfirstscript.sh
chmod rwe yourfirstscript.sh
(if you don't know what this is refer to my other flash cards containing user permissions)
what is a variable
data or information that will be filled into the script like a name or number. Or like the answer to a question in a program.
insert a variable into your script
#! /bin/bash
echo "Hello $1."
When you run this script by typing...
./yourscript.sh Chris ...it will print to the screen Hello Chris
local variables are just a name assigned or an alias for a bunch of numbers...add a couple of local variables together.
#! /bin/bash

echo "the answer is $NUMBER3"
Is bash syntax and case sensitive?
what is the dollar sign ($) for?
it tells bash that you gave a name to a bunch of numbers and want to put them here for manipulation or adding, subt. whatever....with other variables.
for instance: varible_number=123, or the number 123 to be inserted here ($).
$varible_number ...will give the number 123 in it's place.
$varible_number + $another_number ...will add these bunch of numbers together.
using an 'if' 'else' conditional statement need a couple things.
if [ ].....brackets
.....$1 first vairable
if [$# ] .....number of variables $#

then echo '' sentense $0 script''...variable to enter in a sentence
exit.....the exit command
fi ...the end of the 'if' 'then' statement.
sample if-then statement to run the
du command in linux.
this command reminds the user to enter a user name if they have not done so. ELSE (if they did add a user name). It will execute the du command and state USERNAME is using ???? space in kilobytes.
the 'cut' command can be explained later...it is for aesthetic purposes and removes some text that is normally given with the du command.
if [$# -lt 1]
echo "you need at least 1 user name to the $0 script"
cd /home/$1
SPACE='du -s | cut -f 1'
echo "$1 is using $SPACE kilobytes"
what is in a bash 'While' Loop script
while [$# -ge 1 ]
(put your code here)
shift (useful in a while loop)
knowing C++ will help tremendously for bash. but the code is way different. name some functions in linux
[$# -lt 1]
if the variable is less than 1
[$# -gt 2]
if the variable is greater than 2
[$# -ge 3]
if the variable is greater than or equal to 3
where is the lilo boot loader file
cat /etc/lilo.conf
or /ect/lolo.conf.anaconda
depending on your flavor of Linux
What are these?
scsi disk one
scsi disk two
scsi disk one partition 1
scsi disk two partition 2
hard disk one
hard disk two
hard disk one partition 3
hard disk one partition 4

Linux lables disks as 'sd' for scsi, and
'hd' for hard disk...

a, b, c, ~z for additional disks of the same kind. followed by 1,2,3 ~99 for partitions on that disk.
sd_a, sdb, sdc
man lilo
or man GRUB
these are popular boot loaders. and work very similar. Grub seems to be more advanced and the preference for todays Ubuntu and Mandriva distros. (2009) but the concept is the same. Edit their ".conf" files for advanced boot configurations. multiple OS boots and so on. Or create a Boot disk with Grub.