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68 Cards in this Set

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(generalized massive edema)
Which observation indicates a urinary tract infection (UTI) in a school-age child?
Enuresis (bedwetting) along with urinary frequency
clinical manifestation of acute renal failure.
which is the most effective way to disinfect surfaces contaminated by blood spills
Sodium hypochlorite contains chlorine (bleach),
Which clinical manifestation is most indicative of Lyme disease in children?
annular red rings at the site of the bite.
Sudden onset of fever along with chills and diffuse myalgia is indicative of
Rocky Mountain spotted fever s/s
Severe vomiting along with chills and severe headache
Which person is most likely to have a significant positive response (greater than 9 mm) to the Mantoux test?
a person who has a history of tuberculosis
Chlamydia is diagnosed from
cultures of tissue from the infected area and by specific tests on urine and vaginal swab specimens.
Genital herpes is most accurately diagnosed by
isolation of the virus in tissue culture from the lesion.
Gonorrhea is diagnosed by
fluid analysis from infected mucous membranes, urinalysis, or gram stain.
Syphilis can be diagnosed by
the Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) or the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) blood tests that measure antibody production.
Which nursing diagnosis should receive priority in the plan of care for a three-month-old infant who has a salmonella infection?
Fluid volume deficit must be addressed as the priority before nutrition or psychological needs.
The incubation period for Neisseria gonorrhoeae is
only two to eight days after exposure.
Gonorrhea If symptoms do occur in men and women
they are usually dysuria in both men and women, with purulent discharge in men and increased vaginal discharge in women.
Gonorrhea is resistant to penicillin, but alternative antibiotics such as
cefixime (Suprax) or ciprofloxacin hydrochloride (Cipro) are often used.
Why is it particularly important for the nurse interviewing a patient with gonorrhea to identify the patient's sexual contacts
About 20% of men and 80% of women remain asymptomatic until the disease is advanced.
Clinical manifestations of pneumocystis carinii in a patient with AIDS include
pulmonary infiltrates on chest X ray, nonproductive cough, fever, and dyspnea.
3: Symptoms of skin pallor, wheezing, and night sweats are most often seen in patients with
initial clinical manifestations of salmonella infection.
Nausea and vomiting
initial clinical manifestations of infectious mononucleosis.
Headache and fatigue ar
initial clinical manifestations of shigella infection.
Fever and cramping abdominal pain
nitial clinical manifestations of Norwalk virus.
Anorexia and malaise
Which information in a patient's health history indicates that the patient is at risk for infection from hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is transmitted primarily through blood. A dentist is most likely to come in contact with contaminated blood from patients.
hepatitis ------ is transmitted by the fecal-oral route
is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. People who eat restaurant food frequently are more likely to come in contact with hepatitis A, especially if the restaurant employees do not practice careful handwashing.
nursing management of a patient with pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)?
The patient with PID is maintained on bed rest and is placed in semi-Fowler's position to facilitate dependent drainage.
Haemophilus otitis media is the result of
Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.
Complications of varicella include
encephalitis and other secondary bacterial infections.
Lobar pneumonia is often responsible for the development of
pleural effusions.
Which health problem often precedes the occurrence of rheumatic fever?
streptococcal pharyngitis
A positive response to which diagnostic test is the best indicator that a patient who is HIV seropositive has tuberculosis?
sputum specimen
Which is a clinical manifestation of herpes zoster (shingles)?
Herpes zoster lesions usually appear unilaterally on the face, trunk, and thorax.
an adverse reaction to sulfasoxazole (Gantrisin).
The patient should be encouraged to drink between 3,000 and 4,000 ml daily to prevent crystalluria. Gantrisin is given to decrease urine alkalinity.
A patient with a urinary tract infection (UTI) is seen at a community health center and amoxicillin trihydrate (Amoxil) is prescribed. Three days later, the laboratory report on the patient's urine specimen reads, "Bacterial count 150,000 colonies per mL. Sensitive to Amoxil. Which statement provides the best interpretation of this report?
he bacterial count is excessive. Since patient's infection is sensitive to Amoxil, and the therapy is working, it should be continued.
Natural immunity is also known as
innate immunity. It is a nonspecific, broad-spectrum response that most humans are born with.
Active acquired immunity is developed by
a person's own body and can be transferred in breast milk or across the placenta
Passive acquired immunity is
mporary immunity transmitted from another source that has developed immunity through immunization.
Acquired immunity develops as a result of
vaccination or contracting the disease.
Commercial food products such as hot dogs can carry
clostridium perfringens, but not salmonella.
The most common sources of salmonella transmission are
poultry and eggs. Cookie dough usually contains eggs and children enjoy eating it raw.
Milk, if not properly refrigerated, can cause food poisoning due
staph bacteria.
A three-year-old patient is admitted with sepsis and possible Haemophilus influenzae meningitis. Which action should the nurse take prior to initiating the prescribed antibiotic therapy? Appropriate antibiotics are administered immediately following
identification of the causative organism from blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid cultures.
Clinical manifestations of pneumonia include
chills with some form of respiratory distress that necessitates the use of accessory muscles for breathing. Inspiratory crackles which indicate lung consolidation are also present.
In pneumothorax, breath sounds are
Clinical manifestations of pulmonary abscess are
ever and a productive cough with moderate to copious amounts of foul smelling, often bloody, sputum. Dull chest pain, dyspnea, and weakness are also common.
Clinical manifestations of tuberculosis include
low grade fever, cough, night sweats, fatigue, and weight loss.
How does the herpes simplex virus, type 2 (HSV-2) survive in the body?
replication diminishes, the virus ascends the peripheral sensory nerves and remains inactive in the nerve ganglia.
Clostridium is a spore-forming bacterium. Its spores proliferate within the
intestine during dormant periods.
Chlamydia is a bacterium that requires attachment to
the host cell. It remains in the vagina and in an infected pregnant woman can infect an infant born
Syphilis, left untreated, can lead to
generalized infection including lymphadenopathy and can enter a period of latency in which further invasion of the lymphatic system occurs.
clinical manifestation of varicella (chicken pox).
Vesicular lesions on the trunk
Koplik's spots, which are small, irregular red spots with a minute bluish-white center, appear first on the buccal mucosa
two days before the rash in a patient with rubeola (measles).
classic sign in scarlet fever.
Strawberry appearance of the tongue
Nontender postoccipital nodes can occur in young children who
have a simple upper respiratory infection
Which vaccine is contraindicated for a child who is HIV seropositive and severely immunocompromised?
rubella, The rubella vaccine contains a live attenuated virus. This type of vaccine may result in development of the actual disease it is meant to prevent. A child who is HIV seropositive and severely immunocompromised should not be given this vaccine
: No live organism is used in preparing which three vaccines
tetanus. pertussis, hepatitis A vaccine
Trousseau's sign test for
Which nursing action should receive priority for a patient who is recovering from a total hip replacement?
An abductor pillow helps to prevent dislocation of the prosthetic hip.
Which nursing goal should receive priority for a patient in a full leg cast who is on prolonged bed rest?
Maintain skin integrity, The nursing diagnosis of Impaired skin integrity is primary among the four choices for a patient on prolonged bed rest, especially with the additional circumstance of a full leg cast.
A nurse is caring for a 29-year-old patient who is admitted with a spiral fracture of the femur resulting from a motor vehicle accident. The patient's pain seemed to decrease during the night. In the morning, the patient is restless and irritable. What further assessment would be of high priority?
Get an order to obtain blood gas,
A patient complains of pain in the right great toe 24 hours after a right above-the-knee amputation. What is the nurse's first action?
Placing the stump on a pillow can cause flexion contracture of the hip, recognizes that phantom limb pain, caused by altered sensory perceptions, is very real pain for the patient. Administer the prescribed narcotic analgesic.
Which injury of a child is most suggestive of physical abuse?
spiral fracture of the humerus, A spiral fracture of the humerus typically occurs as a result of abusive pulling or twisting of the arm.
Degenerative joint disease is
osteoarthritis, which is a wear-and-tear disease.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an
autoimmune disease.
Crohn's disease is a
disease of digestion and elimination
Which condition has clinical manifestations similar to those of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)?
rheumatoid arthritis
tibial fracture
there is pain, deformity, hematoma, and edema, and often deep tissue damage as well.
In a fracture of the femoral neck, the affected leg
is shortened and adducted. Such a fracture is confirmed by X ray, and transportation to the hospital by ambulance is advisable