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12 Cards in this Set

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Incorporating new knowlede into an existing framework.
Who is the father of Behaviorism?:
John Watson who introduced a white rat to a little child with a associated loud noise until the child feared the rat which advanced into the child being afraid of small while objects.
Who proposed operant conditioning and what is is?:
B.F. Skinner. People are reinforced for certain behaviors that result in positive pleasurable outcomes are likely to be repeated where as behaviors that result in unpleasant outcomes are not likely to be repeated.
Who developed the Psycho-Social theory and what is it?:
Erik Erickson. It focuses more on non-sexual crises or turning points that occur through-out the entire life-span. He said that personality development into adulthood.
What is the age and characteristics of Erik Erik-sons stage, " Trust vs Mistrust?":
0 to 18 months; infant either learns that his or her needs will be met or not met.
What is the age and characteristics of Erik Erik-sons stage, "Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt?":
18 months to 3 years; starts to assert independence; if prevented from autonomy by over protective parents he will doubt own skills.
What is the age and characteristics of Erik Erik-sons stage, "Initiative Vs Guilt"
3 to 5 years; learning to carryout tasks from planning to completion if not can feel irresponsible and guilty.
What is the age and characteristics of Erik Erik-sons stage, "Industry Vs Inferiority"
6 to 12 years; success at academic and other tasks makes the child feel productive; inferiority effects self-esteem.
What is the age and characteristics of Erik Erik-sons stage, "Identity Vs Identity Confusion":
12 to 18 years; adolescence must find them selves and set future goals or they feel adrift.
What is the age and characteristics of Erik Erik-sons stage, Intimacy versus isolation?
Early adult years, fusing one's identity with another and making a long term commitment is crucial for young adults. Those who are not ready for intimacy are often isolated.
What is the age and characteristics of Erik Erik-sons stage, generativity versus stagnation?
Middle adult years guiding the next generation, whether through helping one's own children or mentoring, provides life satisfaction.
What is the age and characteristics of Erik Erik-sons stage, Integrity versus despair?
Older adulthood, if upon looking back, the elder is satisfied with what he/she has done, a sense of integrity develops. If not, despair and regret ensue.