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59 Cards in this Set

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the study of the changes that occur in people form birth through old age

developmental psychology

what are developmental psychologists are interest in

the processes of change over time

a method of studying developmental changes by comparing people of different ages at about the same time

cross-section study

a group of people born during the same period in historical time


a method of studying developmental changes by evaluating the same people at different points in their lives

longitudinal studies

a method of studying developmental changes by reconstructing a person's past through interviews and interfering the effects of past events of current behaviors

biographical (or retrospective) study

development from conception to birth

prenatal development

a developing human between 2 weeks after conception and 3 months after conception


a developing human 3 months after conception and birth


toxic substances such as alcohol or nicotine that cross the placenta and may result in birth defects


a time when certain internal and external influences have a major effect on development; at other periods the same influences will have little or no effect

critical period

a disorder that occurs in children of women who drink alcohol during pregnancy; this disorder is characterized by facial deformities, heart defects, stunted growth, brain damage, and cognitive impairments

alcohol spectrum disorder

tendency to turn his or her head toward anything that touches its cheek

rooting reflex

tendency to suck on anything that enters the mouth

sucking reflex

enables the baby to swallow liquids with chocking

swallowing reflex

characteristic patterns of emotional reactions and emotional-self regulation


the acquisition of skills involving movement

motor development

average age at which skills are achieved

average age/developmental norms

the stage of cognitive develops object permanence and acquires the ability to form mental associations--> they start by applying reflexes to broad range of activities

sensory-motor stage

the concept that things continue to exist even when they are out of sight

object permanence

the individual becomes able to use mental representations and language to descibe, use mental representations and language to describe, remember and reason about the world though only in an egocentric position

pre-operational stage

mental images or symbols used to think about or remember an object a person or event

mental representation

representational thought lays round

fantasy play

unable to see things from another's point of view


individual can attend to more than one thing at a time understand someone else's point of view though thinking is limited to concrete matters

concrete-operational stage

the concept that the quantity of a substance is not altered y reversible changes in its appearance

principle of conservation

the individual becomes capable of abstract thought

formal-operation stage

tend to interpret behavior in terms of its concrete consequences

pre-conventional level

first defines right behavior as that which pleases or helps others and is approved by them

conventional level

emphasis on abstract principles such as justice, liberty, and equality

post-conventional level

kohlberg's theory is criticized because

many people never progress beyond the conventional level or moral reasoning ; does not consider cultural differences in moral values ; criticized as sexist

a baby's vocalization, consisting of repetitions of consonant-vowel combinations


the rising and lowering of pitch that allows adults to distinguish between questions and statements


one-word sentences commonly used by children under 2


a hypothetical neural mechanism for acquiring language that is presumed to be "wired into" all humans

language acquisition device

evolutionary forces that have shaped language

language instinct

the tendency in certain species to follow the first moving thing it sees after it is born/hatched


emotional bond that develops in the first year of life that makes human babies cling to their care givers for safety and comfort


fear of unfamiliar people that usually emerges around 7 months, reaching its peak around 12 months and declining during 2nd year

stranger anxiety

sense of independence; a desire to not be controlled by others


process by which children learn the behaviors and attitudes appropriate to their families and cultures


if a toddler fails to acquire a sense of independence and separateness from others, self-doubt may take root

autonomy v. shame and doubt

a network of same-aged friends and acquaintances who give each other emotional support and social support

peer group

children must master many increasingly difficult skills, social interactions, with peers being one of them

industry vs. inferiority

the unique aspects of the environment that are experienced differently by siblings, even though they are reared in the same family

non-shared enviornments

a little girl's knowledge that she is a girl and a little boy's knowledge that he is a boy

gender identity

the realization that gender does not change with age

gender constancy

knowledge of what is appropriate for each gender

gender-role awareness

general beliefs about characteristics that men and women are presumed to have

gender stereotypes

socially prescribed ways of behavior that differ for boys and girls

sex-typed behaviors

cognitive advances of adolescence as an increased ability to reason abstractly

formal operational thought

the development of a stable sense of self necessary to make the transition from dependence on others to dependence on oneself

identity formation

a period of intense self-examination and decision making; part of the process of identity formation

identity crisis

adolescents who have passed through identity crisis and succeed in making personal choices about their beliefs and goals

identity achievement

they have become what others want them to be without going through an identity crisis

identity foreclosure

they avoid considering role options in any way

identity diffusion

groups of adolescents with similar interests and strong mutual attachment


challenge of young adulthood

intimacy vs. isolation

challenge of middleadulthood

generatively vs. stagnation