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41 Cards in this Set

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Cells reproduce by a process called ?
A type of cell division that create eggs and sperm
Bronfenbrenners ecological theory in order.
microsystem contexts include?
family, schools, peers, neighborhoods. The individual helps construct the settings.
mesosystems contexts include?
school experiences, church experiences, family and peer experiences.
the exosystem consists of links where the individual has an _____ link?
inactive (an inactive role)
the macrosystem consists of?
the culture where an individual lives.
Normative history graded
biological and enviromental influences associated with historic events. (9/11)
normative age graded
environmental influences having to do with similar age group.
normative social-culture graded
impacts of a social group
non-normative life events
events that should not happen in a persons lifetime. (loss of someone before their time.)
active genotype environment effects focuses on?
a persons ability. Good at sports - plays sports. Good at math - follows math.
Passive genotype-environmental correlations occur due to?
parents pass on genetic predisposition. example parents are well read and provide books for their children.
Evocative genotype-environmental occur due to?
a child elicits certain types of environments. ie: a smiling child receives more social interaction.
Active genotype-environmental correlations occur due to?
When children seek out an environment that they feel comfortable in. ie: outgoing children seek out social interaction.
embryonic stage is when?
2 to 8 weeks
fetal stage is when?
8 weeks to birth.
A teratogen
a harmful substance that causes birth defects.
The puritan belief system believe that children are?
evil and stubborn
The locke- Tabula-rasa believe children are ?
blank slates shaped by experience
The rousseau: Nobel savages believe that children are?
naturally healthy and moral.
In operant conditioning a behavior is likely to reoccur if?
it is followed by a rewarding stimulus.
Social cognitive learning theory is?
learning through observation of a model.
The 4 stages of Piaget's theory?
concrete operational
formal operational
Store and transmit genetic information
segments of DNA located along the chromosomes.
Identical twins from the same zygote or (egg).
monozygotic twins
twins from two separate ovum.
dizygotic twins (fraternal)
sex of an infant is determined by what chromosome?
the fathers 23
Downs syndrome is caused by problems with the ?
21st pair of chromosome.
A genotype is a combination of genetic material that is?
present but not expressed
A phenotype
an observeable trait
Genetic transmission reflected by interaction of many different genes.
polygenic inheritance
lanugo is?
dark fuzz on a baby
vernix is
greasy stuff on a baby
preterm infants are born before?
38 weeks
low birth weight is below ?
5 1/2 lbs
Area in left frontal lobe involved in producing words
Brocas area
Area in left hemisphere involved in language comprehension.
Wernicke's area
A loss or impairment of language due to damage to the brain.
3 theories of language development.`