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91 Cards in this Set

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S/S of OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)
repeated rituals, anxiety occurs if obsessions or compulsions are resisted,
N/I of OCD
•Identify problems
•DO Not interrupt compulsive behaviors, allow pt to perform rituals unless cause harm to oneself, make schedule to distract
•encourage verbalization of compulsive disorder
S/S of Phobic Disorder
irrational fear of object or situation that a person recognizes as unreasonable, Panic level anxiety if object or situation cannot be avoided, defense mechanism are repression and displacement
I of Phobic Disorder
Stay with client while anxiety is high, Identify the anxiety allow client to speak about the object or situation Desensitize by gradually introducing feared object or situation,
DO NOT FORCE contact with object or situation
What is agoraphobia
fear of being alone in a public place where escape maybe difficult
What is Social Phobia I
fear of situation in which one might be embarrassed or criticized, and fear of making a fool out of oneself
S/S of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder)
After experiencing a psychological traumatic event, the individual re-expierences the event via recurrent dreams or flashbacks,
Emotional numbness, detachment, anxiety, sleep disturbance, hyperviligence, guilt, poor concentration
After experiencing a psychological traumatic event, the individual re-expierences the event via recurrent dreams or flashbacks,
Emotional numbness, detachment, anxiety, sleep disturbance, hyperviligence, guilt, poor concentration


Desensitation through gradual exposure,
Instruct pt in relaxation techniques,
Provide individual therapy that address loss of control issue or anger issue, Support groups,
S/S of dissociative disorder
- disruption in integrative function of memory, consciousness or identity.
- Associated to exposure to a traumatic event
N/I of dissociative disorder
- Develop a trusting relationship with client
- Encourage verbal expression of painful exposure, anxieties or concerns
- Explain methods of coping
- Identify sources of conflict
- Focus on clients strengths and skills
- Provide nondemanding simple routines
Types of Dissociative Disorders
Multiple personality, Amnesia, Fugue, Depersonalization Disorder
What is multiple personality
2 or more fully developed distinct and unique personality within the person
- personalities may take full control of the client one at a time
- Personalities may or may not be aware of each other.
What is Fugue
- Assumption of a new identity in a new environment
- disorder may occur suddenly
What is Depersonalization Disorder
- altered self perception in which one's own reality is lost or changed
S/S of Ulcerative Colitis
- Anorexia, wt loss, Malaise, Abd tender and cramping, severe diarrhea may contain blood and mucus, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, anemia, vit K deficiency, increased bowel sounds
N/I of ulcerative colitis
- Acute Phase: NPO status, IV and electrolyte possibly TPN
- restrict pt activity to reduce intestinal activity
- monitor bowel sounds
- After acute phase diet progress from clear liquid to low residue diet
- Avoid gas forming foods
- Administer bulk forming agents to decrease diarrhea
- Administer drugs to prevent infection and reduce inflammation
What is Ulcerative colitis
- Inflammatory disease of bowel that results in poor absorption of nutrients
- colon becomes edematous and may develop bleeding lesions and ulcers
- scar tissue develops and causes loss of elasticity
What is Gastric Ulcer?
- Ulceration in Mucosal wall of the stomach, that is accessible to gastric secretions erosion may extend through the muscle
- Predisposing factors are stress, smoking, use of corticosteroids, NSAIDS, alcohol, HX of Gastritis
- Complaints of hemorrhage, perforation and pyloric obstruction
S/S of Gastric Ulcer
Gnawing sharp pain on or left of the midepigastric region 1-2 hours after eating.
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Hematemesis
N/I of Gastric Ulcer
- Monitor vital signs and for signs of bleeding
- Administer small frequent bland feedings
- Admin. histamines to reduce secretion of Gastric Acid
- Admin. Antacids
- Admin Anticholinergenics to reduce gastric motility
- Admin. mucosal barrier protectants as prescribed 1 hour before meal
What is Anorexia Nervosa
- Onset is often associated with stressful life event.
- pt. intensely fears obesity
- body image is distorted has a disrupted self concept
- preoccupied with foods that prevent weight gain
- can be life theatning
- self induced wt. loss greater than 15% of normal weight for age and ht.
S/S of Anorexia Nervosa
- vary depending on severity of illness
- wt loss greater than 15% of normal weight
- Bradycardia, hypotension, cold intolerance, hypothermia, dry skin, constipation, ABD pain
- psychological manifestations include perfectionist and OCD with high performance expectations
- anxiety increased exercise activity, inhibited or destructive social interactions
N/I of Anorexia Nervosa
Asses pt. nutritional status
- Establish contract concerning the diet plan
- Assist pt. in Identifying preceptors of the eating disorder
- Encourage behavior modifications technique
- record I & O
- set time limit on meal time
- weight pt daily
- asses and limit pt activity level
What is Bulimia Nervosa
- Pt indulges in eating binges followed by purging behavior
- most pts remain within normal wt limits but are dominated by eating related conflict
- use of self induced vomiting, excessive laxatives, diuretics, fasting, excessive exercise
S/S of Bulimia Nervosa
Preoccupied with body weight
_ consumes high calorie food in secret
- Binge Purse syndrome
- Lower self esteem
- Poor interpersonal relationship
- mood swings
N/I of Bulimia Nervosa
- same as anorexia
- nutritional plan
- balanced diet
What is schizophrenia
group of mental disorders characterized by psychotic factors, inability to trust others, disordered thought process, and disrupted interpersonal relationships
- Disturbance in affect, mood, behavior, and thought process
Factors related to schizophrenia
Genetic - if one parent is affected 19% child will, if both parents affected 39% child will
- Biochemical , Dopamine, Norepi, serotonin may have a role
- psychosocial factors , interpersonal theory proposes lack of a warm nurturing relationship in early years of life
S/S of schizophrenia
Disheveled appearance, body image disturbance, preoccupied with somatic complaints
- catatonic posturing, catatonic excitement, movements may be repetitive, motor activity increase
- mistrust, view world as unsafe and threatening display feelings of helplessness, anxiety, anger
- compulsive rituals, abnormal thought process
Nursing Diagnosis for Schizophrenia
- altered thought process related to perceptual and cognitive distortions
- social isolation related to inability to trust
- risk for activity intolerance related to adverse reactions to meds
- risk for violence self directed or toward others
N/I of schizophrenia
- provide pt with honest and consistent feedback
- avoid challenging the content of pts behavior
- focus on pts behavior
- administer meds
Evaluate outcome criteria for pts with schizophrenia
- exhibits improved reality orientation, concentration and attention span
- communicates with family and shift in a clear manner without evidence of loose thinking
- maintain personal hygiene
What is Autism
- severe mental disorder before the age of 3
- Impairment in reciprocal social interaction, and in verbal and non verbal communication
- cause unknown and prognosis is poor
S/S of Autism
- Disturbance in the rate and appearance of physical and social and language
- Abnormal response to body sensations
- Abnormal ways of relating to people or objects
- Child may play happy alone for hours but disturb him and he will throw a temper tantrum
- Language disturbance often includes repetition of previously heard words
N/I of Autistic Child
Determine child’s routine and habits and preferences and maintain
- Facilitate communication through picture board
- Evaluate for safety
- Monitor for stress and anxiety
- Initiate referrals to special programs
S/S of paranoid Disorder
- suspicious and mistrustful
- emotionally distant
- distorts reality
- poor insight
- Hyperviligence
- Low self esteem
- Evasive
Nursing Diagnosis for pts with paranoid Disorder
- Altered thought process to perceptual and cognitive distortions
- Social Isolation related to inability to trust
- Risk for activity intolerance related to adverse reactions
- Ineffective individual coping related to misinterpretation
- Risk for violence
N/I for paranoia Pts
- Assess suicide risk
- Diminish suspicious behavior
- Establish trusting relationship
- Promote increased self esteem
- Follow through on commitment made to pt
S/S of hostility
- Hx of violence or self harm
- poor impulse control and low tolerance of frustration
- defiant argumentation
- verbal threats
- Increase in pacing and agitated
- muscle rigidity
- flushed face
- glaring
- Loud voice
N/I of hostility
- Acknowledge Anger
- Set limits on behavior
- listen actively and assist pt to deal with consequences of anger
- provide safety for expressing anger and to safety of others
4 types of Cirrhosis
Post necrotic
Biliary Cirrhosis
Cardiac Cirrhosis
Late s/sx of Cirrhosis
(Decreased liver size scar Tissue)
Ascites d/t decreased albumin
Spider angioma
gastrointestinal. varices
Clotting dysfunction.
Pruritus d/t accumulation of bile salts
Hepatic encephalophy or coma
What are some Clinical Manifestations of Hepatic Coma
Neuro: Disoriented,confusion,personality changes, memory loss, Dec.loc,dec. motor activity,
Positive Babinski reflex
Asterixis or flapping tremor of the hands.
EEG slowing brain waves
breath odor SULFUR
What is given to Dec. ammonia level
the lactulose traps the ammonia in the intestine.
Diet for hepatic coma (if pt can eat)
high-carb,low-protein,low fat
What is the best position for pt w/ hepatic coma
semi-fowler's or fowler's supporting arms w/ pillows.
if pt. is on lactulose what labs should be monitored.
sodium and potassium
acute inflammation and infection of the gallbladder
when eating fatty foods what hormone is secreted by the small intestines?
What is the time period (age) for Freud's Anal Stage?
18 months to 3 years
What is the time period (age) for Freud's Oral Stage?
Birth to 18 months
What is the time period (age) for Freud's Phallic Stage?
3 years to 6 years
What is the time period (age) for Freud's Latency Stage?
6 years to puberty
What is the time period (age) for Freud's Genital stage ?
puberty – on
What would be characteristic of someone who had unresolved issues from Freud's Anal stage?
Too clean and orderly or too messy
What would be characteristic of someone who had unresolved issues from Freud's Oral stage?
Eating, biting nails, smoking
What would be characteristic of someone who had unresolved issues from Freud's Phallic stage?
confused sexual identity
What is the Oedipus Complex?
Psychological theory where males are attracted to women like their mother
What is the Electra Complex?
Psychological theory where females are attracted to men like their father
At what age does Erickson’s struggle of Trust vs. Mistrust occur?
Birth to age 1
At what age does Erickson’s struggle of Identity vs. Role Confusion occur?
At what age does Erickson’s struggle of Initiative vs. Guilt occur?
3 to 6 years
At what age does Erickson’s struggle of Intimacy vs. Isolation occur
Young adulthood
At what age does Erickson’s struggle of Generativity vs. stagnation occur?
Middle adulthood
At what age does Erickson’s struggle of Ego Integrity vs. despair occur?
Senior citizen age
At what age does Erickson’s struggle of Industry vs. Inferiority occur?
6 to puberty
At what age does Erickson’s struggle of Autonomy vs. shame/doubt occur?
1 to 3 years
Unresolved issues during Erickson’s stage of autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt would result in?
overly dependent, low self-esteem
Unresolved issues during Erickson’s stage of Trust vs. Mistrust would result in?
Suspicious and mistrusting
Unresolved issues during Erickson’s stage of Initiative vs. Guilt would result in?
Being followers, self-limiting
Unresolved issues during Erickson’s stage of Industry vs. Inferiority would result in?
self-doubt, inferiority
Unresolved issues during Erickson’s stage of Identity vs. Role Confusion would result in?
confusion about self
Unresolved issues during Erickson’s stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation would result in?
loneliness, depression
Unresolved issues during Erickson’s stage of Generativity vs. stagnation would result in?
unproductive feelings
Unresolved issues during Erickson’s stage of Ego Integrity vs. despair would result in?
antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
AKA vasopressin
synthesized in hypothalamus
stored & secreted by posterior pituitary
decrease = diabetes insipidus
increase = syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)
diabetes insipidus
caused by ADH deficiency usually due to tumors/trauma to pituitary gland
occasionally caused by pt drinking large amounts of water in absence of true disease
S/S: polyuria - nocturia - high serum osmolality - low urine osmolality - decreased urine specific gravity – polydipsia
surgical removal of pituitary gland
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH)
*results from too much ADH in body causing excess water to be reabsorbed by kidney tubules & collecting ducts
*results in decreased urine output & fluid overload
*certain cancers, several drugs, and head trauma or surgery can cause SIADH
*S/S: weight gain - serum osmolality less than 275 mOsm/kg - concentrated urine - muscle cramps & weakness - lethargy - seizures – coma
growth hormone (GH)
AKA somatotropin
responsible for normal growth of bones, cartilage, & soft tissue
synthesized & secreted by anterior pituitary
excess = acromegaly
deficit = dwarfism
abnormal increase in number of cells in tissue/organ
is NOT a tumor
Triiodothyronine (1____) and thyroxine (2_____) are secreted by the 3_____ gland. These hormones may be collectively referred to as 4_____ 4_____ (TH). Deficient secretion of these hormones results in 5_____; excess TH results in 6_____.
1 T3
2 T4
3 thyroid
4 thyroid hormone
5 hypothyroidism
6 hyperthyroidism
hypothyroidism occurring in infancy
hypothyroidism that develops in an adult
occurs when thyroid gland fails to produce enough TH despite enough TSH being secreted
cause can be due to congenital defect, inflammation, iodine deficiency, autoimmune dx, postpartum pituitary necrosis
S/S: reduced metabolism - fatigue - weight gain - Bradycardia - constipation - mental dullness - feeling cold - SOB - dry skin & hair - water retention
excessive amounts of circulating thyroid hormone

increases metabolism, number of beta-adrenergic receptor sites & activity of NE resulting in 'fight-or-flight' response

S/S: heat intolerance - increased appetite w/weight loss - increased bowel movements - nervousness - tremor – tachycardia
thyrotoxic crisis
AKA thyroid storm
severe hyperthyroid state that can occur in hyperthyroid pts who are untreated or who are experiencing another illness or stressor
can result in death in as little as 2 hrs if untreated
Chvostek's sign
method for assessing pt for hypocalcemia
tap on pt's facial nerve just in front of ear - spasm of face = + hypocalcemia
Trousseau's sign
method for assessing pt for hypocalcemia
place sphygmomanometer on pt's arm & pump to above pt's systolic pressure - spasm of thumb & fingers occurs w/i 3 min if pt has hypocalcemia
adrenal medulla
part of adrenal gland

secrete epinephrine & norephinephrine
secretion stimulated by sympathetic impulses from hypothalamus during stress
produced in adrenal cortex
most abundant of glucocorticoids
stimulates liver to change glucose to glycogen - increases conversion of excess amino acids to carbs - increases use of fats for energy - has anti-inflammatory effect by blocking histamine & stabilizing lysosomes in cells
stimulus for secretion is ACTH from anterior pituitary gland (brought on by stress)