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15 Cards in this Set

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Salivary amylase

It breaks down strach into simple sugar

Amoeba nutrition

It forms finger like projections called pseudopodia , which fuses over the food making a food vacuole and complex substances are broken down and diffuse into the cytoplasm


It has a definite shape and specific spot for food to enter, the food is brought there via cilia all over the body

Where is saliva secreted from

Salivary gland

Gastric glands

Secrets pepsin,HCl and mucus. -Mucus protects the inner lining of stomach from acid

-HCL makes the stomach acidic for pepsin to work better

-pepsin digests protein


Protein digestion


Breaks down emulsifies fats

Liver function

It secrets bile juice to make the small intestines alkaline so that the digestive juice can act on the food

- it also secrets bile salts that break down fat globules

How is food secreted from the stomach

Through the sphincter muscle

Why do herbivores have a longer small intestine

Because meat is easier to digest then cellulose

Glucose formula

6Co2 + 12H2o --> C6H12O6 +6H20 + 6o2

What hormones does the pancreas repease

It releases insulin for regulating blood sugar

What does the pituitary do

It takes care of growth hormones

What happens during adrenaline

Heart beats faster

Blood pressure is higher

Muscles get more air

Lungs breathe faster

Pupils become inlarged

What is xylem made of

Xylem is made of dead cells