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30 Cards in this Set

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1. How did Jesus begin His Galilean ministry?
Began His ministry by preaching about the Kingdom of God to all and to repent and then Kingdom would be imminent.
2. When Jesus visited the synagogue at Nazareth and was asked to read and speak from the Old Testament, from what passage did He read? What did He proclaim in light of that passage?
He read from Isaiah 61: 1-2. He proclaimed that Isaiah's prophecy was about Him and He was the Mesiah.
3. When Jesus rebuked the Jewish audience at the synagogue for their unbelief, to which two O/T prophets did He refer to illustrate Israel's resistance against God? Why did this reference infuriate them?
Rebuked them and refered to the two prophets Elijah and Elisha ministered to Gentiles because of the resistance they faced in Israel. The suggestion that God was more concerned about Gentiles than Jews infuriated the Jewish audience.
4. Where was Jesus' home base for His Great Galilean ministry?
4. In Capernaum
5. Who were the four fishermen who Jesus called to leave their occupations and pursue bigger fish-men?
Simon (Peter)
6. In order for Israel to recognize Him as Messiah-King, what did Jesus proclaim throughout His tour of Galilee? How did Jesus give proof for this?
He proclaimed His works were not His own but of His father. His miracles proved His diety.
7. What two aspects stand out from the account of Jesus exorcising a demon-posessed man?
1. Jesus had cast the demon out of the man with His own authority.
2. Jesus triumph over the Kingdom of darkness.
8. What passage summarizes Christ's strategy in establishing His authority, and what does it say?
Mark 1:40-45
He healed the man with Leprosy to make him clean and ordered him to keep silent but go to a priest and testify Jesus power. He disobeyed Jesus and told everyone.
9. When Jesus said that He had forgiven the sins of the paralyzed man, why were the Pharisees and teacher of the Law outraged? What did they charge against Jesus and why? How did Jesus respond to them in light of their accusations?
Charged Blastphemy against Jesus because they believed only God could forgive sins.
In response, Jesus healed the paralytic.
10. In spite of the objections of the religious leaders, how did the rest of the audience respond to Jesus' healing of the paralyzed man?
They were amazed and gave praise to God. They knew they witnessed an unusual demonstration.
11. Why did the Pharisees and scribes protest against Jesus dining with Matthew and his friends? how did Jesus respond to them?
Protested because He was eating with tax collectors and sinners.
Jesus responded and said, "It is not the healthy that need a doctor but the sick."
12. According to the Jewish religious establishment, what was the most important evidence of a person honoring the Mosaic Law?
Evidence of honoring the Mosaic Law was keeping the Sabbath.
13. Besides the violation of the traditional Sabbath, what did Jesus claim to be that unsettled the religious leaders?
Jesus claim to call God His Father and the Jews were upset.
14. What did Jesus do before He chose the twelve.
He spent the night in prayer with the father.
15. In appointing the twelve apostles, why was Jesus' choice of this numbering so significant?
Significant for the 12 tribes of Israel.
1. When Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is near," He meant that the kingdom had come in all its fullness.
False= Kingdom is w/i grasp of the nation, fullness is still future.
2. When the Jews accused Jesus of having broken the Sabbath, it is important to keep in mind that Jesus did not break any laws of Scripture but the Jewish oral teaching of the law.
3. Jesus was rejected by the Jews in the synagogue at Nazareth because He healed a man who was demon posessed.
False= The suggestion that God was more concerned about Gentiles infuriated them.
4. The summary that matther gives of Jesus" ministry in Galilee includes teaching, prayer, and healing
False= Includes more than that.
5. The remarkable feature of Jesus' delivering a man from demon possession in the synagogue at Capernaum is that He commanded the demon to come out of the man in the name of God His Father.
False= Jesus commanded him to come out on His own not using God the father.
6. What was so remarkable about Jesus' healing of the man with leoprosy was that when Jesus touched the man, instead of becoming unclean Himself, Jesus healed the man and pronounced him "clean."
7. The healing of the paralyzed man who was brought to Jesus by his two friends was a double miracle of healing and forgiving the mans sins.
8. The Jews accused Jesus of blasphemy because when He healed the man who was brought to him on a stretcher, He commended the man and his friends for their faith in Him.
False= They accused Him of blasphemy because He forgave his sins and healed the paralysed man.
9. no question
no question
10. The reason the Jews were upset about the healing of the man who had ben an invalid for thirty-eight years is because Jesus also told him that his sins were forgiven.
False= Because He healed him on the sabbath then told him to go and carry his mat.
11. In the statement, "it is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick...For I have not come to call the righteous but sinners," the amazing truth is that God loves and saves sinners as sinners.
12. In responding to the Pharisees' criticism of the healing of the lame man, Jesus gave a message in which He claimed equality with His father because, like God, Jesus also had authority to do acts of compassion on the Sabbath.
T= He said just as His Father is always working, so is He.
13. The Pharisees criticized Jesus' disciples for picking and eating grain from a farmer's field because they considered it stealing.
False= It was considered reaping and threashing and they didnt eat the grain they rubbed it together.
14. Before Jesus chose the Twelve, He spent the entire night in prayer.
15. Jesus' choosing of twelve apostles was significant because it symbolized that He had come as Israel's King.