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39 Cards in this Set

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606 BC

Babylon 1st deportation of Jews from Israel. Daniel taken captive


Babylon's 2nd deportation of Jews from Israel. Ezekiel taken captive

586 BC

Babylon's 3rd deportation of Jews from Israel. Jerusalem & temple destroyed

No protection

536 BC

First group of Jews return to Israel

516 BC

Temple rebuilt and dedicated (beginning the 2nd temple period)

There are two ways to account for the seventy years of exile predicted in Jeremiah 25:12

1) exile (capture/returned) 606-536

2) temple (destroyed/rebuilt) 586-516

3 important developments within Judaism

1) the rise of the synagogue

2) the beginning of oral law (rabbinic traditional interpretation of Torah)

3) the establishment of Aramaic as the primary language for business and international relations


Bible translated into Greek

167 BC

Antiochus IV turns the temple into the temple of Zeus, sacrifices swine on it, demands everyone does it, prohibits circumcision and Sabbath observance

63 BC

Roman General pomp pompey invaded Israel and Jerusalem, profaned the temple entering the Most Holy Place and ended Jewish independence

47 BC

Antipater helps Roman imperial troops in Alexandria, Julius Caesar reduces Israel's taxes, allows them to rebuild the cities walls, fortify other cities, and gave unique freedom of religion

37 BC

Herod vied power and began his 33 year reign. High priesthood stayed separate institution.


End of Herod's reign

70 AD

Temple razed by Roman invasion

5 factors that led to the growth of Christianity

1) the pax Romana- gave the empire rest from war over its huge expanse and over a long period of time

2) the Greek language-while Latin was the official language of Rome and was prevalent in Italy, Greek was the common language in the empire

3) travel/communication- the most advanced road, mail, and communication systems of antiquity were in the empire

4) cosmopolitan spirit-especially in the cities, the national boundaries were transcended and tribal distinctions were broken down

5) political and cultural unification- the cultural barriers that stopped the spread of new worldviews were largely eliminated


Matter is evil and spirit is good


Pantheistic, realize what you can and can't control, avoid extremes, remain in harmony



Materialist, death is the end of existence, maximum pleasure, minimum pain.

Traditional mythology

Greeks pantheon of gods


Greek philosophy + Christianity

Emperor worship

Act of patriotism and acknowledging authority

Mystery religions

Secret religious organizations, cults usually unrelated to each other


People of the land

Antiochus Epiphanes

Increased taxes, promoted hellenization, and proclaimed himself God


Outer lands


Pious and holy


Non Jew


Opposite of hasmonean idea of meeting the king and protest rule in Israel's leader


Wanted to merge the priest and leader of Israel



Mattathias Maccabes

Ordered to sacrifice at an unlawful alter, organized rebel fighters, died 166


Separatist, tried to explain every law


Invade Israel and Jerusalem 63BC, entered the Most Holy Place and declared the Jews atheist, ended Jewish independence


Leader of the Egyptian or southern half of Israel


Supported hasmoneans and hellenization. Wealthy aristocrats. Mostly priestly families. Corrupt


People of Samaria


Supreme court. Legislative body. 71 men. Pharisees and Sadducees.

Septuagint/ LXX

Greek old testament


Became formal party in late AD 70. Good honored military efforts. Pursued guerrilla warfare. Social activists