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111 Cards in this Set

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Fibrous Pericardium
Inelastic and anchors heart in place
Serous Pericardium
double layer around heart
Parietal Layer
--layer of the serous pericardium
--fused to fibrous pericardium
Visceral Layer
--layer of the serous pericardium
--inner layer tat adheres tightly to the heart
Pericardial fluid
Fills the serous pericardium and reduces friction during beating of the heart
Outer layer of the heart wall
Cardiac muscle of the heart wall
--two separate networks via gap junctions in intercalated discs (atrial and entricular)
--networks contact as a unit
--Squamous epithelium
--lines inside of the myocardium
Three layers of the heart wall
2 upper chambers of the heart
--between is interatrial septum
--contains fossa ovalis (remnant of foramen ovalis)
2 lower chambers
--between in interventricular septum
Wall thickness depends on ...
--work load
--Atria is the thinnest
--Right ventricle pumps to lungs & is thinner than the left
Superior and Inferior Vena Cavae
--delivers deoxygenated blood to right atrium from body
Coronary sinus
drains heart muscle veins
Path of deoxygenated blood
vena cavae (coronary sinus)--right atrium--right ventricle--through pulmonary trunk--R&L Pulmonary ARTERIES --lung
Path of oxygenated blood
pulmonary VEINS--light atrium--left ventricle--ascending aorta--body
Ligamentum arteriosum
between the pulmonary trunk & aortic arch

Fetal ductus arteriosum remnant
Designed to prevent back flow in response to pressure changes
Atrioventricular (AV) valves
between atria and ventricles
Tricuspid Valve
Between the right atria and right ventricle

has 3 cusps
Bicuspid valve

mitral valve
Bicuspid valve
between the left atrium and left ventricle
Semilunar valves
--located near origin of aorta & pulmonary trunk
--"aortic & pulmonary valves"
Coronary Circulation
blood flow through vessels in myocardium
Left and Right Coronary arteries
--branch from aorta
--branch to carry blood throughout muscle
Deoxygenated blood is collected by the
coronary sinus (posterior) and empties into the right atrium
Pacemaker and Conduction system
1% of cardiac muscle generate action potentials
--normally begins at SA Node
Pacemaker and Conduction System sequence
-SA Node
--Atrium contract
--AV node slows
--AV bundle (Bundle of His)
--Purkinje Fibers (bundle branches)
--Apex and up
--ventricles contract
--Depolarize spontaneously
--SA Node ~100x/min
--AV Node ~40-60x/min
in ventricle ~20-35x/min
***fastest one runs the heart = pacemaker
--NORMALLY the SA node
Electrovardiogram -- what is it?
Recording of currents from cardiac conduction on skin
--EKG or ECG
ECG/EKG waves
QRS complex
-atrial depolarization
-contraction begins right after peak
-repolarization is masked in QRS
QRS complex
Ventricular repolarization
--contraction of ventricle
Ventricular repolarization
--just after ventricles relax
Cardiac Cycle - after T-Wave
"Ventricle diastole"
-ventricular pressure drops below atrial
--AV valves open
--ventricular filling occurs
Cardiac Cycle - After P-Wave
"Atrial Systole"
--finishes filling ventricle (~25%)
Cardiac Cycle - After QRS
"Ventricle Systole"
--Pressure pushes AV valves closed
--Pushes semilunar valves open and ejection occurs
--Ejection until ventricle relaxes enough for atrial pressure to close semilunar valves
Action Potential
--Review Muscle
--Heart has addition of External Ca2+
--Creates a plateau
--Prolonged depolarized period
--Can NOT go into tetanus
Cardiac Cycle
1) Relaxation period
2) Atrial systole
3) Ventricular systole
Cardiac output
=liters/min pumped
Heart Rate
Stroke Volume
Frank-Starling Law
--"degree of stretch"
-increase diastolic volume increases strength of contraction, which results in increased SV (stroke volume)
--Increased venous return --> increased SV
High back pressure in artery --> ?
decreased SV (stroke volume)
--slows semilunar valve opening
Controls HR
--Pacemaker adjusted by nerves
--Sensory input for control
How is HR controlled by nerves
cardiovascular center is in the medulla oblongata which adjusts the pacemaker
How HR is controlled by the parasympathetic system
ACh slows

VIA vagus nerve
How HR is controlled by the sympathetic system
norepinephrine speeds HR
How HR is controlled by sensory input
--BARORECEPTORS (aortic arch & carotid sinus) BP
How hormones control HR
--Epinephrine & norepinephrine increase HR
--Thyroid hormones stimulate HR
How IONS control HR
--increased Na+ or K+ decrease HR & contraction force
--Increased Ca2+ increases HR & contraction force
--carry blood away from heart
1) Elastic: large
2) Muscular: distribution to organs
3) Arterioles: Distribution to capillaries
Arterioles: BP
the smooth muscles of arterioles help regulate blood pressure
thin-walled for diffusion
--carry blood back to heart
1) Venules: from capillaries
2) Veins from tissues --> Vena cavae-->heart
Three layers of blood vessels
external, middle and inner
the three layers of the blood vessel
Arteries: structure
have a thicker tunica media
--elastic tissue and/or muscle
veins: structure
--larger lumen, thinner walls
--valves prevent backflow
Venules: structure
very thin, no valves
--sympathetic activity to smooth muscle
--decreased sympathetic activity = relaxation
Arterioles: function
adjust flow into capillaries
Capillaries: Function
Sites of gas exchange
Systemic venules and veins: function
serve as blood reservoirs
--hold ~ 64% total blood volume
Capillaries are composed of
Capillary filling is controlled by
small arterioles and precapillary sphincters
Auto Regulation
ability of a tissue to adjust blood flow into the area according to demands
Slowest rate of flow is through
the capillaries
--allows for time to exchange through wall
How does blood pressure affect capillary exchange
pushes out of capillary
--permits filtration of fluid out of capillary
--mostly in first half of capillary network
Colloid osmotic pressure
--pulls into capillary
--Plasma proteins create this "pulling" pressure
--Causes reabsorption of fluid from outside to inside
Balance of BP and osmosis determines
--fluid in circulation
--excess fluid returned via lymphatic system
--local signals can adjust capillary flow (autoregulation)
Mechanisms of venous Return
--blood enters veins at very low pressure
--skeletal muscle contractions
How does blood entering vein at low pressure affect venous return
inadequate to overcome gravity and return blood to heart
how does skeletal muscle contractions affect venous return
--contracting skeletal muscles (especially in lower limbs) squeeze veins emptying them
--because of venous valves, flow is towards heart
Respiratory pump
--similar to skeletal muscle contractions
--inhalation decreases thoracic pressure and increases abdominal pressure --> blood to heart
--exhalation allows refilling of abdominal veins
Down Pressure Gradient
Blood flowing from high pressure area to a lower pressure area
Greater gradient =
greater flow
BP is highest in

*pulses in large arteries
BP declines as ...
it flows through more vessels
Arterioles: drop in BP--why?
due to smooth muscle contraction --> vasoconstriction
Factors that regulate blood flow and BP
1) Blood volume and ventricular contraction --> cardiac output
2) Vascular resistance
Vascular Resistance
opposition to flow (depends on lumen diameter and vessel length + blood viscosity
Small lumen with vasoconstriction =
greater resistance
Greater vessel length with weight gain =
greater resistance
Higher viscosity as wit high hematocrit =
greater resistance
Cardiovascular Center is located in the
Medulla oblongata
Cardiovascular center helps regulate
-Heart Rate
-Stroke volume
-blood pressure
-blood flow to specific tissues
Mechanisms of the Cardiovascular Center
--By neural mechanisms
--By hormonal mechanisms
Cerebral cortex
thoughts, decisions
Limbic System
changes in temperature or blood volume-->blood flow adjusted accordingly
Input to Cardiovascular Center - why?
to inform brain that BP should be altered
Input from sensory receptors and nerves
proprioceptors, barorecepors, chemoreceptors
monitor movements of joints and muscles
--causes HR to increase as exercise begins, which increases cardiac output, which increases BP
Baroreceptors and sympathetic
in aorta and carotid
--IF BP decrease, the there's an increase in sympathetic stimulation, which increases CO, which increase BP
Baroreceptors and parasympathetic
IF BP decreases, there's a decrease in parasympathetic, increase in CO, and an increase in BP
in aorta and carotid bodies
--If low O2, high CO2, or high H+, increase resistance by increase vasoconstriction, and increase in BP
Input to cardiovascular center happens through
nerve impulses
Input to cardiovascular center: 4 ways...
--higher brain centers
Types of circulatory routes
Systemic circulation
oxygenated blood travels from heart throughout body, deoxygenating as it goes
all systemic arteries branch from
All systemic veins empty into:
vena cava
Inferior vena cava
coronary sinus
Pulmonary Circulation
carries blood from right side of heart to lungs to get O2 and eliminate CO2
Route of Pulmonary Circulation
RV--Pulmonary trunk--R/L pulmonary arteries--both lungs--pulmonary capillaries--R/L pulmonary veins--L atrium
Function of Pulmonary capillaries
gas exchange in lungs
Hepatic Portal Circulation
Portal veins -- GI organs -- Splenic and superior mesenteric veins -- hepatic portal vein -- sinusoids -- hepatic vein -- inferior vena cava
Portal Vein
transports blood from one organ's capillary bed to another
"leaky capillaries" in live
--mixes deoxygenated with oxygenated blood
Fetal Circulation
specialized for exchange of materials with maternal blood and bypass of lungs