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69 Cards in this Set

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Handling your own pain by helping others.
redirecting unacceptable, instinctual drives into personally and socially acceptable channels
discharging pent up feelings, hostility on others less dangerous than those that originally aroused the emotion
reaction formation
transforming anxiety-producing thoughts into their opposites in consciousness
putting your own beliefs or behavior unto someone else
shifting your anger or resentment into physical complaints
identifying with another so strongly that one absorbs that aspect into his/her own personality
grossly reshaping external reality to suit inner needs and/or beliefs
copying people you look up to
returning to more primitive levels of behavior
blocking a threatening memory from consciousness
refusing to admit that something unpleasant is happening
a temporary but drastic modification of character or sense of personal identity to avoid emotionally distress
making up for weaknesses by doing good in others
feelings for one person are transferred to another.
kohlbergs stages of moral development (3 stages)
1. Premoral- 0-7 yrs - punishment; obedience (level 1)
2. Conventional morality- 7-13 yrs- knowledge of right and wrong (level 2)
3. Post Conventional Morality- 13 + years - more logic thinking (level 3)
Piagets Cognitive Development
1. Sensorimotor Period - 0-18 mths (INFANTS)
2. Preoperational Period - 2-7 yrs Preconceptual Phase and Intuitive Stage - they learn everything and anything they see
3. Concrete Operational Period - 7-11 yrs - Elementary kids - increased reasoning
4. Formal Operational Period - Adolescence - Middle School - sense of logic
the attempt to take back an unconscious behavior or thought that is unacceptable or hurtful
everything in the world is seen as all good or all bad with nothing in between
indirectly getting back at someone. Expressing aggression toward others indirectly through passivity behavior and turning against the self.
the individual projects his own internal characteristics onto the outside world
focusing on facts rather than experiencing unpleasant emotions or feelings
separation of feelings from ideas & events
burying a painful thought or feeling from your awareness
panic attack
come out of the blue and not triggered by a specific fear or memory
refers to the practice of creating symptoms for personal gain
conversion disorder
a mental health condition in which a person has physical symptoms that cannot be explained by medical evaluation
a belief in something false
tangenital speech
a person's inability to answer a question without straying from the topic
people's ability to recognize the consequences of their behavior
abstract thinking
a person's ability to deal with intangible issues
organize groups of people for various purposes, such as creating policy change
assists clients in developing specific skills, such as parenting skills
rally communities to take action to help a problem such as homelessness
case manager
assists in linking clients to services that are needed such as food, shelter and basic needs
exposure therapy
Therapy using rewards. This is the best known treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder.
paradoxical approach intervention
prescribes the symptoms that clients are seeking help with
client centered approach
focuses on unconditional positive regard and empathy
bystander effect
what can happen in a group of people when no one intervenes in the case of an emergency
naturalistic observation
occurs when researchers choose to study subjects in their natural environment without intervention
hawthorne effect
refers to the tendency of some people to work harder and perform better when they are participants in an experiment
mere exposure effect
refers to the tendency for people to develop a preference for people or things that are familiar
dependent personality disorder
people with this disorder tend to base their self-worth on what they think other people think of them
expressive language disorder
occurs when people have difficulty with verbal expression but can understand what is being told to them
auditory processing disorder
difficulty interpreting what is being said
receptive language disorder
difficulty understanding what others say
acute stress disorder
similar to PTSD; diagnosed when symptoms occur within four weeks of a traumatic event
conduct disorder
lack of empathy combined with vandalism, fighting and stealing
explaining away thoughts or memories
reverting back to a childlike state
bipolar I
must include 1 manic episode with depression
bipolar II
must hypomanic episodes with severe depression. (NO MANIC EPISODE SHOULD BE PRESENT)
motivational thinking
this will help the client's readiness to make changes and may motivate them to do something different
operant conditioning
uses rewards & punishments to change behavior
a method of treating phobias that exposes the client to a feared stimuli until the client is able to relax
stimulants used to treat ADHD
tranquilizers used to treat anxiety (valium, xanax)
used to treat depression (Prozac, Elavil)
complicated grief
sudden, violent death of a loved one ~ especially a child (NO NIGHTMARES)
reaction formation
to reduce anxiety by taking up the opposite feeling or behavior
cultural pluralism
a condition in which minority groups participate fully in the dominant society
the merging of cultural traits from distinct cultural groups
believe your culture is better than others
an individual acquires a personal identity and learns the norms, behavior and social skills to his/her social position
white privilege
A special advantage or benefit of white persons; with reference to divine dispensations, natural advantages, gifts of fortune, genetic endowments, social relations, etc.
primary group
meets face to face
reference group
a cultural group
natural group
meets for informal support