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33 Cards in this Set

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State the purposes of the Primary Containment.
- Contain and suppress the steam and steam pressure resulting from a LOCA.
- Limit release of fission products to the Reactor Enclosure.
- House and support reactor vessel and support equipment
component function:
a. Biological Shield
- Surrounds reactor vessel, reducing gamma and neutron radiation in order to:
- Facilitate drywell access
- Minimize activation of drywell components
- Minimize degradation of organic compounds.
component function:
b. Drywell Head
- Top of the drywell and is removable for access to vessel
component function:
c. Steel Liner
- 0.25" carbon steel liner. Anchored to containment wall. Acts as leak tight membrane
component function:
d. Suppression Chamber Water Volume
- Provides for the condensing of gases released during LOCA in order to reduce pressure inside containment
component function:
e. Downcomers
- 87 downcomers provide a flow path for uncondensed steam between drywell and suppression chamber water volume.
component function:
f. Vacuum Breakers
- Provides a flow path to return non-condensables to drywell. Limits upward force on drywell floor to 3 psig, to prevent downcomer and Drywell collapse on negative pressure in drywell compared to pool air chamber
component function:
g. Suppression Pool Cleanup Pumps
- Designed to maintain pool clarity, the cleanup pump takes suction on pool through two series MOV's that isolate on Group VIIIB (-38", 1.68#) signal
- Sends water to condenser hotwell via FV-C-*29, with water returned to pool from condensate transfer system via FV-C-*30. Each flow control valve is manually set to maintain the pool level during the cleanup process.
- Water returns via core spray Loop "A" min flow line, with normal flow approximately 450 gpm to 550 gpm
design values for Drywell Internal Pressure
55 psig
design values for Drywell External Pressure
5 psig
design values for Drywell Temperature
design values for Drywell Floor Differential Pressure (Upward and Downward)
20 psi / 30 psi
design values for Suppression Chamber Internal and External Pressure
55 psig / 5 psig
design values for Suppression Chamber Temperature
a. RHR
operational support for the Primary Containment and discuss the effects on the Primary Containment to a loss or malfunction of each
- RHR is used in its various modes for suppression pool cooling/spray, drywell spray and cooling water for H2 recombiners
b. Main Condenser
operational support for the Primary Containment and discuss the effects on the Primary Containment to a loss or malfunction of each
- Suppression Pool cleanup system discharges to the main condenser when cleaning up suppression pool water
c. Condensate Storage and Transfer
operational support for the Primary Containment and discuss the effects on the Primary Containment to a loss or malfunction of each
- The CST is the source of makeup water to the suppression pool utilizing the condensate transfer pumps
d. Drywell Ventilation
operational support for the Primary Containment and discuss the effects on the Primary Containment to a loss or malfunction of each
- Eight unit coolers remove heat from drywell during normal operation. One fan of each cooler operated to circulate air cooled by the Drywell Chilled Water System.
e. Drywell Chilled Water
operational support for the Primary Containment and discuss the effects on the Primary Containment to a loss or malfunction of each
- Provides cooling water to the eight unit coolers.
f. AC Electrical Distribution
operational support for the Primary Containment and discuss the effects on the Primary Containment to a loss or malfunction of each
- AC Power is required for DWCW Pumps and Chillers, DW Cooler Fans, and valve and pump operations required for Suppression Pool Cooling, Drywell Spray, Suppression Pool Spray, H2/O2 Sampling, and Suppression Pool Cleanup Pump operation. NSSSS valves can fail closed on a loss of AC logic, or can remain open on a loss of AC to the valve’s motor operator.
g. D.C. Electrical Distribution
operational support for the Primary Containment and discuss the effects on the Primary Containment to a loss or malfunction of each
- DC power is required to operate RHR pump breakers and DWCW chiller breakers (4 kV breakers). A loss of DC may result in increasing drywell temperature and pressure upon the loss of the chillers and prevent the operation of Drywell Spray, Suppression Pool Spray, and Suppression Pool Cooling.
h. Containment Atmosphere Control
operational support for the Primary Containment and discuss the effects on the Primary Containment to a loss or malfunction of each
- Monitors containment H2/O2 concentrations
- Provides a means to inert/de-inert the primary containment with nitrogen.
normal values at 100%power
a. Suppression Pool Level
Normal Full Power Value 23.5’
normal values at 100%power
b. Drywell Pressure
Normal Full Power Value 0.3 psig
normal values at 100%power
c. Drywell Temperature
Normal full power value 130°F
normal values at 100%power
d.          Drywell to Suppression Pool D/P
Normal full power value 0 psig; therefore, normal D/P is 0.3 psid
Summarize suppression chamber operations following a LOCA.
- During LOCA, steam and water will enter the drywell atmosphere. The subsequent rise in drywell pressure will force the mixture into the suppression pool via the downcomers.
- Steam condensation will take place in the suppression pool while non-condensables will rise out of the pool and into the suppression chamber air volume.
- Major portion of non-condensables from Nitrogen atmosphere in drywell being forced into suppression pool.
- Following the LOCA, heat losses in the drywell will cause drywell pressure to decrease. To prevent drawing the drywell pressure negative, vacuum breakers have been installed between the drywell and the suppression chamber air volume.
- Heat losses due to ambient heat losses, drywell sprays, drywell chillers
- Vacuum breakers installed on downcomers
- At .5 psid across the vacuum breaker (suppression chamber greater than drywell atmosphere), the vacuum breakers will open and allow the non-condensibles in the suppression chamber air volume to be released back into the drywell.
- Important reason for maintaining suppression pool level since covering the vacuum breakers will prevent the release of non-condensables back into the drywell.
Identify how the following supports the Secondary Containment:
- A loss of RE ventilation will cause a rise in RE pressure. After a time delay, SGTS will start and restore the negative P.
- SGTS maintains designed negative pressure
- SGTS will achieve and maintain .25” wg vacuum within 916 seconds.
Identify how the following supports the Secondary Containment:
b. Reactor Enclosure Ventilation System
- Reactor enclosure and refuel floor ventilation system fans maintain the slight vacuum
(-0.25"wg) in the secondary containment. A loss of RE ventilation will cause a rise in RE pressure. After a time delay, SGTS will start and restore the negative P.
- Following LOCA signal:
- RE Ventilation is isolated
- SGTS and RERS automatically start
Identify how the following supports the Secondary Containment:
c. Primary Containment System
- The secondary containment functions as the primary containment during refuel operations when a unit's primary containment is open.
Identify how the following supports the Secondary Containment:
e. Exhaust Stack
- One outboard MSIV room blowout panel relieves directly to the reactor building roof via a vent stack next to the North Stack.
Identify how the following supports the Secondary Containment:
f. Blowout Panels
- Blowout panels are mounted in the following locations:
- Outboard MSIV Room
- One panel relieves at .5 psid directly to the reactor bldg .roof via a vent stack
- One panel relieves at .5 psid from the North wall into the turbine enclosure.
- RWCU Room
- One .5 psid blow out panel on the west side of the reactor enclosure Unit #1 (East side Unit #2)
- HPCI and RCIC Rooms
- Each room vents to the isolation valve compartment through .1 psid upward acting blowout floor panels into the isolation valve compartment, with a 0.5 psid blowout panel venting the valve compartment to the south side of the reactor bldg.
- The four paths described are unmonitored release paths to the environment. Each system discussed has NS4 isolations. The inability to manually isolate systems would lead to plant S/D and depressurization IAW T-103
Identify the effect of a loss or malfunction of the secondary containment on off-site radioactive release rates.
- If blowout panels open to relieve pressure, they are unmonitored and unfiltered release paths to the environment.