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98 Cards in this Set

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ALACRITY (uh-LAK-ri-tee)
Cheerful readiness, eagerness, or promptness in action or movement: "The duty of the<br>firefighter is to answer every alarm with alacritv."
Cheerful readiness, eagerness, or promptness in action or movement: "The duty of the<br>firefighter is to answer every alarm with alacritv."
ALACRITY (uh-LAK-ri-tee)
OBVIATE (AHB-vee-ayt)
To prevent, make unnecessary, meet and dispose of, clear out of the way.
To prevent, make unnecessary, meet and dispose of, clear out of the way.
OBVIATE (AHB-vee-ayt)
EMOLUMENT (i-MAHL-yuh-ment)
Wages, salary, payment received for work.
Wages, salary, payment received for work.
EMOLUMENT (i-MAHL-yuh-ment)
Uncompromising, refusing to come to an agreement, unwilling to modify one's position<br>or give ground.
Uncompromising, refusing to come to an agreement, unwilling to modify one's position<br>or give ground.
MORDANT (MOR-dint or MORD'nt)
Biting, cutting, keen, sarcastic, scathing.
Biting, cutting, keen, sarcastic, scathing.
MORDANT (MOR-dint or MORD'nt)
SAGACIOUS (suh-GAY-shus)
Wise, shrewd, perceptive; showing sound judgment and keen insight, especially in practical matters<br>
Wise, shrewd, perceptive; showing sound judgment and keen insight, especially in practical matters<br>
SAGACIOUS (suh-GAY-shus)
ACERBIC (uh-SUR-bik)
Sour, bitter, and harsh in flavor, tone, or character.
Sour, bitter, and harsh in flavor, tone, or character.
ACERBIC (uh-SUR-bik)
VARIEGATED (VAR-ee-uh-gay-tid)
In a broad sense, varied, diverse, showing variety of character or form; in a strict sense,spotted, streaked, or dappled; having marks or patches of different colors<br>
In a broad sense, varied, diverse, showing variety of character or form; in a strict sense,spotted, streaked, or dappled; having marks or patches of different colors<br>
VARIEGATED (VAR-ee-uh-gay-tid)
SUCCOR (SUHK-ur, like sucker)
To aid, help, relieve, give assistance to in time of need or difficulty
To aid, help, relieve, give assistance to in time of need or difficulty
SUCCOR (SUHK-ur, like sucker)
To trouble or annoy with requests or demands, make urgent or persistent entreaties or solicitations.<br><br>Corresponding adjective: importunate (im-POR-chuu-nit<br>
To trouble or annoy with requests or demands, make urgent or persistent entreaties or solicitations.<br><br>Corresponding adjective: importunate (im-POR-chuu-nit<br>
To lessen the severity of, gloss over, make something seem less serious or severe.
To lessen the severity of, gloss over, make something seem less serious or severe.
Dried up, shriveled, withered, shrunken and wrinkled.
Dried up, shriveled, withered, shrunken and wrinkled.
Faultfinding, quick to point out faults or raise trivial objections.
Faultfinding, quick to point out faults or raise trivial objections.
A correction, alteration, change made to correct or improve, especially a change made in a piece of writing to correct an error or restore the text to its original state. <br>
A correction, alteration, change made to correct or improve, especially a change made in a piece of writing to correct an error or restore the text to its original state. <br>
Fierce, ferocious, especially in a brutal, bullying, threatening, or aggressively defiant way<br>
Fierce, ferocious, especially in a brutal, bullying, threatening, or aggressively defiant way<br>
EXPURGATE (EKS-pur-gayt)
To cleanse by removing offensive material, free from objectionable content.
To cleanse by removing offensive material, free from objectionable content.
EXPURGATE (EKS-pur-gayt)
REPROBATE (REP-ruh-bayt)
Thoroughly bad, wicked, corrupt, morally abandoned, lacking all sense of decency and duty.<br>
Thoroughly bad, wicked, corrupt, morally abandoned, lacking all sense of decency and duty.<br>
REPROBATE (REP-ruh-bayt)
Will, choice, decision, determination.
Will, choice, decision, determination.
INTERPOLATE (in-TUR-puh-layt)
To insert, introduce; specifically, to insert words into a piece of writing or a conversation.
To insert, introduce; specifically, to insert words into a piece of writing or a conversation.
INTERPOLATE (in-TUR-puh-layt)
To offer or cite as a reason, as evidence, or as authority for an opinion or course of action.<br>
To offer or cite as a reason, as evidence, or as authority for an opinion or course of action.<br>
MISCREANT (MIS-kree-int)
An evil, unscrupulous, vicious person; someone without principles or conscience; a villain, criminal.<br>
An evil, unscrupulous, vicious person; someone without principles or conscience; a villain, criminal.<br>
MISCREANT (MIS-kree-int)
Foolishly impractical or idealistic, especially in an extravagantly chivalrous or romantic<br>way; inclined to pursue lofty, unreachable goals or far-fetched, unworkable schemes
Foolishly impractical or idealistic, especially in an extravagantly chivalrous or romantic<br>way; inclined to pursue lofty, unreachable goals or far-fetched, unworkable schemes
To fester, form or discharge pus.Corresponding noun:<br>.<br><br>
To fester, form or discharge pus.Corresponding noun:<br>.<br><br>
MARTINET (mahr-ti-NET)
A strict disciplinarian, taskmaster, rigid enforcer of rules and regulations.
A strict disciplinarian, taskmaster, rigid enforcer of rules and regulations.
MARTINET (mahr-ti-NET)
A twinge of regret caused by an uneasy conscience; a pang of guilt for a wrong done or<br>for pain that one has caused another.
A twinge of regret caused by an uneasy conscience; a pang of guilt for a wrong done or<br>for pain that one has caused another.
Quick to change moods or change one's mind, having an unpredictable temperament.
Quick to change moods or change one's mind, having an unpredictable temperament.
A quack remedy or medicine; a panacea; hence, a dubious or dishonest plan or scheme for curing a social or political problem.<br>
A quack remedy or medicine; a panacea; hence, a dubious or dishonest plan or scheme for curing a social or political problem.<br>
PROPITIATE (pruh-PISH-ee-ayt)
To appease, gain or regain the goodwill or favor of, cause to become favorably inclined.
To appease, gain or regain the goodwill or favor of, cause to become favorably inclined.
PROPITIATE (pruh-PISH-ee-ayt)
EFFICACY (EF-i-kuh-see)
Effectiveness; the power to produce a desired effect or result.
Effectiveness; the power to produce a desired effect or result.
EFFICACY (EF-i-kuh-see)
TANTAMOUNT (TAN-tuh-mownt)
Equivalent; having equal force, effect, or value.
Equivalent; having equal force, effect, or value.
TANTAMOUNT (TAN-tuh-mownt)
PARIAH (puh-RY-uh)
An outcast; a person despised or rejected by society.
An outcast; a person despised or rejected by society.
PARIAH (puh-RY-uh)
Relevant, fitting, appropriate, precisely to the point.
Relevant, fitting, appropriate, precisely to the point.
Sexually abandoned; lacking moral restraint, especially in sexual conduct.
Sexually abandoned; lacking moral restraint, especially in sexual conduct.
SUPERANNUATED (SOO-pur-AN-yoo-ay-tid)
Retired because of age, weakness, or ineffective- ness; old and worn out; outdated,<br>outmoded, obsolete.
Retired because of age, weakness, or ineffective- ness; old and worn out; outdated,<br>outmoded, obsolete.
SUPERANNUATED (SOO-pur-AN-yoo-ay-tid)
Conspicuously bad, remarkable or outstanding for some undesirable or offensivequality.<br>
Conspicuously bad, remarkable or outstanding for some undesirable or offensivequality.<br>
VAPID (rhymes with rapid)
Lifeless, dull, boring, flat, stale; lacking spirit, interest, or flavor.
Lifeless, dull, boring, flat, stale; lacking spirit, interest, or flavor.
VAPID (rhymes with rapid)
An odd notion or whim that one clings to stubbornly.<br>Corresponding adjective: crotchety.
An odd notion or whim that one clings to stubbornly.<br>Corresponding adjective: crotchety.
EPIGRAPH (EP-i-graf)
An inscription; especially, an inscription on a building or monument, or a brief quotation<br>at the beginning of a literary composition that suggests or is germane to its theme.
An inscription; especially, an inscription on a building or monument, or a brief quotation<br>at the beginning of a literary composition that suggests or is germane to its theme.
EPIGRAPH (EP-i-graf)
EXPATIATE (ek-SPAY-shee-ayt)
To elaborate, speak or write at great length.
To elaborate, speak or write at great length.
EXPATIATE (ek-SPAY-shee-ayt)
SINECURE (SY-nuh-kyoor, also SIN-uh-kyoor)
A position that provides a good income or salary but that requires little or no work; in<br>colloquial terms, a cushy job.
A position that provides a good income or salary but that requires little or no work; in<br>colloquial terms, a cushy job.
SINECURE (SY-nuh-kyoor, also SIN-uh-kyoor)
A preference, partiality, preconceived liking; an inclination or disposition to favor<br>something.
A preference, partiality, preconceived liking; an inclination or disposition to favor<br>something.
A complicated or intricate situation; a difficult, perplexing state of affairs; also, a misunderstanding or disagreement of a complicated and confusing nature.<br>
A complicated or intricate situation; a difficult, perplexing state of affairs; also, a misunderstanding or disagreement of a complicated and confusing nature.<br>
INEFFABLE (in-EF-uh-buul)
Inexpressible, unable to be expressed or described in words.
Inexpressible, unable to be expressed or described in words.
INEFFABLE (in-EF-uh-buul)
Not easily moved, aroused, or excited; showing little or no feeling or sensitivity; mentally<br>or emotionally dull, insensitive, or obtuse.
Not easily moved, aroused, or excited; showing little or no feeling or sensitivity; mentally<br>or emotionally dull, insensitive, or obtuse.
OFFAL (like awful, also AHF-ul)
Waste, garbage, refuse, rubbish.
Waste, garbage, refuse, rubbish.
OFFAL (like awful, also AHF-ul)
Limber, flexible, moving with ease and grace.
Limber, flexible, moving with ease and grace.
Flowing smoothly and sweetly, like honey.
Flowing smoothly and sweetly, like honey.
To supply, fill, or feed to excess, especially to the point of discomfort, sickness, or<br>disgust.
To supply, fill, or feed to excess, especially to the point of discomfort, sickness, or<br>disgust.
Flattering or coaxing speech or action; an ingratiating remark or gesture.
Flattering or coaxing speech or action; an ingratiating remark or gesture.