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106 Cards in this Set

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CULL (KUHL, rhymes with gull)
To pick out, select from various sources, gather, collect.
(1) Free; given without charge or obligation.<br>(2) Without legitimate cause or reason; uncalledfor, unjustified, baseless, unwarranted.
GRATUITOUS (gruh-T(Y)OO-i-tus)
To abolish by legal or authoritative action or decree.
ABROGATE (AB-ruh-gayt)
To punish or criticize severely.
Familiar, acquainted, well-informed or well-versed.
VOLUBLE (VAHL-yuh-buul)
Talkative, talking much and easily, characterized by a great and continuous flow of<br>words.
Talkative, talking much and easily, characterized by a great and continuous flow of<br>words.
VOLUBLE (VAHL-yuh-buul)
COMMISERATE (kuh-MIZ-uh-rayt)
To sympathize, feel or express sympathy, show sorrow or pity for.
To sympathize, feel or express sympathy, show sorrow or pity for.
COMMISERATE (kuh-MIZ-uh-rayt)
A predicament; specifically, a predicament in which one must choose between equally<br>undesirable alternatives.
A predicament; specifically, a predicament in which one must choose between equally<br>undesirable alternatives.
TRANSITORY (TRAM-si-tor-ee or TRAN-zi-for-ee)
Passing, temporary, fleeting, not permanent or enduring.
Passing, temporary, fleeting, not permanent or enduring.
TRANSITORY (TRAM-si-tor-ee or TRAN-zi-for-ee)
Charitable, benevolent, humane; motivated by or done out of a desire to help or improve<br>the welfare of others.
Charitable, benevolent, humane; motivated by or done out of a desire to help or improve<br>the welfare of others.
Lack of energy, sluggishness, dullness; an abnormally dull, drowsy, inactive condition or<br>state of mind.
Lack of energy, sluggishness, dullness; an abnormally dull, drowsy, inactive condition or<br>state of mind.
EXONERATE (eg-ZAHN-uh-rayt)
To free from blame; free from a charge or the imputation of guilt; declare blameless or<br>innocent.
To free from blame; free from a charge or the imputation of guilt; declare blameless or<br>innocent.
EXONERATE (eg-ZAHN-uh-rayt)
PUGNACIOUS (puhg-NAY-shus)
Given to fighting, combative, quarrelsome, ready and willing to fight.
Given to fighting, combative, quarrelsome, ready and willing to fight.
PUGNACIOUS (puhg-NAY-shus)
Remorse, penitence, repentance, deep and devastating sorrow for one's sins or for<br>something one has done wrong.
Remorse, penitence, repentance, deep and devastating sorrow for one's sins or for<br>something one has done wrong.
ABROGATE (AB-ruh-gayt)
To abolish by legal or authoritative action or decree.
Meddlesome, nosy, intrusive, interfering, prying; specifically, offering unwanted advice<br>or unnecessary services, especially in a highhanded, overbearing way.
Meddlesome, nosy, intrusive, interfering, prying; specifically, offering unwanted advice<br>or unnecessary services, especially in a highhanded, overbearing way.
INTRACTABLE (in-TRAK-tuh-buul)
Hard to manage or control, stubborn, unruly.
Hard to manage or control, stubborn, unruly.
INTRACTABLE (in-TRAK-tuh-buul)
ALTRUISM (AL-troo-iz'm)
Selflessness, unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
Selflessness, unselfish concern for the welfare of others.
ALTRUISM (AL-troo-iz'm)
ACCOLADE (ak-uh-LAYD, but see tip below)
An award; sign of respect or esteem; expression of praise; mark of acknowledgment;<br>anything done or given as a token of appreciation or approval.
An award; sign of respect or esteem; expression of praise; mark of acknowledgment;<br>anything done or given as a token of appreciation or approval.
ACCOLADE (ak-uh-LAYD, but see tip below)
VERNACULAR (vur-NAK-yuh-lur)
The native language of a people; especially, the common, everyday, informal language of<br>ordinary people.
The native language of a people; especially, the common, everyday, informal language of<br>ordinary people.
VERNACULAR (vur-NAK-yuh-lur)
Wise and careful, having or showing sound judgment.
Wise and careful, having or showing sound judgment.
(1) The pupa of a butterfly; the stage during which the insect is enclosed in a case or<br>cocoon.<br>(2) A sheltered and undeveloped state or stage of being.
(1) The pupa of a butterfly; the stage during which the insect is enclosed in a case or<br>cocoon.<br>(2) A sheltered and undeveloped state or stage of being.
Refined, polite, well-bred, sophisticated; elegantly stylish or fashionable; pertaining or<br>belonging to high society.
Refined, polite, well-bred, sophisticated; elegantly stylish or fashionable; pertaining or<br>belonging to high society.
JOVIAL (JOH-vee-u1)
Merry, full of good humor, hearty and fun-loving, jolly.
Merry, full of good humor, hearty and fun-loving, jolly.
JOVIAL (JOH-vee-u1)
A deception, trick, underhanded scheme.
A deception, trick, underhanded scheme.
EBULLIENCE (i-BUHL-yints or i-BUUL-yints)
Lively enthusiasm, high spirits, bubbly excitement
Lively enthusiasm, high spirits, bubbly excitement
EBULLIENCE (i-BUHL-yints or i-BUUL-yints)
IMPERVIOUS (im-PUR-vee-us)
Impenetrable, incapable of being entered or passed through; hence, unable to be moved<br>or affected by something.
Impenetrable, incapable of being entered or passed through; hence, unable to be moved<br>or affected by something.
IMPERVIOUS (im-PUR-vee-us)
To object, protest, reprove, rebuke, argue or plead against.
To object, protest, reprove, rebuke, argue or plead against.
(1) To rub out, wipe out, erase.<br>(2) To withdraw from notice, make oneself inconspicuous.
(1) To rub out, wipe out, erase.<br>(2) To withdraw from notice, make oneself inconspicuous.
CHIMERA (ky-MEER-uh, also ki-MEER-uh)
A foolish fancy, fantastic notion or idea, figment of the imagination.
A foolish fancy, fantastic notion or idea, figment of the imagination.
CHIMERA (ky-MEER-uh, also ki-MEER-uh)
INCORRIGIBLE (in-KOR-ij-uh-buul)
(1) Bad beyond correction or reform, hopeless, irreformable.<br>Synonyms: irredeemable, irreclaimable, unrepentant, inveterate, unregenerate.<br>(2) Unruly, unmanageable, difficult to control.
(1) Bad beyond correction or reform, hopeless, irreformable.<br>Synonyms: irredeemable, irreclaimable, unrepentant, inveterate, unregenerate.<br>(2) Unruly, unmanageable, difficult to control.
INCORRIGIBLE (in-KOR-ij-uh-buul)
To place side by side or close together, especially so as to compare or contrast.
To place side by side or close together, especially so as to compare or contrast.
Familiar, acquainted, well-informed or well-versed.
Intended for or designed to be understood only by a select group, known only by a few people; hence, not public, secret, confidential.
Intended for or designed to be understood only by a select group, known only by a few people; hence, not public, secret, confidential.
Favorable, fortunate; marked by favorable circumstances or good fortune; conducive to success; boding well.
Favorable, fortunate; marked by favorable circumstances or good fortune; conducive to success; boding well.
ITINERANT (eye-TIN-ur-int)
Wandering, traveling about, moving from place to place, especially to perform work.
Wandering, traveling about, moving from place to place, especially to perform work.
ITINERANT (eye-TIN-ur-int)
To pick out, select from various sources, gather, collect.
CULL (KUHL, rhymes with gull)
PROMULGATE (pruh-MUHL-gayt or PRAHM-ul-gayt)
To make known, publish, proclaim, make public in an official manner.
To make known, publish, proclaim, make public in an official manner.
PROMULGATE (pruh-MUHL-gayt or PRAHM-ul-gayt)
GRATUITOUS (gruh-T(Y)OO-i-tus)
(1) Free; given without charge or obligation.<br>(2) Without legitimate cause or reason; uncalledfor, unjustified, baseless, unwarranted.
A system of names, especially a system of names used in a science, art, or branch of<br>knowledge.
A system of names, especially a system of names used in a science, art, or branch of<br>knowledge.
DROLL (rhymes with coal and hole)
Amusing, humorous, comical; especially, funny or witty in an odd or outrageous way.
Amusing, humorous, comical; especially, funny or witty in an odd or outrageous way.
DROLL (rhymes with coal and hole)
INSATIABLE (in-SAY-shuh-buul)
Greedy, hungry, unable to be satisfied or appeased.
Greedy, hungry, unable to be satisfied or appeased.
INSATIABLE (in-SAY-shuh-buul)
BEGUILE (bi-GYL, rhymes with a smile)
(1) To deceive, delude, or mislead.
(1) To deceive, delude, or mislead.
BEGUILE (bi-GYL, rhymes with a smile)
Seeking or wanting revenge, vengeful, characterized by a desire to get even.
Seeking or wanting revenge, vengeful, characterized by a desire to get even.
Fully or richly supplied, well-stocked, chock-full, filled to capacity.
Fully or richly supplied, well-stocked, chock-full, filled to capacity.
To prevent, make impossible, exclude or shut off all possibility of somethinghappening.
To prevent, make impossible, exclude or shut off all possibility of somethinghappening.
To punish or criticize severely.
COLLOQUIAL (kuh-LOH-kwee-ul)
Conversational; pertaining to, characteristic of, or used in spoken language; hence,<br>informal, casual, natural.
Conversational; pertaining to, characteristic of, or used in spoken language; hence,<br>informal, casual, natural.
COLLOQUIAL (kuh-LOH-kwee-ul)
OBFUSCATE (uhb-FUHS-kayt or AHB-fuh-skayt)
To make obscure, cloud over, darken, make unclear or indistinct.
To make obscure, cloud over, darken, make unclear or indistinct.
OBFUSCATE (uhb-FUHS-kayt or AHB-fuh-skayt)
FACILE (FAS'l, rhymes with castle
Easy, easily done; performed or achieved in an easy, effortless way; working or acting in<br>a smooth, free, and unrestrained manner.
Easy, easily done; performed or achieved in an easy, effortless way; working or acting in<br>a smooth, free, and unrestrained manner.
FACILE (FAS'l, rhymes with castle
CONVIVIAL (kun-VIV-ee-ul)
Sociable, merry, festive.
Sociable, merry, festive.
CONVIVIAL (kun-VIV-ee-ul)
To avoid, shun, abstain from; keep away from something harmful, wrong, or distasteful.
To avoid, shun, abstain from; keep away from something harmful, wrong, or distasteful.
Enormous, huge, tremendous, immense; extraordinary in size, extent, force, or degree.
Enormous, huge, tremendous, immense; extraordinary in size, extent, force, or degree.
IDIOSYNCRASY (ID-ee-oh-SIN-kruh-see)
A peculiarity; distinctive characteristic of a person or group; an identifying trait or mannerism.
A peculiarity; distinctive characteristic of a person or group; an identifying trait or mannerism.
IDIOSYNCRASY (ID-ee-oh-SIN-kruh-see)
Approval, acceptance; especially, official approval or authorization.
Approval, acceptance; especially, official approval or authorization.
Sleight of hand; a cleverly executed trick or deception.
Sleight of hand; a cleverly executed trick or deception.
PUERILE (PYOOR-ul or PYOO-ur-ul)
Childish, immature; hence, foolish, silly. Etymology: Latin puerilis, youthful, from puer, a child.
Childish, immature; hence, foolish, silly. Etymology: Latin puerilis, youthful, from puer, a child.
PUERILE (PYOOR-ul or PYOO-ur-ul)
COMPLICITY (kuhm-PLIS-i-tee)
Conspiracy, partnership in wrongdoing, criminal participation, direct association in guilt, the state of being an accomplice.
Conspiracy, partnership in wrongdoing, criminal participation, direct association in guilt, the state of being an accomplice.
COMPLICITY (kuhm-PLIS-i-tee)