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97 Cards in this Set

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Hasty, rash, overeager; acting in a sudden, vigorous, emotional way, with little thought. <br><br>Synonyms: impulsive. Antonyms: prudent (Level 1, Word 47), discreet, circumspect (Level 3, Word 21).
(1)<br>Mild, calm, tranquil, moderate, temperate, not severe or extreme.<br>(2)<br>Merciful, lenient, inclined to pardon or forgive.
ADVOCATE (AD-vuh-kayt)
To support, plead for, be in favor of, defend by argument; especially, to speak or write in favor or in defense of a person or cause.
To support, plead for, be in favor of, defend by argument; especially, to speak or write in favor or in defense of a person or cause.
ADVOCATE (AD-vuh-kayt)
DELEGATE (DEL-uh-gayt)
To entrust with authority or power, deliver to another's care or management, hand over to an agent or representative.
To entrust with authority or power, deliver to another's care or management, hand over to an agent or representative.
DELEGATE (DEL-uh-gayt)
UNPRECEDENTED (uhn-PRES-uh-den-tid)
Unheard-of, novel, new, having no precedent or parallel, having no prior example or justification.
Unheard-of, novel, new, having no precedent or parallel, having no prior example or justification.
UNPRECEDENTED (uhn-PRES-uh-den-tid)
Piercing, sharp, penetrating; specifically, piercing or penetrating to the senses, to the emotions, or to the intellect.
Piercing, sharp, penetrating; specifically, piercing or penetrating to the senses, to the emotions, or to the intellect.
NEBULOUS (NEB-yuu-lus)
Unclear, vague, obscure, hazy, indefinite, indistinct.
Unclear, vague, obscure, hazy, indefinite, indistinct.
NEBULOUS (NEB-yuu-lus)
Kept secret, done in secrecy, especially for an evil, immoral, or illegal purpose.
Kept secret, done in secrecy, especially for an evil, immoral, or illegal purpose.
TIRADE (TY-rayd or ty-RAYD)
A long-drawn-out speech, especially a vehement and abusive one.
A long-drawn-out speech, especially a vehement and abusive one.
TIRADE (TY-rayd or ty-RAYD)
RECUR (ri-KUR or nee-KUR)
RECUR (ri-KUR or nee-KUR)
Unspoken, silent, implied or understood without words, done or made in silence, not<br>expressed or declared openly.
An assertion or declaration, especially one made without proof. In law, an allegation is an assertion. of what one intends to prove.
Easily deceived, fooled, or cheated.
BENIGN (buh-NYN, rhymes with a sign)
(1)<br>Kindly, good-natured, gracious, mild, having or showing a gentle disposition.<br>(2)<br>Favorable, positive, propitious.<br>(3)<br>Of the weather or climate, healthful, beneficial, wholesome, salubrious.<br>(4)<br>In medicine: mild, not deadly, or severe.
PERIPHERAL (puh-RIF-uh-rul)
External, outer, lying at or forming the outside or boundary of something; hence, not essential, irrelevant
REBUFF (ri-BUF or ree-BUF)
To refuse bluntly, reject sharply, turn down abruptly, snub, spurn.
Ill will, hostility, antagonism, strong dislike or hatred.
TENUOUS (TEN-yoo-us)
Thin, slender, slight, flimsy, weak, not dense or substantial, lacking a strong basis, having little substance or strength.
Self-satisfied, smug, overly pleased with oneself.
ACME (AK-mee)
The peak, highest point, especially the point of culmination, the highest possible point in<br>the development or progress of something.
Dead, extinct, obsolete; no longer in existence, effect, operation, or use.
To encourage, support, help, aid, promote, assist in achieving a purpose (either good or evil).
Worn out, tired, drawn; wild-eyed and wasted, as from exhaustion, illness, or grief.
WAIVE (like wave)
To relinquish voluntarily, give up, forgo; also, to postpone, defer, or dispense with.
SANCTION (SANGK-shin, be sure to pronounce the C)
To approve, allow, permit, authorize, certify, ratify.
AMBIGUOUS (am-BIG-yoo-us)
Uncertain, unclear, doubtful, dubious, questionable, puzzling, having an obscure or<br>indefinite meaning.
SPENDTHRIFT (pronounced as spelled, stress on spend)
Wasteful, spending extravagantly or foolishly, squandering one's resources.
To calm, soothe, soften in feeling or tone, make less harsh or severe.
Clear and direct, definite, straightforward, certain; having a single, obvious meaning; capable of being interpreted in only one way.
MALLEABLE (MAL-ee-uh-buul or MAL-yuhbuul)
Capable of being shaped, able to be molded or manipulated.
Wordy, having too many words, long-winded, full of verbiage.
Temporary, passing away with time, lasting or staying only a short while, momentary, fleeting, short-lived.
To irritate, annoy, vex, harass, pester, provoke.
REPUDIATE (ri-PYOO-dee-ayt)
(1)<br>To reject, cast off, disown, renounce, refuse to accept as one's own.<br>(2)<br>To reject as false, deny the authority of, refuse to accept as true.
Spending carefully and wisely; also, involving little expense, not wasteful or lavish. <br><br>Synonyms: thrifty, economical, provident, parsimonious.
Out of place, inappropriate, inconsistent, unsuitable, lacking harmony of parts or agreement in character.
To relieve, ease, make less severe or intense; also, to satisfy, appease, make content.
CORROBORATE (kuh-RAHB-uh-rayt)
To confirm, support
To decorate, dress up, adorn, enhance with ornamentation, make more beautiful, elegant,<br>or interesting.
Greedy, money-grubbing, miserly, consumed with a selfish desire to accumulate money<br>or property.
CURSORY (KUR-suh-ree or KUR-sur-ee)
Quick, hasty, not methodical, done rapidly with little attention to detail, passing quickly<br>over or through something that deserves closer examination.
To waver, fluctuate, be indecisive, show uncertainty, hesitate in making up one's mind.
LUCRATIVE (LOO-kruh-tiv)
Profitable, producing wealth, money-making, financially productive, remunerative.
ALLOCATE (AL-uh-kayt or AL-oh-kayt)
To assign, designate, earmark, set aside for a specific purpose.
RECONCILE (REK-un-syl or rek-un-SYL)
(1)<br>To make friendly again, restore friendly relations between, settle, resolve, bring into harmony or agreement.<br>(2)<br>To bring into agreement, make consistent.<br>(3)<br>To resign oneself to accept something undesirable.
PARAGON (PAR-uh-gahn)
A model of excellence, perfect example.
ANALOGOUS (uh-NAL-uh-gus)
Similar, alike in certain ways, corresponding partially, sharing some aspects of form,<br>function, or content.
(1)<br>Daily, recurring each day, performed or happening in the course of a day.<br>(2)<br>Active during the day, as opposed to nocturnal, active at night.
An excuse, ostensible reason or motive, professed purpose; specifically, an excuse or false reason given to hide the true reason or purpose.
To encourage, support, help, aid, promote, assist in achieving a purpose (either good or evil).
The peak, highest point, especially the point of culmination, the highest possible point in<br>the development or progress of something.
ACME (AK-mee)
An assertion or declaration, especially one made without proof. In law, an allegation is an assertion. of what one intends to prove.
To assign, designate, earmark, set aside for a specific purpose.
ALLOCATE (AL-uh-kayt or AL-oh-kayt)
Uncertain, unclear, doubtful, dubious, questionable, puzzling, having an obscure or<br>indefinite meaning.
AMBIGUOUS (am-BIG-yoo-us)
Similar, alike in certain ways, corresponding partially, sharing some aspects of form,<br>function, or content.
ANALOGOUS (uh-NAL-uh-gus)
Ill will, hostility, antagonism, strong dislike or hatred.
To relieve, ease, make less severe or intense; also, to satisfy, appease, make content.
Greedy, money-grubbing, miserly, consumed with a selfish desire to accumulate money<br>or property.
(1)<br>Kindly, good-natured, gracious, mild, having or showing a gentle disposition.<br>(2)<br>Favorable, positive, propitious.<br>(3)<br>Of the weather or climate, healthful, beneficial, wholesome, salubrious.<br>(4)<br>In medicine: mild, not deadly, or severe.
BENIGN (buh-NYN, rhymes with a sign)
(1)<br>Mild, calm, tranquil, moderate, temperate, not severe or extreme.<br>(2)<br>Merciful, lenient, inclined to pardon or forgive.
Self-satisfied, smug, overly pleased with oneself.
To confirm, support
CORROBORATE (kuh-RAHB-uh-rayt)
Quick, hasty, not methodical, done rapidly with little attention to detail, passing quickly<br>over or through something that deserves closer examination.
CURSORY (KUR-suh-ree or KUR-sur-ee)
Dead, extinct, obsolete; no longer in existence, effect, operation, or use.
(1)<br>Daily, recurring each day, performed or happening in the course of a day.<br>(2)<br>Active during the day, as opposed to nocturnal, active at night.
To decorate, dress up, adorn, enhance with ornamentation, make more beautiful, elegant,<br>or interesting.
Spending carefully and wisely; also, involving little expense, not wasteful or lavish. <br><br>Synonyms: thrifty, economical, provident, parsimonious.
Easily deceived, fooled, or cheated.
Worn out, tired, drawn; wild-eyed and wasted, as from exhaustion, illness, or grief.
Hasty, rash, overeager; acting in a sudden, vigorous, emotional way, with little thought. <br><br>Synonyms: impulsive. Antonyms: prudent (Level 1, Word 47), discreet, circumspect (Level 3, Word 21).
Out of place, inappropriate, inconsistent, unsuitable, lacking harmony of parts or agreement in character.
Profitable, producing wealth, money-making, financially productive, remunerative.
LUCRATIVE (LOO-kruh-tiv)
Capable of being shaped, able to be molded or manipulated.
MALLEABLE (MAL-ee-uh-buul or MAL-yuhbuul)
To calm, soothe, soften in feeling or tone, make less harsh or severe.
To irritate, annoy, vex, harass, pester, provoke.
A model of excellence, perfect example.
PARAGON (PAR-uh-gahn)
External, outer, lying at or forming the outside or boundary of something; hence, not essential, irrelevant
PERIPHERAL (puh-RIF-uh-rul)
An excuse, ostensible reason or motive, professed purpose; specifically, an excuse or false reason given to hide the true reason or purpose.
To refuse bluntly, reject sharply, turn down abruptly, snub, spurn.
REBUFF (ri-BUF or ree-BUF)
(1)<br>To make friendly again, restore friendly relations between, settle, resolve, bring into harmony or agreement.<br>(2)<br>To bring into agreement, make consistent.<br>(3)<br>To resign oneself to accept something undesirable.
RECONCILE (REK-un-syl or rek-un-SYL)
(1)<br>To reject, cast off, disown, renounce, refuse to accept as one's own.<br>(2)<br>To reject as false, deny the authority of, refuse to accept as true.
REPUDIATE (ri-PYOO-dee-ayt)
To approve, allow, permit, authorize, certify, ratify.
SANCTION (SANGK-shin, be sure to pronounce the C)
Wasteful, spending extravagantly or foolishly, squandering one's resources.
SPENDTHRIFT (pronounced as spelled, stress on spend)
Unspoken, silent, implied or understood without words, done or made in silence, not<br>expressed or declared openly.
Thin, slender, slight, flimsy, weak, not dense or substantial, lacking a strong basis, having little substance or strength.
TENUOUS (TEN-yoo-us)
Temporary, passing away with time, lasting or staying only a short while, momentary, fleeting, short-lived.
Clear and direct, definite, straightforward, certain; having a single, obvious meaning; capable of being interpreted in only one way.
To waver, fluctuate, be indecisive, show uncertainty, hesitate in making up one's mind.
Wordy, having too many words, long-winded, full of verbiage.
To relinquish voluntarily, give up, forgo; also, to postpone, defer, or dispense with.
WAIVE (like wave)