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42 Cards in this Set

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Guerrila theather
unconvential, parade to get ppl attention people did craziest things , Min


Participation indicators

family participates


belong to ornazations other than political party
!5% that votes rule this country
just study
open meetiineng laws
1967 fla created the sunshine laws
sunshine laws
made cleared that state goverher ment meetings were open to public and then the other 48 states followed
1.advance notice of meetings
2.agency must keep mins
3.officals who meet in secret maybe fined
open recerods law
you have the right to see written records of the govment and it fall under the foy laws
who participates Gender-
men and women about the same
older people vote higher than younger ppl to do
college euducated ppl vote at a higher rate
part of political party tend to vote higher ORGANIZATION BESIDE a Political Party vote higher to
Level of Participation
25 to 30% reegister show up to state and local gov
belief in one that can have impact and differnce
direct demorcracy
direct intative and recall
allows citizens to act envolment wiouth governer or legs

citizens can vote to remove to elcect office
popular referedum
voters can veto a bill passed by there state legs if enough sitizens signed a pettion to get it on the balllot and then enoguh ppl sign the petion a majority of the vote to nullify the law
progressive era
reduce the influence of political machines
direct dem
hired bc quilfy not cause u know
have authority to declare intivites unconsituitional
factord that influence
tend to grown and strength and number do to three things

professioal of legs
econmical and diverafication
2 partys system
states have establish surrogates intrest groups to be sure of the intrest of certain groups are represtent such as poor
all intrest groups have speicalzed knowledge in topic
siera club
has massmembership
businnes intrest
about 60 percernt of intrest groups or lobiest int he 50 states represt business
emerged to reply wiuth laws regulation contribtions
regulation sof lobbying
want to know who is contrutiation
who are lobbyists
former legs or person who is familer with proccess
80 percent of lobbyists are?
goverment and goverment agiences
lobbying is commin place
Courts lobbyis
intrest groups also lobby courts through the filling amacus corrying brief purpose of this brieef is to support one side
admistrative agenecies lobbies 3 differnt ways
testfied at hearings
present concerns through legs
talk to indivuals admistrative officals
most power lobbbying group
Responsible Party Government
3 charstectics that describe the gov

Common philosphy by members

Intrest group affilation

Reward and sanction members so everyone can form

*to mantain party discpline, to keep everything in line
Party ID
60% of American Voters of tradtionof idedfying with and voting for a particular party
such as nomations procces and general elections rules
state laws
play major defining formal strutuctre in political parties
closed primary
28 states use it,
system which citzens identify there party prefences

only allowed to vote in primary elections of own party
open primary
20 states have open it

allowed anyone rgarless of there party affialtion to vote for canidates no matter party

you can make a LAST MINUTE DECSION

destory political machines
single primary
Louisanna uses it
all canidates run in the regarless of party id same primary recieve 50% of is winner and if dnt 2 have run off
negative cxampaigns
it works
campaign disclousers
all 50 states begin with requirement that canidates discoled of their founds
public funding
20 states provide public funnds for candiates state gove
public funding
20 states provide public funnds for candiates state gove
pacs provide support for indivual candiates

labor pacs generally support dems

bus supports rep