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116 Cards in this Set

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yīng xióng
英雄 (hero)
某 (certain; some)
zhōng yú
终于 (finally)
举 (to raise; to lift)
chén mò
沉默 (to be silent; silence)
jīng shén
精神 (spirit; mind; vitality)
wán pí
顽皮 (naughty; mischievous)
踢 (to kick)
mò shēng
陌生 (strange; unfamiliar)
pín qióng
贫穷 (poor; needy)
nóng cūn
农村 (village)
gū ér
孤儿 (orphan)
bú xìng
不幸 (unfortunate)
chē huò
车祸 (car accident)
捐 (to donate)
sì hū
似乎 (it seems; as if; it looks like)
yǒng yuǎn
永远 (always)
zhí dé
值得 (to be worth; to deserve)
zūn jìng
尊敬 (to respect; to honor)
huái niàn
怀念 (to cherish the memory of)
tū rán
突然 (suddenly)
dà gài
大概 (general, approximately)
huǒ jiàn
火箭 (rocket)
lián měng
联盟 (alliance; league)
shǒu lún
首轮 (preliminary round)
qiú sài
球赛 (ball game)
rè qíng
热情 (enthusiastic; warm)
jiāo ào
骄傲 (to be proud of; arrogant; pride)
shèn zhì
甚至 (even; so much so that)
zhuī qiú
追求 (to pursue; to seek; to woo)
xiǎng shòu
享受 (to enjoy; enjoyment)
zhuàn qián
赚钱 (make money)
shí jì
实际 (practical; realistic; actual)
派 (to dispatch; to send)
suǒ wèi
所谓 (so called)
项 (item; sub–category measure word)
jiā sù
加速 (accelerate; speed up)
huī fù
恢复 (to recover)
替 (to replace; for; on behalf of)
顶 (to stand up to; to carry on the head; measure word for hat)
shí jì
世纪 (century)
fù nǚ
妇女 (women)
zǔ zhí
组织 (to organize; organization)
zhēng qǔ
争取 (to strive for; to fight for)
quán lì
权利 (right (n.); interest)
缠 (to tangle; to twine)
rěn shòu
忍受 (to endure; to suffer)
shù fú
束缚 (to fetter; to constrain; bondage; rigid control)
cái chǎn
财产 (property; assets)
fàn zuì
犯罪 (to commit a crime)
chǔ fá
处罚 (to punish)
jiǎng jiu
讲究 (to be particular about)
yā pò
压迫 (to oppress)
gǔ lì
鼓励 (to encourage; encouragement)
jiē shòu
接受 (to receive; to accept)
dǎ pò
打破 (to break; to smash)
gēn jù
根据 (according to; bases; on the basis of)
tǒng jì
统计 (statistics; to count up; census)
sī yíng
私营 (privately operated)
zhǔ guǎn
主管 (to be in charge of; the person in charge)
zǐ xì
仔细 (careful; attentive; closely; carefully)
kòng zhì
控制 (control; to control)
zēng zhǎng
增长 (to increase; to grow)
zhèng cè
政策 (policy)
huái yùn
怀孕 (to become pregnant or be pregnant)
jí yú
急于 (to be impatient to; to be eager to)
duò tāi
堕胎 (to have an abortion; abortion)
bǐ lì
比例 (proportion; ratio)
céng jīng
曾经 (ever; once; formerly)
shāng nǎo jīn
伤脑筋 (to cause sb. a headache; bothersome)
lǐng dǎo
领导 (leader)
xiǎo mì
小秘 (secretary who also acts as a mistress)
wù zhì
物质 (material; substance)
jìng rán
竟然 (unexpectedly; to one's surprise)
yuàn yì
愿意 (to be willing to)
fù shāng
富商 (rich businessman)
biǎo miàn
表面 (surface)
继 (following)
赢 (to win)
chàng xiāo
畅销 (to sell in high volume; best–selling)
guàn jūn
冠军 (champion; championship)
yuán mèng
圆梦 (to fulfill a dream or a goal)
qīng sōng
轻松 (relax; relaxed; light; calm)
lù xù
陆续 (one after another; successively)
chū bǎn
出版 (to come off the press; to publish)
hèn bù dé
恨不得 (to be very anxious to do something)
peí yǎng
培养 (to cultivate; to foster; to educate)
yǒng gǎn
勇敢 (brave; courageous)
mó shì
模式 (model; mode)
逼 (to force)
xìng gé
性格 (personality)
kāi lǎng
开朗 (open; cheerful; extroverted)
gū pì
孤僻 (unsociable; eccentric (negative image); introverted)
喊 (to shout; to yell)
tǎo yàn
讨厌 (to dislike; to be disgusted with; to be fed up with)
jiǎng xué jīn
奖学金 (scholarship)
dá àn
答案 (answer)
xiǎn rán
显然 (obvious; evident; obviously)
chéng gōng
成功 (to be successful; to succeed)
nán dào
难道 (grammar)
jī liè
激烈 (fierce; intense)
jìng zhēng
竞争 (to compete; competition)
bǔ xí bān
补习班 (cram school)
gāng qín
钢琴 (piano)
jí zhōng
集中 (to concentrate; to focus on)
yú cǐ tóng shí
与此同时 (at the same time
jiāo guàn
娇惯 (to spoil; to pamper)
rèn xìng
任性 (capricious; willful; stubborn)
bà dào
霸道 (overbearing; high–handed; bossy
quē fá
缺乏 (to lack; to be short of)
zé rèn
责任 (duty; responsibility)
chuàng zào xìng
创造性 (creativity)
shì yìng
适应 (to adapt; to fit in)
hé kuàng
何况 (much less, not to mention)
dà duō shù
大多数 (majority; most)
xuǎn zé
选择 (to select; to choose)