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15 Cards in this Set

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a condition of great peace or happiness
john was seeking Nirvana heal his wounded soul
a person or thing of little importance
"I do exist" she yelled. "you treat me as a nonentity
non sequitur
something that does not logically follow
"That" said john. "is a non sequitur, because he can't control hid own family, it doesn't follow that he would make a poor mayor"
a female suitable for marriage in regard to age and physical development
in the Last six years she had grown from a short, this twelve year old to a nubile young woman.
stubborn, hardhearted
the young boy was obdurate in his refusal to make any trade.
to confuse, to bewilder
-the realtor tried to obfuscate the issue and it was working, because the confused buyer did not know if he was coming or going.
-his broker, however, continued to obfuscate the situation
strong disapproval, a bad reputation resulting from public criticism
his behavior brought shame to his family and obloquy on himself
excessively submissive or overly attentive
the waiter's obsequious behavior annoyed the patrons at the expensive restaurant
to prevent, to get around
they refused to release the film because they wished to obviate a barrage of criticism
garbage, waste parts
-the offal from the treatment play entered the ocean and posed a danger to both man and fish
-he knew something had to be done to find a new landfill
pertaining to smell
-on breezy days, your olfactory sense was assaulted by odors from the landfill
-his suggestion of a trash to steam plant met with the same criticism. "either one", said his critics, "would be an attack upon the olfactory senses"
burdensome, heavy, hard to endure
-the doctor had the onerous job of informing the family of the child's death
-the mayors situation was an onerous one.
a burden, responsibility, obligation
-with his father's death, the omission fell upon the oldest son
-some young soldiers do not want the onus in command
the best, the most favorable, the ideal
-the pilot was waiting for optimum conditions before setting out on the dangerous flight
-he felt it was the optimum time to sell his stock
rich, luxurious, wealthy
-it was obvious from their opulent style of living that the stock market decline did not injure them.
-the market had never been so good, and he wanted the opulent lifestyle that the profits would afford him