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10 Cards in this Set

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(adj.) If an idea has widespread approval, many people agree with it.
Syn: common, expansive, popular, public
Ant: concentrated, limited, local, secretive
(n.) When you are in the vicinity of something, you are close to it. If you search the vicinity of where you live, you look around your neighborhood.
Syn: near, proximity
Ant: faraway
(n.) If someone accomplishes something that takes a great deal of courage, effort, or skill, he or she has performed a remarkable feat.
Syn: achievement, triumph, victory
Ant: failure
(n.) The prow is the pointed front section of a ship or something that sticksout like the front of a ship.
Syn: bow, fore, head
Ant: back, end, rear, stern
(adj.) The first feeling or thought you had as you listened to a new song would be your initial impression.
Syn: early, first, opening, original
Ant: final, last
(n.) A person can abbreviate his her name by using the first letter or initial.
(adj.) A stern expression shows that someone is serious or disapproving.
Syn: grim, harsh, serious, tough
Ant: easygoing, gentle, kind, light
(n.) The stern of a boat is the rear section.
Syn: end, hind, rear
Ant: bow, fore, head, prow
(adj.) A place that is barren will not support plant life, so it seems empty.
Syn: depleted, deserted, desolate, empty
Ant: developing, full, productive
(adj.) When an animal is described as being barren, it can not produce any offspring.
Syn: fruitless, sterile, unproductive
Ant: fertile, growing, productive
(v.) People who move from their home country to a faraway location migrate from one land to another.
Syn: emigrate, leave, roam, wander
Ant: remain, stay
(n.) An area of a park is a section of a park.
(n.) If youy calculate the area of a shape, you determine the amount of surface within its borders.
Syn: domain, territory, zone
(adj.) A journey fraught with danger is filled with risk and threat.
Syn: charged, heavy, stuffed
Ant: bare, empty