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63 Cards in this Set

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Igneous Rock

Rock formed from the crystallization of magma.

Lava and magma


The concept that the processes that have shaped Earth in the geologic past are essentially the same as those operating today


A tentative explanation that is then tested to determine if it is valid


The science that examines Earth, its form and composition, and the changes that it has undergone and is undergoing.


A well-tested and widely accepted view that explains certain observable facts


The concept that Earth was shaped by catastrophic events of a short-term nature


A group of interacting or interdependent parts that form a complex whole

Metamorphic rock

Rock formed by the alteration of pre-existing rock deep within Earth (but still in the solid state) by heat, pressure, and/or chemically active fluids

Heat and pressure

Rock cycle

A model that illustrates the origin of the three basic rock types and the interrelatedness of earth materials and processes

Sedimentary rock

Rock formed from the weathered products of pre-existing rocks that have been transported, deposited and lithified

Made of pieces and parts

Abyssal plain

Very level area of the deep ocean floor, usually lying at the foot of the continental rise


A subdivision of the mantle situated below the lithosphere.

The song of weak material exists below a depth of about 100 kilometres and in some regions extends as deep as 700 kilometres. The Rock within this zone is easily deformed

Continental margin

That portion of the seafloor adjacent to the continents.

It may include the continental shelf, continental slope and continental rise.

Continental shelf

The gently sloping submerged portion of the Continental margin extending from the shoreline to the continental slope

Continental slope

The Steep gradient that leads to the deep ocean floor and marks the seaward edge of the continental shelf


The enter most layer of earth based on composition.

It is thought to be largely an iron nickel alloy with minor amounts of oxygen, silicon and sulfur


The part of the continental crust attained stability; that is, it has been affected by significant tectonic activity during the Pharnerozoic eon.

It consists of the shield and stable platform


The very thin outermost layer of Earth

Deep ocean basin

The portion of the seafloor that lies between the Continental margin and the ocean ridge system.

This region comprises almost 30% of Earth's surface

Deep ocean trench

A narrow, elongated depression of sea floor

Inner core

The solid innermost layer of Earth, about 1216 kilometers (754 miles) in radius


Rapid outer layer of Earth, including the crust and upper mantle.

Lower mantle

The part of the mantle that extends from the ore mantle boundary to a depth of 660 kilometres.

Also known as the mesosphere


One of Earth's compositional layers.

The solid Rocky shelf that extend from the base of the crust to a depth of 2900 kilometers

Oceanic Ridge

Mid-ocean ridge.

A continuous mountainous ridge on the floor of all the major ocean basins and varying in width from 500 to 5000 kilometres (300 to 3000 miles).

The rifls at crests of these ridges represent divergent plate boundaries.

Outer core

A layer beneath the mantle about 2207 kilometers (1410 miles) thick, which has the properties of a liquid


A large, relatively flat expanse of ancient igneous and metamorphic rock within the Craton

Stable platform

That part of the Craton that is mantled relativity undeformed sedimentary rocks and underlain by a basement complex of igneous and metamorphic rock

Continental rise

The gently sloping surface at the base of the continental slope.


The vertical drop of a channel over some horizontal distance.

Also known as gradient.


A group of rock forming minerals including hornblende.

They are characterized by dark color in cleavage at 60 and 120 degrees. They are common as the dark portion off otherwise light-colored igneous rocks


The smallest particle that exists as an element.


A rock forming mineral, characterized by rhombohedral cleavage. It is the primary mineral comprising limestone

Chemical compound

A substance formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements in definite proportions and usually having properties different from those of its constitutent elements.


The tendency of a mineral to break along planes of weak bonding.


A phenomenon of Light by which otherwise identical objects may be differentiated.

Consistency of interfacial angles

A law stating that the angle between equivalent faces of the same mineral are always the same

Covalent bond

A chemical bond produced by the sharing of electrons


Any natural solid with an ordered, repetitive atomic structure.

Generally refers to a single mineral displaying geometrically related faces.

Crystal shape

Characteristic combination of intersecting faces typical of specific Crystalline materials


Any natural solid with an order, repetitive atomic structure


A negatively charged subatomic particle that has a negligible mass and found outside an atom's nucleus


A substance that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by ordinary chemical or physical means


A group of rock forming minerals including Orthoclase and Plagioclase.

They are mostly light-colored, with two directions of cleavage at 90 degrees


The tendency of a mineral to break randomly and the absence of planes of weak bonding.


A minerals resistance of scratching and abrasion


An atom or molecule that possesses an electrical charge

Ionic bond

A chemical bond between two oppositely charged ions formed by the transfer of valence electrons from one atom to the other


The appearance or quality of light reflected from the surface of a mineral

Metallic bond

A chemical bond present in all metals that may be characterized as an extreme type of electron sharing in which the electrons move freely from atom to atom


A naturally occurring, inorganic crystalline material with a unique chemical structure

Mohs Scale

A series of 10 minerals used as a standard in determining hardness


A rock forming mineral, crystallize by light color and one excellent direction of cleavage, resulting in thin sheets.

Once used as window glass


A rock forming mineral, common to Basalt, and characterized by olive green color in and conchoidal.

The gemstone Peridot, is a variety of Olivine


A group of rock forming minerals including Augite.

They are characterized by dark color and two directions of cleavage at 90 degrees.

They are common in dark-colored igneous rock.


A common rock forming mineral characterized by its hardness conchoidal fracture.

It is very resistant to weathering


A Consolidated mixture of minerals.


Any one numerous minerals that have the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron as their basic structure

Silicon-oxygen tetrahedron

A structure composed of four oxygen atoms surrounding a silicon atom that contributes the basic building block of silicate minerals

Specific gravity

The ratio of substance's weight to the weight of an equal volume of water


The color of a mineral in powdered


Describes a mineral's toughness or its resistance to breaking or deforming.

Unit cell

The basic building block of crystalline solids, the smallest unit that exhibits the physical and chemical properties of the particular mineral.