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17 Cards in this Set

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Sustainable Sites Credits (1-6)

P1. Construction activity pollution prevention

1. Site assessment

2. Site development - protect or restore habitat

3. Open space

4. Rainwater management

5. Heat island reduction

6. Light pollution reduction

SS Prerequisite 1: construction activity pollution prevention

Implement an erosion and sedimentation control (esc) plan that addresses:

-soil loss during construction by storm water runoff / wind erosion

-sedimentation of storm sewer or receiving streams

-airborne dust generation

Think “soil water and air”

SS Credit 1: site assessment

Complete and document a site survey or assessment that includes following:

-topography: slope stability risks

-hydrology: flood hazard areas, delineated wetlands, rainwater collection and reuse opportunities

-climate: solar exposure, heat island potential, seasonal sun angles, prevailing winds, monthly precipitation and temp ranges

-vegetation: primary vegetation types, greenfield areas, tree mapping, invasive plants

- soils: natural resources conservation services soil delineation, US department of ag prime farmland, healthy soils, previous development

-human use: views, adjacent transport infrastructure, adjacent properties, construction materials w existing recycle reuse potential

-human health effects: proximity of vulnerable populations, adjacent physical activity opportunity, proximity to major sources of air pollution

Assessment should demonstrate relationship between site features and topics listed (above) and how they influence project design.

SS Credit 2: Site Development - protect or restore habitat

Preserve and protect from all development and construction activity for a percentage of the greenfield area (if it exists)


OPT 1: on-site restoration

Using native or adapted vegetation 30% of site, restore all disturbed soils that will be planted in site footprint

OPT 2: financial support

National or locally recognized land trust or conservation organization within 100 miles of the project

Green infrastructure (GI)

The patchwork of natural areas that provide habitat, flood protection, clean air, clean water at the scale of city or county, or rainwater mngmnt systems that mimic nature by soaking up and storing water at the scale of a neighborhood or site.

Integrated pest management (IPM)

Sustainable method of controlling pests and damage in an economical way, while minimizing hazards to people, peppery, environment.

Nonpoint source pollution

Water pollution caused by gasoline, oil, salt, fertilizers, which are washed into the nearest water bodies and rainwater runoff.


Landscaping designed to reduce or eliminate potable water use in irrigation through planting of native and adapted species and use of other water-preserving techniques.

SS Credit 3: open space

Provide a physically accessible outdoor space greater than or equal to 30% of total site area (including bldg footprint). Open space does not need to be vegetated but pedestrian-oriented.

SS Credit 4: rainwater management

OPT. 1: Percentile of rainfall events

Manage the runoff from developed site for a certain percentile of regional or local rainfall events using low impact development

OPT. 2: Natural land cover conditions

Manage annual runoff volume from the natural land cover condition to the post developed condition in site.

Strategies for both:

-bioswales & retention ponds

-green roof

-pervious paving

-rainwater harvesting

-mechanical treatment systems (in dense development where greenery is not feasible)

SS Credit 5: Heat island reduction

OPT. 1: Non-roof & roof

Non-roof measures:

-plants over paving areas that provide shade within 10yr

-shade over pavement by solar thermal, pv, wind

-shade over pavement w architecture w/aged solar reflectance (SR) value of at least 0.28

-use paving materials w/aged SR value of at least 0.28

-use open grid pavement system at least 50% unbound

Roof measures:

-high reflectance roof: low slope roof (<2:12) SRI: 82initial/64aged; steep slope roof (>2:12) SRI: 39initial/31aged

-vegetated roof

OPT. 2: Parking under cover

Place a minimum of 75% parking under cover

Heat island

Thermal gradient between developed and undeveloped areas.

Solar reflectance index (SRI)

A surface materials ability to reject solar heat (between 0 and 100) A combination of emittance and reflectance. New gray concrete is ~35. Higher numbers are better reflectance.


Ratio of radiation emitted by a surface to the radiation emitted by a black body at the same temperature

Thermal (infrared) emittance

Parameter between 0 and 1 that indicates materials inability to shed infrared radiation (heat)

Solar reflectance (albedo)

A surface materials ability to reflect sunlight on a scale of 0 to 1

SS Credit 6: Light pollution reduction

Meet specific uplight and light-trespass requirements, using either:

-backlight uplight glare (BUG)

-calculation method