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36 Cards in this Set

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2.A5 Describe Metadata and its capabilities.
“data about data”
Content-Data Describes L.O.
Contect-Descibes where the L.O. exists
2.A7 What is a Job Task Analysis (JTA)?
define requirements for needed knowledge to complete a job
develop learning objective statements
2.A8 Contrast Level 1 & 2 JTA Data.
Level 1-describes WHAT work is being performed
Level 2-HOW work is bing performed
2.A9 Where does one find technical specifications, XML (Extensible Markup Language) specifications, and NMCI Core Build requirements?
NMCI Core Build Contents Document
2.B1 Discuss the item(s) developed in Phase I (Plan) of Task-Based Curriculum Development. And why it would be required.
(TPP)-Training Project Plan
New Course
2.B1 Justification for initiating the development of a new course, canceling a course, or the revision of existing training materials may come from:
Navy Training Plans (NTPs)
Tasking by higher authority
Internal course reviews and local command initiatives
External course reviews
Surveillance and external feedback
Training appraisal
2.B1 Specific elements of data and information shall include the following items where applicable:
Cover Page
Table of Contents
Impact if the course development, change, or revision is not undertaken
Course Data Page
Safety Risks and Hazardous Materials exposure
Curriculum development method recommended
Resource Requirements
2.B3 Discuss the items developed in Phase III (Design).
(LO)Learning Objectives
(COI)Curriculum Outline of Instruction
(TCCD)Training Course Control Document
2.B15 Discuss the relationship between the following as used in the CTTL.
Job, Duty, Task
Job-is made up of duties and tasks
Duty-make up a job
Task-Make up a duty
1.A1 State the purpose of the Navy Training System.
To ensure a systematic approach for determining what to train and how best to accomplish that training.
1. A5 Key principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation.
1.A6 Five techniques which can assist in developing motivational strategies for instruction.
Keep it interesting
Questioning Technique-determine comprehension
Motivational Strategies- keep lesson interesting
Recognition- student behavior/achvmts
Be open- Student contributions
1.A9 State and discuss the five laws of learning.
Intensity-Vivid experiences
Primacy-retain first time longer
Effect-satisfying consequences
3.A1 List the responsibility of
a. CNO
b. MPT&E
d. Learning Centers
f. Learning Sites
a. Provides policy for goals regarding education
b.Anticipates Navy workforce
c. Educates and trains those who serve.
d. Support learning sites
e. Develops, revises and maintains a course
f. support and maintain training equipment
3.A4 3.A4 Discuss “attrition” and contrast is meaning in both operations and training.
Drop from training
Academic Drops-unable to acheive the LO/ results ARB
Non Academic Drops-Administrated by higher authority / ARB not required
Dissenrollment- Cancellation of class
3.A8 Who is responsible for maintaining a course audit trail / a master record?
Audit Trail-CCMM
Master Record-CISO
3.A9 Describe the evaluation of instructors in laboratory / classroom / facilitated environments.
Subject Matter Evaluation
3.B1 Discuss Kirkpatrick’s five levels of evaluation
Reaction – how learners liked content
Learning – achieved learning objectives?
Behavior- how has learner changed from before the course.
Impact – how learners apply new knowledge
Return on Investment – money spent = how much learned
3.B2 (State) Discuss the elements of a Testing Program within your learning environment.
Test items
Test admin materials
3.B3 Discuss the purpose of the Learning Content Management System (LCMS).
Manage training from a central object repository(NKO)
3.B4 Discuss the purpose of the Learning Management System (LMS).
Manage/ Track student registration (CETARS)
3.B5 Discuss the Course Supervisor, Student Control, and Facilitator roles associated with the Learning Management System (LMS).
Course Sup-Maintain Curriculum
Student Control-First Person to see them./ Ensures they are in the system.
Facilitator- Help learners progress ensuring they’re in the LMS Electronic Classroom Management
3.C1 What type of curses are considered “high-risk”?
exposes students and instructors to death/disability.
3.C3 What is a “DOR” and the procedures for conducting one?
Student Removed from training
-submit written request
to be removed from training
NAVPERS 1336/3)
3.C4 What is a Training Time Our “TTO” and the procedures for conducting one?
student or instructor expresses concern for
Hands form “T”
Say “Time Out”
Red “T” on forehead
3.C5 What is the purpose of the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and how often must it be reviewed for accuracy of information? How often is it to be fully exercised?
activate for injury, mishap or emergency
Reviewed monthly
Exercised annually
3.C6 How often are safety stand-downs required?
-following mishaps, near misses, or major course revision
3.D.1 Describe the 4 Quadrants of the Human Performance System Model
Quadrant I: Defines human performance requirements
3.D3 Describe the Navy’s new Learning Model that integrates technology and human performance requirements into a complete package.
-NCOM builds on SCORM
-NCOM is a SCORM-based standard that facilitates content organization
3.D5 Discuss the fundamentals of the Science of Learning.
Blended Solutions
Optimal instruction Design- comprehensive training
Measurement & Feedback – to sustain effective learning
Building Confidence- in learners
Building Self- Awareness- in learners
Continual process of learning
Tailored instructions more effective
3.D6 (State) Describe the four major (RICC) methods of learning in the Navy Learning Model.
Reference Based- Learner seeks info as needed
Instructor- Led- Face to Face with instructor
Computer- Mediated- Learner uses computer to learn
Collaborative- Learners teach each other distantly through computer
3.E1 Define “Knowledge Management”
people and processes, enabled by technology
to increase organizational performance.
3.E2 Explain tacit and explicit knowledge
Tacit-Gathered through experience from person to person
(Person to person/ sea stories)
Explicit-Shared with others via books, reports and tutorials(By the book)
3.E3 Define a Community of Practice. Define a Community of Interest
Community of Practice-Network of people who share info & learn from each other(Stories)
Community of Interest-People who share common interests and share info(Forums)
3.E4 Describe the benefits of a Community of Practice
Increases financial value using peoples knowledge as an asset
3.E7 Define the following terms commonly used by Knowledge Management Professionals:
-Knowledge Share
-Knowledge Transfer
Knowledge Share-Through people, friends and community
Knowledge Transfer-From one part of organization to another