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26 Cards in this Set

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Name the cranial fossa and its respected brain region that goes with it?

anterior fossa and frontal lobe, middle fossa and temporal lobe, posterior fossa and cerebellum and brainstem

Name the 3 layers of meninges of brain in order from most inner to outer

Pia, arachnoid, dura

Name the 3 spaces created by the meninges from most inner to outer

subarachnoid b/t arachnoid and pia, subdural b/t dura and arachnoid , epidural b/t dura and inner skull

What parts of the brain that make up the ventricular system?

Telencephalon surrounds lateral ventricle, Diencephalon surrounds 3rd ventricle, mesencephalon surrounds cerebral aqeuduct , cerebellum and pons along with metencephalon and myelencephalon surround fourth ventricle

Borders of lateral ventricle medially, laterally and floow

lateraly caudate nucleus, medial the fornix, corpus callosum, septum pellicidum, floor thalamus

what is glomus?

large clump of choroid plexus (calcification) in the lateral ventricle

Borders of 3rd ventricle anteriorly, posteriorly, and floor

anterior white commissure and lamina terminalis, post commissure, optic chiasm and infundibulum

What are some causes of the cerebral aqueduct obstruction?

infection , hemorrage, tumors

what are some S&S of tumor of choroid plexus at the interventicular foramen?

enlargment of lateral ventricle, increased ICP (vomiting, lethargy, headache, papilledema)

What is the purpose of the CSF? What does it contain? and describe the normal characteristics of CSF?

protect and nourish the brain, contains proteins and immunoglobolins, and it is clear and colorless

When doing a 3 tube test what determines traumatic tap from subarachnoid hemorrage?

traumatic tap 1st tube contains blood, second has little blood and the 3rd doesnt, but in subarachnoid hemorrage all 3 tubes have blood

What does elevated protein in the CSF reffer to?

syphilis or meningitis

describe the relationship between the volume of brain, CSF, and venous and arterial blood?

about the same of each to balance out so if anything increases there will be compensations

Explain the symptoms of increased ICP?

nausea/vomiting, papilledema, visual loss, headache, altered mental state, diplopia (double vision), cushings triad

What is known as Cushings triad? and what is this result of?

hypertension, bradycardia, irregular respiration, response to increased ICP

What are the 3 types of herniations and give a brief explanation of each?

transtentorial (herniation through the tentorial notch-uncus), tonsillar (herniation of cerebral tonsils in the cerebellum), central (herniation of centrally and downward)

Explain the S&S of tentorial herniation

coma, "blown" pupil (ipsilaterally in 85% of cases, oculomotor affected), hemiplegia,

Explain the S&S of tonsillar herniation

compression of medulla (respiratory arrest, BP instability, and death)

Explain the S&S of central herniation

caused by a lesion that affects abducens nerve, large lesion can cause more damage

Describe the S&S of head trauma

loss of consciousness "seeing stars", headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, amnesia

Describe the difference between retro and anterograde amnesia

retrograge is forgetting something you learned in the past, anterograde is inability build new memoreis so they have the inability to recall the recent past events

Name the different types of hematoma

Epidural, subdural, subarachnoid, intracerebral

Causes of epidural hematoma

rupture of the middle meningeal artery d/t fracture of temporal bone

Causes of subdural hematoma

rupture of the bridging veins [acute (after injury) and chronic (atrophy of brain]

Causes of subarachnoid hemorrhage

non-traumatic - (worst headache ever)rupture of arterial aneurysm, traumatic - severe headache d/t meningeal irritation

Causes of intracranial hemorrhage

traumatic - coup/countercoup

non-traumatic - hypertensive hemorrhage