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51 Cards in this Set

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in menstrual cycle there is follicular phase and luteal phase describe what happens to GnRH pulses,Anterior pituitary hormones,ovarian hormones,and ovary as you go through cycle
GnRH pulses:steady in follicular, lot more before ovulation, less pulses in luteal
Anterior pituitary Hormones: in follicular FSH little higher than LH, before ovulation LH/FSH peak (LH lot higher since its the trigger),in luteal phase low steady levels
Ovarian hormones: progesterone is low throughout follicular but after ovulation increases (due to corpus luteum and placenta if pregnant). Estradiol steady increase in folicular then peaks before ovulation and in luteal declines and steady.
Ovary: in follicular have recruitment,selection of follicle, dominance. Then ovulation and rupture of follicle into corpus luteum. Then that degrades near end of luteal phase.
GnRH also called GNRH1 has ___forms in humans but ___most relevant to reproduction
GnRH is decapeptide processed from pre-proGNRH1 precursor and is secreted from nerve terminal in___into___
ME,pituitary portal vessels
GnRH is the_____pathway for neural control of reproduction
final common
need GnRH for sexual maturation in humans. People with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH) have what problem and whats the mutation?
delay/absence of puberty since gonadotropin deficient; frame shift (1 bp insertion) in the GNRH1 gene and is autosomal recessive
theres not many GnRH neurons and they are found dispersed in the____and ____
hypogonadal mice (hpg) cannot make___protein and therefore are ___and ___
GnRH,infertile,sexually immature
hpg mice reproductive tissues dont mature, the seminal vesicles are___sensitive while uterus is ____sensitive
in hpg mice if give them POA graft see reproductive tract development. In female mice LH increases after ovaries taken out do to _____ but this is not seen in hpg/POA mice. _______ suppresses LH in normal females but doesn't in hpg/POA.Hpg/POA do not _____ spontaneously. But hpg/POA mice still have mating behaviour,reflex ovulation,pregnancy,give birth. All in all this shows that
-no negative feedback
- Estradiol
-in hpg/POA graft the neural connection for regulating GnRH secretion not made and that GNRH neurons are NOT direct targets of steroid (-) or (+) feedback
GNRH neurons are regulated ____synaptically
GnRH is regulated more at level of
release than synthesis.
GnRH release in
the pulse generator in rhesus monkeys found in ___(2)
MBH/Arc nucleus
main endogenous regulators of GnRH secretion
theres neural: dynorphin A, Kisspeptin, Neurokinin B
theres endocrine: sex steroids,adipose hormones,melatonin
during menstrual cycle have both negative and positive feedback. MOst of cycle is negative and the positive comes at the time of
pre ovulatory gonadotropin surges
predominant mediator of estrogen feedback
estrogen receptor alpha
two types of estrogen receptor alpha and beta beta is smaller. Their genes have 5 important sites
-transcriptional activity
-DNA binding
-Ligand binding (need ligand to activate TF)
-agonist/antagonist distinction
If you knockout ERalpha see____
increase estardiol and infertility (loss of neg feedback)
In vivo the GnRH neuons do not express ERalpha true or false
estradiol does what to GnRH neuronal activity
it inhibits it
kisspeptins have role in
estrogen negative feedback, its a trans synaptic effect
progesterone also has negative feedback at __level mainly and inhibits
hypothalamic,GnRH neuronal activity
are there progesterone receptors on GnRH neurons
progesterone receptors in what areas (3) and are affected by feedback
arc nucleus,VMN,POA
both ER and PR seen in the arcuate nucleus
in female rats during LH surge the ____nucleus neurons are activated
anteroventral periventricular
both ______and _____ neurons project into GnRH neurons in mice
in mice who's Er alpha has been knocked out the mice do not show surges of ____or activation of ___neurons
estrogen at hypothalamic level does what feedback and at pituitary?
in global ER knock out mice LH levels are___?in specific gonadotrope ER alpha knockouts LH levels____
high, normal both due to negative feedback
ER knockout in specific neurons lack____. Gonadotrope specific ER knock out are acyclic and infertile. At pituitary level estrogens modulate____
estrogen induced LH surges;GnRH induced LH release
GPR 54 what is it and where expressed (5)
-kisspeptin receptor
-g protein coupled receptor
-in brain (hypothalamus GnRH neurons), pituitary,placenta,pancreas,spinal cord
why are GRP54 knockout mice reproductively immature and infertile (2)
-impaired gonadatropin secretion
-impaired GnRH secretion
Kisseptin-54 is major peptide product cleaved and is called metastin since it
inhibits metastasis
kisspeptin-54 cleaced into smaller pieces and they have ___affinity for GPR54
Kisspeptins expressed in
placenta,testis,small intestine, brain (Arc, AVPV)
kisseptins stimulate_____ by regulating ______and is released in
pulsatile LH release;GnRH neurons; pulses in association with GnRH
kisseptin stimulated LH release is ___dependent
estradiol ___Kiss1 in the ___of mice (negative feedback) via DNA binding_______ activity ERalpha
inhibit,arcuate nucleus,independent
estradiol ___Kiss1 in the ___of mice (positive feedback) via DNA binding-______ activity of ERalpha
loss of estrogens leads to ____in KISS1 mRNA expression in Arc nucleus
summary: kisspeptins role in steroid feedback to regulate GnRH secretion (7)
-potent GnRH secretagogues
-kisspeptins neurons from AVPV/Arc project to GnRH neurons
-GnRH neurons have GPR54
-kisspeptin cells in brain regions important for steroid feedback (Arc,AVPV)
-kisseptin neurons have estrogen/progesteron receptors
-estrogens regulate kisspeptin expression such that inhibited in Arc(neg feedback on pulse generator) and stimulated in AVPV (positive)
-kisspeptins provide mechanism for trans synaptic regulation of GnRH neurons by steroids
during GnRH/LH surge estrogens
at the same time stimulate kisspeptin expression in AVPV and inhibit kisspeptin expression in Arc.
in rodents they have both AVPV and arc containing Kisspeptin neurons with estrogen receptors on them. But in all other mammals
they lack the neurons in AVPV. So just have Arc with kiss neurons still responding to either positive/negative feedback. Also in non-rodents the kisseptin neurons have Progesterone and estrogen receptors
in rodents there's positive feedback by high estrogen levels stimulating GnRH release via increased kisseptin by AVPV neurons. Also see effects at pituitary level
arc kisspeptin neurons co express (2)
neurokinin B and dynorphin
KNDy neurons=
kisspeptin+ neurokinin B + dynorphin
neurokinin B stimulates
GnRH/LH via kisspeptin
if you mutates the NKB gene (TAC3) or its receptor's gene (TAC3R) it causes
inhibits GnRH/LH release
so KNDy may be the
GnRH pulse generator