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34 Cards in this Set

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is disruptive behavior a diagnoses like ODD/CD
no its a symptom of the disorder
is aggressive behavior a diagnoses like ODD/CD
no its a symptom of the disorder
possible etiologies of DBD
parenting/environment x biological
biological theory of DBD etiology
-direct inheritance of diagnoses is unlikely
-DSM diagnoses do not give good phenotypes for genetic analysis
ie not going to find genes linked to CD/ODD because cannot come up with genetic markers
to study genetic aspect of inheriting DBD's it may be better to...
-identify core dimension rather than symptom patterns
-look at genetic contributions to key dimensional traits
operant conditioning=
changing rates of behavior through consequences
what happens after a behavior determines what?
if you will see more or less of it
if you administer positive stimuli=
positive reinforcement--> increases behavior
if you administer negative stimuli=
punishment-->decreases behavior
if you remove positive stimuli=
omission training-->decreases behavior
if you remove negative stimuli=
negative reinforcement--> increases behavior
with operant conditioning of children keep in mind that reinforcers are...
-reinforcers are personal and developmental
-->different things are rewarding for different children
-->different things will be more or less rewarding in different periods
coercion theory
-cycle of increasingly (-) interactions
-reinforcing to all
-child uses delay/escape strategies (being really annoying)
-parents become inconsistent/explode (try and then give up)
next slides looking at caspi et al. 2002 study to examine parenting/environment x biology
-childhood maltreatment univrsal risk factor for___behavior
-___% increased risk for boys to develop CD, antisocial behavior and violent offenders
-but there is a large difference in response to maltreatment (most kids dont become delinquents or criminals) whats the reason for variability
-unknown maybe its conditional, depending on genetic susceptibility factors
enzyme that metabolizes neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine (makes them inactive)
____levels of MAOA linked to aggression
T or F individual differences in MAOA levels and activity are linked to a particular gene
study hypothesized that
-interaction between low MAOA and abuse leads to increased
-MAOA moderates association between abuse and ___
-children who have ___MAOA activity will show the association and children who do not won't
-antisocial behavior problems
-conduct problems
describe sample used
-from 1037 children took 52% males
-looked at different ages from 3-26
-96% intact (very good, kept many people, dropouts threaten internal and external validity)
strengths of study (3)
-representative general population sample
-well characterized history (8% severe maltreatment, 28% probable maltreatment, 64% no maltreatment)
-ascertained antisocial outcomes rigorously (looked at criminal records, psychiatric info from multiple informants)
when you have 2 independent variables your interested in (2)
-main effect of both variables by themselves
is there an association between maltreatment and antisocial behavior and is there an association between MAOA and antisocial behavior
-interaction between the 2 variables
does association between maltreatment and antisocial behavior change as a function of MAOA
-as maltreatment increases antisocial behavior___
-is there an effect of MAOA on antisocial behavior
-is there an interaction between maltreatment and antisocial behavior as a function of MAOA
yes (kids low on MAOA have stronger relationship to mal/anti)
genetic/biological etiology of DBD
-Some evidence of genetic diathesis
-Some evidence of differences in biological reactivity
-Seem to be gene(s) x environment interaction (maltreatment)
-Strongest biological evidence for early-onset pathway
parenting/environmental factors for DBD etiology
strong correlations
may interact with biological
social information processing=
series of cognitive steps that take a person from situation to action
ex) someone says something to me, all the cognitive thoughts about what they said, what i'll do etc is social info processing
(5) social info processing steps
encoding (what do i pay attention to)
interpretation (what does it mean)
response search (what can i do)
response decision (what will i do)
enactment (how well did i do it)
for response decision you evaluate response on number of different dimensions
what are 2 dimensions
outcome expectancy: what will happen if i do this
self efficacy: how well can i carry out the response
discuss encoding (social info processing) and aggressive behavior
don't know much about encoding and aggressive behavior
discuss interpretation (social info processing) and aggressive behavior
hostile attribution bias (aggressive kids more likely to think other child did it on purpose)
discuss response search (social info processing) and aggressive behavior
aggressive kids think of less responses and think of more aggressive and fewer prosocial responses
discuss response decision (social info processing) and aggressive behavior
outcome expectancy: aggressive kids think good things will happen if they use aggression
self efficacy: aggressive kids perceive themselves as being able to carry out those behaviors
what will i do: aggressive kids pick aggressive strategies
how do these social info processing patterns develop
parents: mothers of boys show hostile attribution bias, parents may reinforce/approve behaviors
peers: may reinforce behaviors (kid gets pushed around and aggressive kids get what they want=reinforcing)
etiology/maintenance of DBD
genes/biological (some evidence, ineraction of genes and environment, strongest evidence in early onset)
parenting and environment (strong correlations, may interact with biological)
cognitive and learning factors (hard to establish that info processing comes first, likely in maintaining problems over time)