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8 Cards in this Set

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President’s duties/authority found in ARTICLE II, what do they include?
* Chief executive
* Commander in chief
* Head of state
* Legislator
There is four of them, the hardest one is (Head of State)
What is the executive privilege?
It is the presidents rt to withhold information from congress and the courts, challenged by congress.
Constitution doesn’t mention it

Presidents invoke it broadly and frequently when facing oppositional Congress (Nixon, Bush
explain..Executive orders?
executive orders used by presidents directly influence policy. Used most frequently to establish an executive branch agency, modify bureaucratic rules or action, change decision-making procedures, and give substance and force to statutes.
Examples: applied the patient’s “bill of rights” to all federal health programs; directed federal agencies to avoid any action that would degrade the condition of coral reef ecosystems within U.S. waters.
Veto laws (Article I).
The veto allows the president to block congressional action but does not allow the president to substitute his own policy preferences (supermajoritarian).
LEGISLATOR: The Constitution gives presidents only a modest role in the legislative arena.
What are neccesities for modern legislators to succeed today?
* How presidents utilize their resources, such as the veto to deal with an opposing congress,
* Luck and Skill as a communicator
This behavioral measure is “completely wrong” in most of the presidential systems, however, due to______ ________of both branches
mutual dependence
What is the four step process that the president is elected?
* The electoral college
* Presidential Primaries
* Conventions
* Election outcomes
What good does the Electoral college do?
* Respects the states role in federalism
* along with primaires, encourages face-face campaigning
* In close contests, re-counts will be limited to a few states
* encourages 2 party politics (eaiser choice, clear winner rather than multiple parties exploiting each other