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22 Cards in this Set

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Define Aggression
Behavior perpetrated or attempted with the intention of arming another individual physically or psychologically or to destroy an object.
not always a crime.
Define Violence
Destructive Physical aggression intentionally directed at harming other persons or things
-all violent behavior is aggressive
Define Hostile Aggression 3 pt
-response to anger inducing conditions
-goal is to make victim suffer
-homicides, rapes
Define Instrumental Aggression 3 pt
-competition or desire for object
-no intent to harm unless there is interference
What is the Ethological Theory? 5 pt
-Aggression in animals and humans is inherited, spontaneous tendency much the same as the motivation for eating, drinking and sex.
-Aggression is a means to deffend territory which is related to survival needs
-Intraspecies aggression prevents overcrowding and allows access to most viable mates, must bea ccomplished through ritualized aggression to prevent decline of the species
-Humans have distanced themselves from such inhibitory behaviors through technology
-Ethological explanations tend to ignore the strong effect of human capacity for volitional control over cognition, motivation, and action relative to other species who are more tuned in to instinct
What is the Psychodynamic Theory? 4 pt
In early Theory, freud asserts that human behaviors are motivated by sexual and instinctive drives known as the libido, which is energy derived from teh eros, or life instinct. The repression of such libidinal urges is displayed as aggression.
-Later Freud added concept of thanatos or death force to his eros theory
-Aggressive impulses that are not channeled through a specific person or group may be expressed indirectly through safe, socially acceptable activities such as sports,
-Violent criminal Behavior is then seen to be resultant from lack of opportunity to express these aggressive drives in socially approved ways
Define Catharsis
Implulses expressed indirectly through safe, socially acceptable activities such as sports.

Part of the psychoanalitic theroy
Frustration-Aggression Theory DOLLARD 3pt
The occurrence of aggressive behavior always presupposes the existence of frustration and, contrariwise, that the existince of frustration always leads to some form of aggression
-frustrations were seen as external events that kept people from attaining the goals they were actively striving for and that they had expected to attain
-aggression is aimed at the source of the frustration: only when there is a threat of repercussions or punishment will this cause a person to direct their aggression towards someone who does not have the power to punish them for their aggressive actions
Frustration-Aggression Theory Berkowitz
-frustrations come in varying degrees. some frustrations are of a very high magnitude and will elicit an aggressive response, while other frustrations are not very high and will not elicit an aggressive response.
-Aggressive behavior is contingent upon preceptions of intentionablity and the aversiveness of the frustration.
-conditioned stimuli in the enviroment may facillitate aggressive responding
-unanticipated frustration more likely to provoke aggression than expected frustration
-alternative responses to frustration may also occur-- ie compromise or withdrawl
What is Zillman's Excitation Transfer Theory? 3 pt
-Lingering effects of physiological arousal is transferred and magnifies secondary stimulus "makeup sex"
-aggression is facilitated by arousal. this arousal may come from other sources but will be transferred into an aggressive act if provocation takes place.
-Contrary to psychoanalyitic suppositions about catharasis
Road Rage define
Anger at another motorist expressed in attempts to harm the other
Define aggressive driving
a motorist becomes impatient or frustrated with displaced aggression
What are some characteristics of aggressive driving? 8pt
-Road rage
-Young males are common
-Criminal or violent HIstories are associated with
-psychiactric drug or alcohol problems
-weapons are sometiems used, firearms, the vehicle
-domestic disputes can be a factor
-are sometimes caused by minor misunderstandings
What are some social learning factors of aggression and violence?

5 pt
Modeling: family members, ones subculture, symbolic models in mass media
-observation modeling
-modivation to rehearse observation
-the models consequences are learned
-periodic reinforcement is needed
Define Cognitive Scripts
Social behavior is controlled by cognitive scripts learned and memorized through daily experiences. These experiences include both direct expericences and those learned through significant others and are retained through rehearsal of script, Emotion and evaluation of appropriateness.
What is the HOstile Attribution Model?
Those prone to violence are more likely to interpret ambiguous actions as hostile and threatening. This may develop in preschool years and remains stable throughout adulthood. Is influenced by early exposure to maltreatment or abuse on a continuum.
What are the four points on the general aggression model?
1. perception and interpretation of the social enviroment.
2. expectation about the likelihood of various outcomes.
3. knowledge and beliefs about how people respond in certain situations.
4. degree to which a person believes he or she as the ability to respond effectively (escalation cycle).
What is the I3 Theory Definition plus 3 factors
The process by which a given factor promotes aggression given how multiple risk factors interrelate to create or reduce aggression.
-instigating triggers
-impelling forces
-inhibiting forces
What are examples of Reactive Aggression? 2 pt
Temper Tantrums, vengeful hostility.
What are some examples of Proactive Aggression? 4pt
Bullying, Domination, teasing, coercive acts
What are the gender differences between aggressive boys and girls? 3 pt
Physical aggression is more prevalent amongst boys and girls are attributed to relational aggression. Differences are attributed to their socialization and culture.
What are the effects of Violence in the Media? 2pt ex
Violence portrayed in media may have effect on frequency and type of aggressive behavior expressed by american youth.
Violent video games may be one risk factor of many criminal activities do to the contagion or copycat effect.