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9 Cards in this Set

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Type I
Von Gierke
Defective Enzyme: Glucose-6-
Organ affected:Liver and Kidney
Glycogen in the affected organ: increased amount, but normal structure
Clinical Features: massive enlargement of the liver; failure to thrive. Sever hypolycemia, ketosis, hyperuricemia, hyperlipemia
Type II
Pompe Disease
Defective Enzyme:alpha-1,4-glucosidase (lysosomal)
Organ affected: all organs
Glycogen in the affected organ: massive increase; normal structure
Clinical Features:cardiorespiratory failure; usually death before the age of 2
Type III
Cori Disease
Defective Enzyme:Amylo-1,6-glucosidase (debranching enzyme)
Organ affected: Muscle and Liver
Glycogen in the affected organ:increased amount; short outer branches
Clinical Features:like type I but has a milder course
Type IV
Anderson Disease
Defective Enzyme:branching enzyme (alpha 1,4->alpha 1,6)
Organ affected: Liver and spleen
Glycogen in the affected organ:normal amount; very long outer branches
Clinical Features: progressive cirrhosis of the liver. Liver failure causes death before the age of 2
Type V
McArdle Disease
Defective Enzyme: phosphorylase
Organ affected:muscle
Glycogen in the affected organ: moderately increased amount; normal structure
Clinical Features: Limited ability to perform strenuous exercise because of painful muscle cramps. Otherwise patient is normal and well-developed
Type VI
Hers Disease
Defective Enzyme:phosphorylase
Organ affected:liver
Glycogen in the affected organ:increased amount
Clinical Features:like type I but milder
Type VII
Defective Enzyme:Phosphofruktokinase
Organ affected:Muscle
Glycogen in the affected organ:Increased Amount; normal structure
Clinical Features: Like Type V
Defective Enzyme:Phosphorylase Kinase
Organ affected: Liver
Glycogen in the affected organ:increased amount; normal structure
Clinical Features:mild liver enlargement; mild hypoglycemia
What are the differences in the Types I through VIII in their genetic inheritance pattern?
Types 1-7 are inherited as autosomal recessive. Type 8 is sex-linked.