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151 Cards in this Set

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What percentage of the population gets headaches?
In the 17th century, what did people believe they needed to do in order to cure a headache?
They believed the headache needed to be extracted from the head to cure it
What were the two ways in which 17th century people cured headaches?
1.) Needles : inserted into the ears to draw out the headache
2.) Trepanations: holes would be dug into the skull. ( These often proved fatal!)
How many main types of headaches exist?
How many subtypes of headaches exist?
What are the two main types of headache?
muscular and vascular
How many headache patients suffer from muscular headaches?
Where do muscular headaches occur?
Around the crown of the head. Commonly, people feel the headaches inside of their head but this is not possible as there are no nerves in the brain and thus it can not feel pain
How is pain caused in muscular headaches?
The muscles around the head tighten, and this is what causes the pain
What is the primary cause of muscular headaches?
Who are the primary suffers of muscular headaches?
Young people who live in urban areas are the primary suffers of stress related headaches, as their headaches are caused by the stresses of city life.
Rural inhabitants do not get these headaches
Though these headaches often occur around the crown of the head, where else do they occur?
The back of the neck.
Hence the slang term
"pain in the neck".
Who gets more headaches : men or women?
Headaches occur equally in men and women
Which sex goes to health clinics and why?
Women, as they are often more willing to seek help.
What does TMJ stand for and what is its significance?
TMJ stands for Temoro Mandibulor Joint, and is a possible source of headaches
What do TMJ joints do?
The TMJ are the joints which hold our jaw on our skull
When does pain arise due to TMJ?
Pain arises due to TMJ when the joints are misaligned
Where can TMJ disorders he treated?
What are the three kinds of vascular headaches?
Toxic, migraine and cluster
Which of the three is most severe?
Do toxins cause toxic head aches?
No, these are headaches which have precisely known causes
What is the main cause of toxic headaches?
Alcohol is the main cause of toxic headaches
Because alcohol is a vasodilator, how does it affect your blood vessels?
Because alcohol is a vasodilator, it dilates the blood vessels outside of one's skull
How do vasodilators cause pain?
Vasodilators cause the blood vessels to dilate. When they cease to dilate and expand, they compress the environing tissues which causes pain.
What chemicals are also a cause for headaches?
Congeners, the chemicals that are produced as the alcohol is made, also causes headaches
The higher the congener concentration in a drink, the ______ the hangover headache?
higher congener concentration = worse hangover
Do aged and coloured beverages cause worse or better hangover headaches?
Aged and coloured beverages cause worse headaches
In terms of hangover ratings, the worse the hangover the higher the rating. Arange the following beverages in order from best to worst hangover headache:
-White wine
-Red wine
- Cognac
-Vodka (1.0)
-Gin (1.0)
-White Wine: (4)
-Whiskey (4.5)
-Red wine (9.0)
Why do Gin and Vodka have lower hangover ratings?
Because they are clear and not aged
Why does red wine have a higher hangover rating then red wine?
Red wine has a higher hangover rating that white wine because it has a higher concentration of congeners.
What accounts for the difference in ratings between Whisky and Whiskey?
Whisky is more heavily aged and therefore has a higher hangover rating that Whiskey
The key difference between Whisky and Whiskey is where they are manufactured.
Where are they manufactured, and how do we remember?
Whisky is made in Canada and Whiskey is made in Ireland.
Because Canada has no "e" in its name, it produces Whisky.
Because Ireland has an "e" in its name, it produces WhiskEy. :)
What is cognac made of?
Cognac is made of wine which is distilled and then aged
What do the English call cognac, and where does this name come from?
The British call cognac brandy, which comes from the dutch word brandewijin which means "burnt wine".
Which two red wines especially trigger headaches and what do they have a high concentration of?
Pinot Noir and Burgundy wines which trigger headaches and they have a high concentration of histamines, the chemicals which trigger allergies
Why does champagne cause headaches?
Champagne causes headaches because it is made from red grapes, usually from the Pinot Noir Valley, which contain high histamines.
Why do hotdogs cause headaches?
Hot dogs cause headaches due to the nitrates they contain which can act as vasodilators
Which medication used for heart problems can cause headaches and why?
Nitroglcerine can cause headaches because it is a vasodilator
What ethnic food cause also cause headaches, and what is the name of the reactions which occur after consuming it?
Chinese food can cause headaches. The reactions which occur from consumng this food are called "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome".
However, few people suffer from this.
What is caffeine in terms of blood dilation?
Caffeine is a vasoconstrictor.
Why do coffee drinkers get headaches?
Because caffeine is a vasoconstrictor, it causes blood vessels to constrict. As coffee drinkers do not consume coffee while sleeping, their blood vessels dilate and they will get headaches in the morning until they have their first cup.
What are the blood vessels of heavy coffee drinkers like?
The blood vessels of heavy coffee drinkers are constantly constricted.
What treatments of a common illness can also trigger headaches?
Cold substances
What is Post Orgasmic pain?
Post Orgasmic pain occurs when right before orgasm, the blood vessels are constricted and they dilate immediately after.
What percentage of the population suffers from migraines, and mainly which sex?
20%, mainly females
What are the two steps in the process of a migraine and at which stage does pain start?
The two step process of migraines includes
1.) vasoconstriction
2.) vasodilation
The pain occurs during step 2, vascodilation
What are some classic migraine signals, and what causes them?
Classic migraine signals include nausea, dizziness, flashes of light. These are triggered by the constriction of blood vessels
Where does the word migraine come from?
Migraine comes from the French word Hemigrania.
Hemi = half
Grania = head
What are some of the causes of migranes?
- lack of sleep
-excessive sleep
-strong odors
Which sector of the population do cluster headaches affect?
Older men
Why are cluster headaches called "cluster" headaches?
Because cluster headaches come in batches or clusters, ie) one may get several within a week timespan and then not experience any more for months
What is a nickname for a cluster headache and why is it referred to as such?
Cluster headaches are often nicknamed " suicide headaches" because the pain experienced is said to be unbearable.
What is the treatment for simple muscular headaches and some toxic headaches?
OTC drugs such as ASA, Ibuprofen, or Acetaminophen
What does migraine treatment involve?
The nervous system
What three parts do neurons contain?
Neurons are cells which have a cell body, long tails known as axons, and dendrites on the end.
What role do dendrites play in neurotransmission?
The dendrites of the neurons pass the nerve impulse from one neurone to another.
As multiple neurons are not attached, what is the gap between them called?
The gap between the neurons is called the synapse.
What carries the signal across the synapse, and what is this called?
Chemicals carry the signal across the synapse.
The chemical which does this is called serotonin
Where is serotonin released from and what receives it?
Serotonin is released from the transmitting neuron and recieved by other receptors.
What increases the effect of neurotransmitters?
What decreases the effect of neurotransmitters?
What can be used to reduce painwhile a migraine is in progress?
A serotonin agonist can be used to treat a migraine in progress.
what kind of effect does serotonin have?
Serotonin has a constricting effect
Give one example of a serotonin agonist.
Caffeine is a serotonin agonist.
What is a second example of a serotonin agonist ?
What is ergot?
Ergot is a fungus which grows as a contaminant on rye.
What does ergot poisoning do?
Ergot poisoning has the same affect as stage one of a migraine, the vasoconstrictor, which induces visual disturbances.
What drug belongs to the same family as the chemicals found in ergot?
What is the standing theory for what happened to the children of Salem who were accused to be witches?
The standing theory is that the summer this happened was particularly wet and therefore favorable to ergot growth.
The people believed that the children were suffering visual hallucinations due to the devil;however, these hallucinations can be explained by ergot poisoning.
What is the most common treatment for migranes in this day and age?
What is the first developed Triptain and how can it be taken?
Sumatriptan is the first developed Triptain and it can be either injected or taken in pill form
(very expensive)
What does Sumatriptain act as and who should avoid taking it?
Sumatriptain acts as a serotonin agonist.
Those with heart problems who may have narrow arteries should not take it as it constricts blood vessels
What chemical which is commonly used to treat facial wrinkles can debatably treat migraines as well?
What did the Romans use to ease migrane pain?
Currents from electrical eels
What two current techniques for migraine relief were derived from the methods of the Romans?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Occipital Nerve Stimulation (ONS)
How do Serotonin agonists not only treat but help to prevent migraines?
Serotonin agonists keep blood vessels from constricting and can prevent migraines.
Two examples of drugs sold which can prevent migraines?
- Methysergide maleate ( no longer sold)
- Amytriptyline ( an anti depressant)
What two treaments can prevent cluster headaches?
- Breathing pure oxygen
- Calcium channel blockers
(e Nifedipine)
What is the rebound effect?
When an overuse of a drug increases pain
How many colds are there a year in North America?
3 billion
What is an old English remedy for colds?
Put your Top hat on your bed post and start drinking. When you see two top hats, your cold should be gone
What mixture was a cure for colds in the 17th century?
Ale, Ginger, Honey, and Horse manure (the active ingredient)
Define "cold"
contagious infection of the upper respiratory tract
What can an overuse of cold remedies lead to?
How many different cold viruses are there?
over 200
What variety are most cold viruses?
Give two reasons why cold vaccines would be ineffective.
1.) There are many types, and a vaccine against one would not protect you.
2.) These viruses can mutate easily, making vaccines ineffective
Are antibiotics a good treatment for a common cold?
NOOO. They are totally useless
What is the speed and distance of the world record sneeze?
100mph and 12 feet
Where did the phrase "Bless you" come from?
The idea that sneezes were so violent the contents of one's skull could escape. The blessing would therefore prevent bad from happening once most of the head was gone...
Who was the first person to scientifically study colds?
Benjamin Franklin
Between kissing and holding hands, which action is high transmission of colds and which is low?
kissing = low transmission
holding hands = high transmission
If one were to graph the likelyhood of getting a cold, does it increase or decrease at the following ages
- childhood
-adult hood
-when one becomes a parent
-old age
childhood: increase, very likely as many children play together and spread germs
- teenagedom : decreases
- adulthood: decreases
-parenthood (25-30): increase due to having kids which are exposed to infection
-old age: decrease as the immune system as been built up against colds, and elderly are less social.
Higher incidence in men or women?
What is the percentage chance of getting a cold if the virus was inserted directly into one's nose?
what centre, which has taught us most of what we know about colds, paid people on a weekly basis to catch colds?
Cold Institute in England
Is there a causative relationship between colds and weather?
Then what is the theory behind why we get more colds in the winter?
Because we spend more time inside with eachother
How much is spent annually on cold medication?
$ 4 billion
What remedies will ease cold symptoms?
- pain relievers ( formerly ASA, now more often acetaminophen)
- decongestants ( tablets, oral medication, nasal spray)
Must sinus colds be treated seperately?
No, as all colds affect the sinus
What three common medications are combined in cold medication?
What can cause hallucinations in cold remedies?
PPA, which has a structure similar to speed which is also present in some diet pills
What replaced PPA after it was banned due to the fact that it suppressed appetites and put patients at risk of stroke?
Why is Nyquill sold as nighttime medicine?
it contains doxylamine which induces sleep
Which two time nobel prize winner promoted Vitamin C as a cure for colds?
Linus Pauling
What does vitamin C actually do?
It makes symptoms less severe but does not cure colds
What are the side effects of taking excess vitamin C?
acts as a laxative
What should one take if they have a dry cough?
An antiussiive: acts on the brain signal that controls coughing and stops it.
ex) codein, now DM
What should one take if they have a producing cough ( chest congestion)?
An expectorant: brings out mucus and other substances to loosen them so they can be coughed up
ex) Guaifenesin
There are two types of Benylin for coughs. What does:
- Benylin DM do?
-Benylin DM-E do?
Benylin DM: contains DM, good for dry coughs
Benylin DM-E: contains DM and an expectorant, treating both.
What are CAM1 molecules?
CAM1 molecules are molecules on our cell's surface which viruses stick to and use to gain entrance to the body
What does the new decoy CAM1 molecule medical approach suggest?
That decoy molecules can be made for viruses to stick to and then not enter the body
Does echinacea work?
No, though it is widely used
What is Cold FX based on, and is it effective?
Cold FX is based on Ginseng and most likely ineffective
What does chicken soup do for cold treatment?
Chicken soup increases the release of mucus from the nasal passages allowing the sick to breathe better
What is the second highest commodity in global demand after petroleum?
How much money is spent on coffee worldwide each year?
$60 billion
Which country is a large producer of coffee but consumes less than the average coffee drinking countries?
Which country is the number one coffee consumer in the world?
...and what is another interesting note about them?
Finland ( Scandannavian countries love coffee)
Finland is also the country which the largest number of tango dancers per capita
In what century did the history of coffee begin?
What are the berries which grow on coffee bushes called?
When did people start drinking coffee in Constantinople?
...what about England?
Constantinople: 1554
England: 1660s
In England, coffee was used as a drug to treat?
- measels
-small pox
-kidney stones
-menstrual problems
People paid money in England to TIPS? what does this acronym stand for?
To Insure Promptness
Coffee became so popular that in 1732, Bach...?
wrote a cantata to coffee
The oldest coffee house still exists where?
Le Procope, France
Coffee begins in bean form with two varieties with different caffeine percentages. What are the two and the percentages of each?
- Arabica, 1% caffeine, the best coffee
- Robusta, 2-3% caffeine, but less taste
Where do coffee beans come from?
Flowers fall off the coffee plants, and then there remain small fruits in which the beans exist
What is the process for preparing the beans ( 4 steps)?
- picked
-pulped( surroundings removed so only beans reman)
What is the most expensive coffee in the world and how is it made?
Kopi Luak (Indonesia)
This coffee is made from gathering the droppings of an animal which lives there which eats only coffee beans. These sell for hundreds of dollars a cup
What four companies control the coffee trade?
-Nestle (Nescafe)
- Proctor and Gamble ( Fogers)
-Kraft (Maxwell)
-Sarah Lee
What do the ruling companies do to prices?
artificially high = for consumers
artificially low= for producers
There is an optimal level of coffee extraction, and extracting too much results in?
Bitter compounds being included in the coffee
Who developed filter coffee using a paper filter?
Frau Melitta Bentz
What coffee does Fenster prefer and how is it prepared?
Coffee which is ground right and has a proper water pressure of 10 atmosphere will be prepared by a barista which will result in a good crema
Instant coffee is bad because ( 2 reasons)
1.) It uses robusta which is more bitter
2.) its methods of preparation which are:
a.) hot drying : coffee particles projected into the air
b.) freeze drying: temperature and pressure lowered then temperature increased so the coffee undergoes sublimation
How does caffeine increase alertness?
It binds to adenosine receptors on our cells
What are common ways to decaffeinate coffee?
-banana oil
- liquid carbon dioxide which uses sparkling water to do so
- swiss water uses activated charcoal to pick up caffeine molecules
What is the idea behind the biotechnology to decaffeinate coffee?
Caffeine is produced in the coffee plant by the enzyme Xanthosne N-methyl transferase, so if we block the gene coding for this enzyme we can stop the plant from producing caffeine
What percentage of the population drinks more than 15 cups a day?
In terms of excretion, caffeine acts as both a ____ and a ____
- Diuretic( elevates rates of urination)
- Laxative
It is possible that by flushing away calcium, coffee might promote what in women?
What will coffee do to the stomach regardless of caffeine content?
Increase acidity
What are the only three things you need to make good coffee?
-recently roasted beans
- water
-something to separate coffee from water
To make better coffee than Starbucks, which two gadgets should one use?
- 10$ whirly blade grinder
- 10$ thermometer
Which energy drink does Fenster oppose and why?
Spark, because its marketed to children
A cup of coffee has on average 50-125 mg of caffeine, and tea and soft drinks also fall in this range. ( chocolate has 6-20mg)
Comparitavely, how many times more mg does the average energy drink contain?
Coke Blak : double soft drinks
energy drinks : 100mg
red bull : 80mg
How many mg of caffeine do caffeine pills possess?
What is another plant that contains caffeine at about 10% per weigh, more than coffee beans?
Mixing caffeine and alcohol is bad as they act oppositely on your system. What does alcohol act as and what does caffeine act as?
Alcohol : depressant
Caffeine: stimulant