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61 Cards in this Set

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if > 10^5 bacterial count...could indicate


normal WBC count

4.3-10k cells/cc

normal PO2

40 mmHg

TcPO2 < ___mmHg indicates poor potential for healing

<30 mm Hg

normal BUN level

7-25 mg/dl

creatinine normal levels

0.7-1.4 mg/dl

BUN/Creatinine ratio

normal adult 6-25

optimal 15.5

normal fasting glucose levels

70-115 mg/dl

normal HbA1C (glycosylated hemoglobin)


if over 6.5% = DM

normal platelet count

150k-400k cells/cc


systolic bp of tibial a.

divided by

systolic bp of brachial a.

normal ABI


if ABI is low

wound will not heal without medical intervention , esp if wound is distal

normal hematocrit level


what is hematocrit?

volume of RBCs or potential capacity of O2

normal hemoglobin levels

12-18 g/dl

normal albumin levels

3.5-5.5 g/dl

normal pre-albumin levels

20-40 mg/dl

intermittent claudication would have ABI likely of

0.5 to 0.8

if a person is on steroids, they may need a vitamin __ supplement


what questions should be included in the integumentary systems review

recent rashes, nodules, or other skin changes

unusual hair loss/breakage

increased had growth (hirsutism)

nail bed changes

itching (pruritis)

what is hirsutism?

male pattern hair growth on face and body in women

could be cause of Rx, PCOS, cushings, increased insulin, etc.

palmar erythema could indicate

renal or liver pathology, eczema, psoriasis, increased estrogen levels

tremor or liver flap (asterixis) could indicate

liver or renal pathology

sign of metabolic encephalopathy

if unilateral flap - could be focal brain lesion

pale palmar creases could indicate


GI malabsorption

palmar xanthomas could indicate



what is turgor

indicator of hydration

capillary refill should be less than

3 sec

CLUBBING could be due to

crohn's, cardiac disease

lung disease

ulcerative colitis

biliary cirrhosis

Birth - harmless


GI involvement

what is leukonychia

whitening of nail plate with bands, lines, or white spots

could be malnourished, alcoholic, cancer tx, MI, renal failure, poison, anxiety


spoon nails

congenital, iron-deficiency anemia, thyroid problems, syphilis, rheumatic fever

beau's lines

created production of nail matrix

acute illness, cancer, chemotherapy, recent MI, eating disorder, local trauma


loosening of nail from distal edge upward

grave's disease, psoriasis, reactive arthritis, OCD,

pitting nails



alopecia areata

stemmer's sign

diagnostic for lymphedema

can i.d. clubbing with

absent shcamroth's window test

shiny and hairless skin could mean

arterial insufficiency

what is hemosiderinosis

deposit of iron into surrounding skin,

RBC release iron as they are destroyed and it is deposited

normal skin temp should range from

cool to warm

texture of skin should feel

smooth, soft, even

what is liposclerosis?

chornic edema that has fibroses and hardens the skin

yellow skin

increased bile

increased carotene

decreased visibility of oxyhemoglobin

decreased visibility of oxyhemoglobin can be caused by

anemia, chronic renal disease

increased carotene pigmentation can be caused by

hypothydroidism, too many carrots

increased bile (yellow) pigmentation can be caused by

liver disease

pancreatic cancer


entire area of skin is inflamed, swollen, warm, and red

sign of bacterial infection

ABCDs of melanoma

A - asymmetry

B - border

C - color

D - diameter, great er than pencil eraser size

can assess vascular status with these 6 things

woman's sign

posterior tibial and dorsal pedis pulses

capillary refill

rubor dependency test

venous filling time


what is rubor dependency test

elevate LE to 45 deg for 1 min

lower LE to 0 deg

foot should turn back to red under 15 secs, greater than 30 sec is abnormal

what is venous filling time test

same as rubor dependency test but looking at distention of veins

what is the important monofilament test


why? - protective sensation of 10g is minimal amount needed

what are 2 pressure sore risk assessment scales?

braden and norton

braden pressure sore risk assessment scale important part

<18 is at risk

norton pressure sore risk assessment scale important part

<16 is at risk

MEASURE acronym for wound exam means








TIME acronym for wound exam means





remember when using clock positions, 12 o'clock is what?

the head

in anatomical position

what is a tunnel?

linear channel beyond open wound base

can enter and exit from same wound or two adjacent wounds

what is a sinus tract?

dead end channel beyond wound base than allows an abscess to drain

what is a fistula?

vertical or oblique channel that penetrates a body cavity

cons of using 2D measurements

2 wounds with dissimilar areas could yield similar areas

overestimates some dimensions

lower reliability than computerized planimetry