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22 Cards in this Set

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Operant Conditioning Model
type of learning in which behavior is EITHER increased OR decreased due to consequences
Operant v. Classical conditioning
Operant is VOLUNTARY
Classical us INVOLUNTARY
What is Law of Effect?
- pleasant consequence --> repeated behavior

-unpleasant --> not tend to be repeated
What does environment have to do with reinforcement?
-indiv. environment provides reinforcing and punishing consequences after behavior
B.F. Skinner and radical behaviorism
we are NOT in control of our behavior, BUT by our environment stimulus response
Positive Reinforcement
-making it MORE likely to be repeated
-behavior is increased by reward
What is contingency?
when i perform this behavior --> this follows
Negative Reinforcement
-behavior is strengthened by REMOVING aversive stimulus

-behavior is increased by avoidance or escape

GO to Dr to RID pain.
What are the properties of reinforcement?
Describe the Reinforcement Theory of Drug Use.
-How can a drug act as a + reinforcement?

-How can a drug act as a - reinforcement?
-Positive reinforcers : want MORE and MORE of drug

-Negative reinforcer: alleviate UNPLEASANT withdrawl effects and reinforce drug behavior
Avoidance Behavior and Phobias are a TWO FACTOR THEORY. Explain.
-involves Classical conditioning and Operant Conditioning.

CC: if US is not ass. with CS--> no CS-CR bond (extinguished)

OL: maintenance of phobia. they retreat to decrease anxiety (- reinforcement)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
** Anxiety dx**
-involves +/- reinforcement
-OCD rituals --> - reinforce
-common obcessions: contaimination, sex ...
-bimodal age onset, 10 , later
-Tx: Exposure and Ritual prevention
DSM-IV-TR criteria for OCD
-recurrent, persistant thoughts
-recognized as irrational

-repetitive behavior
-done to REDUCE stress
Punishment v. Reinforcement
Opposite of reinforcement
-consequence WEAKENS behavior
-less repeated
Positive Punishment
-use aversive stimulus so that behavior is NOT repeated
Negative Punishment
-REMOVAL of pleasant stimulus so that behavior is NOT repeated
-wont let you drive if you break curfew
What factors affect Effectiveness of Punishment and reinforcement?
What are the disadvantages of punishment?
-hates you
-models violence to cope with frustration
-teachs ONLY not what to do
-undesirable effects: fear
-may be a form of + reinforcement ( strengthens bad behavior for reward of Attention)
Primary and secondary reinforcers and punishers
1: naturally reinforcing or punishing- pain or shock

2: involves learning- NO NO works later as a punisher, bc it is associated with pain (1)
-problem with 1 reinforcer.
-too much of it --> no longer reinforces
Continuous v. intermittent reinforcement
continuous: learn & extinguish quickly

intermittent: learned & extinguished slowly
Superstitious Behavior
-brain by chance makes an association