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66 Cards in this Set

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5 things to look for when assessing nail beds?
1) Color
2) Shape
3) Texture
4) Thickness
5) Presence of a lesion
Painless loosening of the nail bed(s)
Associated with Onycholysis?
Myeloma, neoplasm, graves disease, anemia and active arthritis
Spoon nails - thin depressed nail and the edges tip upwards
Associated with Koilonchia?
Hypochromic anemia, iron deficiency, long term poorly controlled diabetes, thyroid problems, syphilis, rheumatic fever
Beau lines?
Groves in the nail plate
Associated with Beau lines?
Acute illness, chemotherapy, poor peripheral circulation, eating d/o, cirrhosis, Hx of MI
Dots of white
Associated with Leukonychia?
Hypocalcemia, hypochromic anemia, hodgkin's renal failure, malnutrition, MI, lepracy, hepatic cirrhosis, Arsenic poisoning
Splinter Hemorrhage?
Thin lines of blood running vertical along the nail bed
Associated with Splinter Hemorrhage?
Silent MI, bacterial endocarditis, vasculitis, renal failure
Exagerated convexity of the nail.
Associated with Clubbing?
Advanced COPD and pulmonary abscess
Test for assessing clubbing?
Shamroth test
Nail Patella Syndrome?
Genetic under development of nail bed
Associated with Nail Patella Syndrome?
Joint problems
3 things to do when assessing lymph nodes?
1) Swelling
2) Redness
3) Change in pigmentation
As a PT, where would you palpate one's lymph nodes?
1) Head/neck
2) Axilla
3) Inguinal
4) Trochlea
Variety of things that can cause swollen lymph nodes?
Infection, virus, bacteria, allergies, thyroid issues
A few examples of follow up questions for a swollen lymph node?
1) Recent illness?
2) Allergic Rhinitis?
3) Food intolerances?
3 major red flags when palpating a mass?
Firm, Immovable and non-tender
Briefly describe an musculoskeletal screen?
1) Examine above and below joint
2) A/PROM, accessory motions, strength
3) Special tests
Briefly describe a neurologic screen?
1) A/O; emotional state
2) Cranial nerves
3) Sensory -> Motor -> Reflexes
4) Neural tension tests
Severity of PVD based on ABI values?
Norm: 1.0-1.3
Mild: .8-1.0
Mod: .5-.8
Severe: <.5
Two things to be aware of during palpation of the chest and back?
1) Crepitus
2) Tactile fremitus
Possible implications of tactile fremitus?
Inflammation, interstital congestion, consolidation of a lung
4 components of a chest and back screen?
1) Palpation
2) Percussion
3) Auscultation
4) Heart Auscultation
Air moving through fluid-filled airways
Air moving through narrow cavity.
Air moving through thick secretions
Pleural friction rub?
A high pitched/scratchy sound d/t inflamed pleural surfaces rubbing against each other.
Guidelines of immediate referal to MD?
1) DM or immunocompromised with: red/swollen nail beds or skin lesions involving feet
2) Detect fluid, irregular, immobile mass
3) Suspicion of inflammed lymph nodes
4) Unusual/suspicious findings of the 4 components of the exam
5) Skin lesions w/Hx of CA
6) New onset of SOB
7) Tachycardia
8) Diaphoretic or Cyanotic
9) Abrupt change in mental status
4 cells/components responsible for hematologic diseases?
1) Plasma
2) Erythrocytes
3) Leukocytes
4) Platelets
Deficiency of erythrocytes
Possible causes of iron deficiency?
2) Chronic RA; Lupus
3) Infectious disease
4) Neurologic conditions
Increase in RBCs and hemoglobin concentration
Secondary causes of Polycythemia?
1) Living at high altitude
2) d/t smoking or exposure to radiation
3) heart and lung conditions
S&Sx of Polycythemia?
Gout (usually at the great toe)
Sickle Cell Anemia?
Autosomal recessive d/o. Essentialy an abnormal form of HgB.
2 major features of Sickle Cell Anemia?
1) Chronic hemolytic anemia
2) Vasoclusions
Characteristics of an acute sickle cell crisis?
Severe pain in bone or joint
3 major Erythrocyte disorders?
1) Anemia
2) Polycythemia
3) Sickle Cell Anemia
Greater than 10k leukocytes per mm cubed.
Associated with Leukocytosis?
Inflammation/trauma, necrosis, localized or systemic infection, neoplasms, fever
Less than 5k leukocytes per mm cubed.
Associated with Leukopenia?
Persistent infections, distorted growth, high fever, chills, ulceration of mucous membrane, frequent or painful urination
2 major Leukocyte disorders?
1) Leukocytosis
2) Leukopenia
Increased platelet count
S & Sx of Thrombocytosis?
Increased thrombosis
Easy bruising
Decreased platelet count
Thrombocytopenia is most often seen in what kind of patients?
1) Cancer patients (bone marrow failure d/t radiation Tx, leukemia, metastatic CA, cytotoxic agents)
2) Drug induced platelet reduction
S & Sx of Thrombocytopenia?
Severe bruising
Superficial hematomas
Jt swelling d/t jt bleeds
Multiple petychia
Lack of pigmentation of skin d/t melanocyte destruction
Associated with vitilgo?
Hyperthyroidism, pernicious anemia, DM, autoimmune d/o, stomach CA
4 primary causes of skin rash?
1) Virus
2) Lupus
3) Parasites
4) Reaction to metals or various chemicals
Associate with hemorrhagic rash?
Causes of dermatitis?
Stress, allergies, infection environmental infiltrates
Rosacia maybe linked to...?
GI disorders specifically H-pylori
Benign fatty fibrous yellow plaque nodules
Xanthomas are typically associated with...?
Disorders of lipid metabolism
1) primary biliary cirrhosis
2) uncontrolled DM
1st signs of rheumatologic disease?
1) Rheumatic fever
2) Discoid lupus
3) Psoriatic arthritis
4) Rubella
Erythema Chronica Migrams?
Bull eye rash
Herpatic Witlow
Intermittent painful infection of the terminal phalanx of fingers
Cause of herpatic witlow?
HSV 1 & 2
Herpes Zoster?
Shingles - lies dormant in thoracic DRG
Cancer related skin lesions (4)?
1) Skin rash
2) Pinch purpura
3) Kaposi's sarcoma
4) Lymphomas