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23 Cards in this Set

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Three Classes of Vessels
*carry blood ___
*carry oxygen___ blood in ___ circuit
*carry oxygen___ blood in ___ circuit and ___ arteries
*___ is union of 2 blood vessels
*away from heart
*oxygen rich blood to systemic circuit
*oxygen poor blood in pulmonary circuit and umbilical arteries
*location of __ and ___ exchange between __ and ___
gas and nutrient

vessels and tissues
*transport blood __ heart
*carry ___ blood in the ___ circuit
*carry ___ blood in ___ circuit and umbilical vein
*toward heart
*oxygen poor blood in systemin
*oxygen rich blood in pulmonary and umbilical vein
comparison of vessel structure
-thickest ___

-only _____
-allow rapid ____

-thickest ____
-smaller ___ than arteries
-has ___
-thickest tunica media

-tunica intima
-gas exchange

-tunica externa
-tunica media
vessel pathway
heart --> elastic artery --> muscular artery --> arteriole --> capillary --> venule --> medium vein --> large vein --> heart
elastic arteries
*ex: ___
*___ arteries between ___
*high elastic content allows arteries to ___ and ____ blood pressure
*__ and its major branches
*elastic; heart and muscular arteries
*stretch and dampen surges; reduce
*aorta. major branches (brachiocephalic, common carotid, subclavian, common iliac arteries, etc.)
Aortic Branches
*_____ artery/trunk
-only 1 on right side.
*left ___ artery
*left ___ artery
*common carotid
muscular arteries
*____ arteries, ___blood to the ___
*thick ___
*actively ____ of ___ to regulate ___
*most of arteries from lab like __
*distributing; distribute; body and organs tissues
*tunica media
*changes diameter; lumen; blood flow to tissues
*brachial, coronary, inferior mesenteric, etc
*___ arteries
*lead to ___
*diameter regulated by ___
*capillary beds
*local tissue factors, sympathetic nervous system
*___ of the cardiovascular system. ____ exchange between blood and tissue
*___ vessels, ___ only
*capillary ___. network of capillaries that run through body tissues
*3 types
*functional units; gas, nutrients, waste
*smallest; endothelium
*continuous, fenestrated, sinusoid
Types of Capillaries
*Continuous: most ___ type, examples __
*Fenestrated: examples ___
*sinusoid: examples ___
*common; muscle, skin, thymus, lungs, CNS
*small intestine, most endocrine glands, kidneys
*bone marrow, spleen, liver
*___ veins
*primary location of ___
*___ join to form veins
*___ blood to heart
*act as blood ___
*walls of veins are ___
*__ blood pressure
*most contain __
*___ help pump blood toward heart
*skeletal muscle contractions
Hepatic Portal System
*see slide 2 on page 137
varicose veins
*______ __ leads to blood pooling in the ______
*result of _____, ___, or ____ that inhibits ___
*___ are varicose veins of the anorectal region. caused by ___
*dysfunctional valves; superficial limb veins
*genetic predisposition, aging, strain (obesity, pregnancy, standing); venous return
*hemorrhoids; increased intraabdominal pressure (poop, birth)
Fetal Circulation
*umbilical cord
-__ arteries (become ___ after birth)
-__ vein (become __ after birth)

*__ __, diverts blood from __. becomes __ after birth
-2; medial umbilical ligaments
- 1; round ligament of liver or ligamentum teres

*ductus venosus, liver, ligamentum venosum
Foramen Ovale
*diverts blood from ____ (bypass __)
*becomes ___ after birth

Ductus arteriosus
*diverts blood from ___ (bypass __)
*becomes ___ after birth
*right atrium to left atrium; immature lungs
*fossa ovalis

*pulmonary trunk to aortic arch (bypass immature lungs)
*ligamentum arteriosum
patent ductus arteriosis
*____ stays open after birth
*if untreated, ___ can lead to ___
*treated with ___
*ductus arteriosus
*PDA; right ventricle failure
*prostagalndin inhibitors or surgery
*linked to over ___
*progressive disease of the _____ arteries
-___ arteries most affected

*___(fatty plaque)
-thickening of ___
-___ of arterial lumen
*50% of all deaths in US
*elastic and muscular arteries
-aorta and coronary arteries

-tunica intima
*risk factors ___
*treatments ___
*best treatment is ___
-___healthy diet and watch ___
-don't ___
-monitor ___
*genetics, sex, age, smoking, hypertension
*angioplasty, stents, coronary bypass surgery
-maintain; cholesterol
-blood pressure
Abdominal Aortic Aneurism
*localized ___, specifically arteries
*most often caused by ___
*may be detected through ___
*may be treated with __
*dilation of blood vessel
*abdominal palpation, xray, ultrasound
*artificial vascular prosthesis or stents through femoral artery
Cerebrovascular Accident
*known as __
*caused by ___
*___ is a blood clot forme within the brain blood vessel
*___ is a blood clot formed in another blood vessel that migrates to brain
*can lead to ___
*blockage of brain blood vessel
*death of brain tissue