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12 Cards in this Set

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What are the legal sources of authority
As:* written
* implied
* inherent
* delegated
* interperpreted
As interperted- judicial/ administrative interpretation of statutory, case regulatory laws
What are the sources of power?
1)Enumerated or writtenx
2) Implied power
3) Inherent power
4) Delegated power
*1st power- ( as in the constitution, statuary laws, or court decisions) key case was Marybury Vs. Madison (1803) Act of Congress was declared invalid
Marbury vs Madison case description
* case establishing judicial review as the #1 power source
* Commision was signed sealed , but not delivered
* Jefferson ordered Madision, his secretary of state not to give out these commisions
* court held Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional
**You cannot ammend the constitution by saturary means
= Result..enumerated or written authority!
Contract Clause
-Contract clause ing Article 1, forbidding states from impairing the obligation of contracts
- A contract is a written agreement between 2 people or groups that is legally binding
- all over 18 can sign legal contracts
(Another key written constitution Power)
Inherent power
Only the federal government can regulate between states
Commerce clause
grants congress the exclusive right to "regulate commerse..among the states, with foreign nations and indian tribes"
states cant interfere with flight travel
Delegated power
The bill of rights applied only to federal not state governments
* clause of the constituion:
- cant take private property without just compensation
-bill of rights applies to federal govt' only
Selective incorporation
- Refers to the selective application of the Bill of Rights to States
- After the civil war the court used the 14th amendment as a link to make the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th amendments applicable to the states
Why do some say "we are not a democraxy we are a plutocracy repbulic"?
-civil rts and liberties are not absolute
-while not prior restraint there are expections as to riot and conspiracy
- Conspiracyy has been increased as a terror issue since the patriot act of 2001
We are a government run by the wealthy, we are capitalist as welll as federalist
* buying your vote ( 7 + earmarks)
3 types of Speech
* pure- conservation, public presentations
*impure-states to defame reputation or incite riot
*symbolic-political, religous symbols designed to incite or harm
* burden on government to substantiate possibel harm then an regulate time, manner and place.
What was the patriot act?
If i think your enemy combatant you dont have your rt to habious corpus (you dont have a right to speak in trial & being charged with..
* conspiracy has been increased as a terror issue since the Patriot Act of 2001
Affirmative action
refers to programs designed to ensure that women, minorities and other traditionally disadvantaged groups have full and equal opportunities in employment, education, and other areas of life
* covers equal treatment on matters of gender, race, age (40+), national origin, etc.