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26 Cards in this Set

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What is an organism?

A living thing

-all organisms belong to one of 3 groups

What are the 3 groups that all organisms belong to?

1. Producers

2. consumers

3. Decomposers

What is the most important distinction between organisms?


What are Eukaryotes?

an organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA in the form of chromosomes contained within a distinct nucleus

-they contain membrane-bound organelles

-plants, animals, fungi etc are all eukaryotes.

What are two obvious organelles shared by almost all eukaryotes?



What is in the nucleus?

The genetic material organized into chromosomes

What happens in mitochondria?

-energy (ATP) is produced

what is an organelle?

A specialized sub unit within a cell that has a specific function

Describe the membrane of a mitochondria?

-it has a double membrane

-the inner layer being folded inward to form layers

What are the states of a nucleus?

1. the way that it is most of the time

2. the way it is before cell division

How does a nucleus change before cell division?

Genetic martial secrets into chromosomes before cell division which look like little x's

what are prokaryotes?

Mostly single-celled bacteria that lacks a nucleus (single cell lies free within the cell) + mitochondria (functions instead are performed by membranes)

what is a membrane?

Selective barrier that allows some things to pass through but stops others

What are the 3 kinds of eukaryotic cells?

Plants, Animals, fungi

what does autotrophic mean?

"self feeding"

-energy is used internally to convert inorganic (non-living) into chemicals of life

Which o the 3 eukaryotic categories is autotrophic?


-They use photosynthesis

What does "heterotrophic" mean?

-requires external sources of biological molecules

Which of three categories of eukaryotic cells are heterotrophic?

-Fungi and Animals

-both obtain their food in different ways though

How do fungi obtain their food?

they absorb nutrients through their cell walls as they grow, feeding either on dead or living things

-this important as they have a big role in recycling of decaying organisms

Plants are eat the same food but do they all have the same growth patterns?


-same food but different growth patterns which are divided into Herbaceous, vines and trees.

what is the Golgi Apparatus

-An organelle found in eukaryotic cells

-the Golgi apparatus packages proteins into membrane-bound vesicles inside the cell before the vesicles are sent to their destination.

What is a Monophyletic group?

a monophyletic group is a group of organisms which consists of an ancestral species and all its descendants.

What two domains are prokaryotes divided into?

Archaea and Bacteria

What is Archaea?

The Archaea constitute a domain or kingdom of single-celled microorganisms. These microbes are prokaryotes, meaning that they have no cell nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelles in their cells.

Where do Prokaryotes store their DNA?


why do plants appear green?

Because their cells contain chloroplasts, which have the pigment chlorophyl whig absorbs deep blue and rd light, making the plant appear green.