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35 Cards in this Set

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From Duffin: Birthing as a women's domain, key points
- women’s body always seen as mysterious: bleeding, childbirth,
- menstruation often viewed as unclean
- women kept in feminine tasks: agriculture, procreation, birth, rebirth, healing
- shown in religious figures
- Birthing was the women’s domain: when men had to care for women special provisions were made.
Tuskegee syphilis experiment: when?where? what?
- 1930- 1972 wasn’t stopped till after
- southern US→ Alabama
- medical ethics gone wrong **after nazi experiments
- 400 African American men
- conducted by US public health service
- some nurses and doctors were black but most were white
- no intention of curing
- didn’t tell them they had syphilis → you have bad blood
- men were poor, no reading
- wanted to see how it affected black people
- given aspirin
- painful procedure→ spinal taps
- manipulated→ told free med treatment
- by 1940’s people knew treatment = penicillin could cure syphilis→ they were denied this cure
o 28 men dies
o 100 from complications of syphilis
o 40 wives got it
o 19 kids born with congenital syphilis
- despite horrors regarding Nazis
o program ran until 1972
- Us public health service sued
o Denied complete responsibility
o Very “useful”
greek word for craft
- tools, machines, software and hardware, tech and devices, instruments and systems, usually has practical application
Technological Determinism
- refers to idea in society that tech is the primary force in history that drives society
- people who believe this are technological determinists
Whiggish view
History is about advancing and moving all the time- if you believe this you have a whiggish view
Birth control
= prevention of conception or of birth
1. Pessary:
made of wood, blocks cervix
- today resembles a diaphragm
2. Crocodile Dung
made into paste and inserted into vagina.
2 reasons: 1. Thought paste would block cervix 2. Acidic= kills sperm
more attempts: focused on who?
3. Most attempts focused on women: alcohol and dried beaver testicles
4. Sea sponge dipped in vinegar and lemon juice
5. Olive oil and honey → paste dabbed onto cervix
6. Douching with soap water and vinegar
7. Condoms:
- 1500’s to present, may have been the last 12000 years
- initially made from animal intestines
- ribbon and linen
- some covers for head of penis
- then rubber
- latex 1920’s
IUD: works how? what material
works by hormones, used to be Cu, irritate uterine walls, lining of uterus wont thicken
1. Rhythm Method:
most women not regular enough to predict this, anything can throw of cycle, bad counting, very easy for young people to get pregnant
2. Coitus Interruptus
3. STD’s still possible
2. Coitus Interruptus
3. STD’s still possible
What is the oldest diagnostic tool?
Vaginal Speculum
Does what?
- Opens vagina, ducks beak, can look @ cervix for abnormalities and infection
- Pap test: scraping of cells in the cervix
Unwanted pregnancy becomes very common
- married women: having so many children- health issues for women, econmic issues
- getting pregnant young, after repeated pregnancies would increases chances of problems
- men would have to remarry after wives died
Abortion becomes what? english law? early views?
Abortion becomes the backup method
- history in law: English law
- Early → abortion was never a crime until quickening, because women cant feel child until 3-4 months
- Why? Irregular periods don’t notice
Small timeline of abortion history and laws
19C crime: Before and after quickening and it’s a crime for women and doctor
1869→ 1st attempt to criminalize abortion
1892→ Another law → illegal to advertise info regarding contraception and
drugs and devices that procure an abortion
why did abortion become illegal?
Because they thought the white class wasn’t having enough children eugenics , religion
Killing unborn child= crime, so what was the loophole?
good faith to save mothers life,
- protects doctors
Why did doctors prevent midwives from dealing with women's health issues?
- wanted to cut out competition
- men controlling medical profession
Why abortion?

- most women were married
- more chances of risk
- more kids
- no resources
- affair→ reputation
- didn’t wanna destroy health
Women tried to do it themselves. how?
o Lots of instruments: pencil, needle, candle, chrocet hooks, folk drugs (irritate uterus= fetus expelled)
o Douche with: Lysol, soap water
o Cotton ball= infection
o Physical injury: dislodge fetus, stairs, hot bathes, whisky
So the laws work?
Abortion Illegalization Laws= never work
Infection, poison, hemorrhage
Air bubbles in arteries
1969- birth control reform laws
Omnibus Bill
- contraception is legal
- abortion is liberalized: made legal under certain circumstances
1. legal abortion only if therapeutic committee (3-5 doctors) in a hospital decides on a case to case basis whether continuing pregnancy is against women’s health

- problems?
a. arbitrary decision making (different committees
b. rape
c. personal biases
d. allocation a resources
e. all men
f. no personal choice
so women still....?
- women continue to have illegal abortions
- women travel for abortions: Mexico, USA, Sweden, Japan
- only some women can afford this
what do women do to get the law on their side?
- women start organizing around safe abortion and contraception
- women determine that control is critical
o rise of 2nd wave feminism
o womens health movement
- we need control
- we need to figure this out
Henry Morgentaller
- doctor
- a child at nazi camp, family killed
- clinic in Montréal where women come for abortions: because of no control feeling he felt in in nazi camp he decides to help women
- Jailed, physically attacked, does the abortions @ his own clinic
- Technically breaking the law: not in hospital or approves
- Trail: acquitted
Finally Abortion Law done in
how? and what are the problems now?
- contradicts Canadian charter of rights
- no law at federal levels but not regulated
- individual hospitals have their own rules
- abortion access is very unequal across province PEI no devices
- women still have to travel
- northern Canada → need money
Canada Health act
- allows that abortion is a medically necessary benefit
- principal of portability
- cost
- anti abortion argument has shifted

- kinder and gentler phase
- all these laws do is drive abortion underground
Questions to think about
1. Does tech work for or against women’s reproductive health
2. does tech have any meaning on its own
3. What Is the relationship between medicine, law, religion
4. What is the relationship between tech, history, society