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42 Cards in this Set

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variables stored within an array
represented by two quotation marks, with no space between them
empty string
a control property that, when set to False, disables the control; therefore the control cannot receive the focus, cannot respond to events generated by the user, and appears dimmed or grayed out on the form
Enabled property
the hiding of data and procedures inside a class
a type of program that responds to events or actions that occur while the program is running
a type of method that responds to actions by the user, such as mouse clicks and key presses at the keyboard
event handler
a procedure that an object executes in response to an event
event procedure
an event or condition that happens unexpectedly and causes the application to halt
in most modern programming languages, a simple mechanism for handling exceptions
exception handler
while single-stepping through an application's code, the next line of code that will execute
execution point
stops the execution of a Do While or Do Until loop
Exit Do statement
stops the execution of a For...Next loop
Exit For statement
the input to Visual Basic conversion functions
The name give to columns in a database
a collection of data stored on a computer's disk
a property of the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog controls that holds the name of the file selected or entered by the user with the Open and Save As dialog boxes
Filename property
runs directly under the ASP.NET development server supplied with Visual Studio and Visual Web Developer
File System Web site
a property of the OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialog controls used to set filters that control what file types are displayed in the Open and Save As dialog boxes
Filter property
- a class method named Finalize; automatically called just before an instance of the class is removed from memory
the object-oriented analysis process of discovering the classes within a problem
finding the classes
a Boolean variable that signals when some condition exists in the program
when windows, such as Project Explorer, Properties, or Form Layout are not docked (attached)
- a diagram that graphically depicts the flow of a method
the control that has the focus is the one that receives the user's keyboard input or mouse clicks
gives the focus to a control
Focus method
allows the user to select a font, style, and size
Font dialog box
indicates the size and style of a text font
Font property
- displays a Font dialog box
FontDialog control
- a loop designed specifically to access values from arrays and array-like structures
For Each...Next loop
a special loop designed specifically to access values from arrays and array-like structures
For Each statement
a column in one table that references a primary key in another table
foreign key
a loop specifically designed to initialize, test, and increment a counter variable
For...Next loop
- establishes the foreground color for text
ForeColor property
a window, onto which other controls may be placed
the way a value is printed or displayed
a property that configures a form's border; allows or prevents resizing, minimizing, or maximizing a window
FormBorderStyle property
used to execute code immediately after a form has closed
FormClosed event handler
- used to execute code in response to a form's closing
FormClosing event handler
an access type; a class member with Friend access can be used only by other classes inside the same assembly
Friend access
references an existing ASP.NET Web site located on a remote computer (network or Web)
FTP Web site
a specialized routine that performs a specific operation, and then returns or produces information
a collection of statements that performs an operation and returns a value
function procedure