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29 Cards in this Set

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What does the “R” in SCORER stand for?
The “R” in SCORER stands for read carefully
What does pebbles mean?
It means small things in your life for example: walking your dog.
What does acronym mean?
It means a combination of letters with each letter acting as a cue to an idea you need to remember
What does “compare” mean?
To tell the similarity
What does “contrast” mean?
To tell the differences
What does “acrostic” mean?
It means that an invented sentence where the first letter of each word is a cue to an idea you need to remember.
Eg. Never eat shredded wheat- north, east south and west- direction on a compass
What does “evaluate” mean?
Explain in your own ideas, in your own words
What is SCORER used for?
It’s used for a test strategy.
What is an example of a homonym pair?
It’s used for a test strategy.
What is a” homonym” mean
A word that sounds the same but is spelled different
What does “ S.M.A.R.T ” mean
S- Specific
M-- measurable
A- Attainable
R- Result- oriented
T- time bound
What does “ROYGBIV” stand for
R- red
O- orange
Y- yellow
G- green
B- blue
I- indigo
V- violet
What does “ big rocks “ mean
It means the most important things in your life and that you have to be there for them.
For example: god comes first then family.
What does “rhymes” mean?
Rhyme means words that sound the same.
What does “short term memory” mean?
It means information that we are actively using.
What does “sensory memory” mean
It means information received immediately from person’s senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell etc...)
What does “ VISUALIZING” mean
It means seeing an image or picture in your minds eye.
what does “REPEATING” mean
Repeat information that you want to learn. Be sure to say it in your own words. even though you’ve already learned something, go over it one more time. If you say the information aloud, not only repeating it, you are also reading it.
What does “GROUPING “ mean
It means organize information so that details are brought together under the main idea or category that connects them.
What does “TIMING “ mean
It means use short practice periods.
What does “KEY WORDS “ mean
It means select or create key words to represent the facts to be remembered.
It means take advantage of your learning style/ intelligence (auditory, visual, verbal, etc...)
What does “COMPREHENSION “ mean
It means to be sure you understand any material you wish to remember.
What does “methods” mean
It means memorize by using the methods most appropriate for the materials to be memorized.
What does “Explain” mean
To help people understand something by breaking down concepts.
What does “goal” mean
To achieve something
Ex) I would like to get an A+ for all my courses.
What does “ Attainable” mean
It means when you identify goals that are most important to you, you being to figure out ways you can make them come true.
What does “ Criticizing” mean
Giving positive or negative feedback.
Example” He gave his opinion to somebody
What does” mnemonics” mean
It means Mnemonic means "related to the memory or aiding the process of recalling or memorizing.” A process or a series of steps taken to help a person to memorize events, people, places, things etc are called as mnemonics. In other words, a mnemonic is a memory aid.