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42 Cards in this Set

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What are Mnemonics?
Are techniques that are used to help memory by organizing unrelated items into strange or novel relationships
Why are Mnemonics important?
Because there an easier way of remember something that you might always forget
What is an example of a Mnemonic?
BEDMAS, SCORE, Righty Tighty Lefty Lossie
How do you create Flashcards?
1.Choose a unit to study
2.Research about ten or more important pieces of information
3.Go to the Flashcards website
How do you use Flashcards?
You read the question and memorize what the answer would be and if u answer it correctly you move on to the next question or else you flip the card showing you what the answer is.
What is a Concept Mind Map?
It’s a visual diagram that connects all of the ideas, themes, concepts, theories, and facts of a particular topic\subject
How do you use a Mind Map?
1.Select a topic
2.Record all the ideas(write each on a separate cue card or post it note)
3.Sort and classify the ideas into common categories
4.Choose a large piece of paper and record the facts
5.Draw lines in between the words and write how the ideas are connected
SCORER-What dose the “S” stand for?
Schedule your time
What dose the “C” in SCORER stand for?
Clue words
What dose the “O” In SCORER stand for?
Omit difficult questions
What dose the first “R” in SCORER stand for?
Read carefully
What dose the “E” in SCORER stand for?
Estimate your answers
What dose the last “R” in SCORER stand for?
Review your work
What dose Compare mean?
Tell what is the difference or similarity between each other, ex\ an equal sign(=)
What dose contrast mean?
To show the differences between 2 or more things, ex\ different sign(><)
What dose Explain mean?
A real life object or thing to help explain or describe a concept, ex\ why?
What dose Summarize mean?
A short form of a given story or paragraph with all of main or important points, ex\ summarizing a book
What dose Calculate mean?
Find out by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing, ex\ calculate (2x4)
What dose Match mean?
Connecting words to a definition
Ex\ match 2 people
What dose Simplify mean?
Explain how to make something easier to do or to understand, ex\ make things smaller so its earlier (5x30 than 5x15 and multiply again)
What dose Define mean?
Explaining what something dose
What dose Justify mean?
Justify your answer is when you write you answer down and you explain your answer by justifying
What dose State mean?
Giving information that is asked, ex\ She asked how old Christian was.
What are Homonyms?
Are 2 words that are pronounced the same but have different spelling and also a different meaning
What are examples of Homonyms?
See and Sea, Their and there, Witch and Which, Road and rode, Know and no, Write and right
What is Rocks and pebbles?
Something that you use to manage your time
What are Rocks?
Your important things you d in life like coming to school or work are Rocks
What are pebbles?
They are things that aren’t so important but and sometimes your day to day tasks(getting your nails done)
What is good time management?
Prioritizing and organizing,
Prioritizing-decided what is most important
Organizing-to sort out or arrange
Types of memory
Sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory
What dose Sensory memory mean?
What dose Sensory memory mean?
Information received immediately from a person sense(sight hearing touch smell etc.)
What dose Short term memory mean?
Information that we are actively using.(our immediate memories)
What dose Long term memory mean?
Information that remains in the brain for more than a few more minutes is programmed into the brain by being transferred to long term memory, long term memory allows information to be retrieved even after it has been stored in the brain out of human consciousness for a long period of time.
What are some places you enjoy studding?
I enjoy studding in my room and also in my kitchen somewhere which is private and quiet
What time do you enjoy studding at?
I enjoy studding during the day, but not to early in the morning close to the afternoon so I’m awake and concentrated, and wide awake
What are your methods to better your studding time?
I enjoy listening to music and having something in front of me to munch on that will keep my brain going and staying in a quiet room away from others so that I’m not distracted
What is SMART?
It is a specific goal that has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal, to et a specific goal you much answer the six “W” questions,(who,what,where,when,which,why)
What dose the “S” in SMART stand for?
What dose the “M” in SMART stand for?
What dose the “A” in SMART stand for?
What dose the “R” in SMART stand for?
What dose the “T” in SMART stand for?