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45 Cards in this Set

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The tendency for a learned behavior to occur in the presence of stimuli that were not present during training.
Any graphic representation of generalization data.
Generalization gradient
Generalization based on an abstract (as opposed to a physical) property of a stimulus.
Semantic generalization
The tendency for a behavior to occur in th epresence of certain stimuli but not in their absence.
Any procedure for establishing discrimination.
Discimination training
In operant discrimination training, any stimulus that signals either that a behavior will be reinforced (an S+) or will not be reinforced (an S-)
Discrimination stimulus
Consists of presenting one stimulus (the CS+) with the US and presenting another stimulus (the CS-) without the US.
Pavlovian discrimination training
Normally consists of reinforcing a behavior when it occurs in the presence of one stimulus (the S+), but not when it occurs in the presence of another stimulus (the S-).
Operant discrimination training
A discrimination training procedure in which the S+ and S- are presented one after the other in random sequence.
Successive discrimination training
A discrimination training procedure in which the S+ and S- are presented at the same time
Simultaneous discrimination training
A discrimination training procedure in which the tast is to select from two or more comparison stimuli that one that matches a sample
Matching to sample (MTS)
A form of discrimination training in which the S- is introduced in very weak form and gradually strengthened. The usual result is that discrimination is achieved with few of no errors.
Errorless discrimination training
The finding that discrimination training proceeds more rapidly when different behaviors produce different reinforcers.
Differential outcomes effect (DOE)
The tendency for a behavior to occur in the presence of an S+ but not in the presence of an S-
Stimulus control
Any class (ex: group, category) the members of which share one or more defining features
The time between training and testing for forgetting.
Retention interval
Memory for events following a retention interval shorter than one minute, often a matter of seconds.
Short-term memory
Memory for events following a retention interval longer than one minute and sometimes many years
Long-term memory
Memories that can be declared or expressed in words. Said to be "knowing that". Also known as explicit memory
Declarative memory
Memory that cannot be declared or expressed in words. Pavlovian conditionin is one example, another is procedural memory. Also known as implicit memory
Nondeclarative memory
The tendency for a learned behavior to occur in the presence of stimuli that were not present during training.
Any graphic representation of generalization data.
Generalization gradient
Generalization based on an abstract (as opposed to a physical) property of a stimulus.
Semantic generalization
The tendency for a behavior to occur in th epresence of certain stimuli but not in their absence.
Any procedure for establishing discrimination.
Discimination training
In operant discrimination training, any stimulus that signals either that a behavior will be reinforced (an S+) or will not be reinforced (an S-)
Discrimination stimulus
Consists of presenting one stimulus (the CS+) with the US and presenting another stimulus (the CS-) without the US.
Pavlovian discrimination training
Normally consists of reinforcing a behavior when it occurs in the presence of one stimulus (the S+), but not when it occurs in the presence of another stimulus (the S-).
Operant discrimination training
A discrimination training procedure in which the S+ and S- are presented one after the other in random sequence.
Successive discrimination training
A discrimination training procedure in which the S+ and S- are presented at the same time
Simultaneous discrimination training
A method of measuring forgetting that consists of providing the opportunity to perform the learned behavior
Free recall
A method of measuring forgetting in which a behavior is learned to criterion before and after a retention interval
Relearning method
A method of measuring forgetting in which the subject is required to identify stimuli experienced earlier
The continuation of training beyond the point required to produce one errorless performance
Forgetting caused by learning that occurred proior to the behavior in question.
Proactive interference
Forgetting caused by learning that occurred subsequent to the behavior in question
Retroactive interference
A period in the development of an organism during which it is especially likely to learn a particular kind of behavior
Critical period
The tendency of some animals, particularly birds, to follow the first moving object they see after birth, usually (but not necessarily) their mother
The idea that organisms are genetically disposed to learn some things and not others
The tendency for behavior to "drift toward" a fixed action pattern.
Instinctive drift
Forgetting caused by learning that occurred subsequent to the behavior in question
Retroactive interference
A period in the development of an organism during which it is especially likely to learn a particular kind of behavior
Critical period
The tendency of some animals, particularly birds, to follow the first moving object they see after birth, usually (but not necessarily) their mother
The idea that organisms are genetically disposed to learn some things and not others
The tendency for behavior to "drift toward" a fixed action pattern.
Instinctive drift