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33 Cards in this Set

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A decline in the response to a stimulus once it is familiar.
Increased responsiveness when something novel is presented following a series of presentations of something familiar.
Unconditioned Stimulus
A stimulus that reliably triggers a particular response without prior training.
Unconditioned Response
A response elicited by a US without prior training.
Conditioned Stimulus
An initially neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a new (conditioned) response due to pairings with the unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioned Response
A response elicited by a conditioned stimulus (a neutral stimulus which has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus).
Classical Conditioning
A form of learning in which one stimulus is paired with another so that the organism learns a relationship between the stimuli.
Second-order Conditioning
A form of learning in which a conditioned stimulus is paired with another neutral stimulus until the NS elicits the CR too.
A weakening of a conditioned response when a conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus.
Stimulus Generalisation
The tendency for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit a reaction similar to the conditioned response.
Generalisation Gradient
A graph showing how the strength of response changes with similarity. Strongest response typically found when test stimulus is identical to conditioned response. As stimuli become less like the original CR, the response gets weaker.
The tendency for an organism to learn to respond differently to stimuli that have been associated with an unconditioned stimulus (or reinforcement) and stimuli that haven't (they learn that a NS means no US).
A stimulus signalling that an event isn't coming, elicits a response opposite to the one the event usually elicits (learn that NS and absence of CS mean a period of time with no US).
Conditioned stimulus provides info about unconditioned stimulus' arrival. A conditioned response is only acquired when the conditioned stimulus is informative about things to come.
Blocking Effect
A result showing that an animal learns nothing about a stimulus if it provides no new info (shows importance of surprise and expectations).
Compensatory Response
Offsets effects of upcoming unconditioned stimulus (tries to preserve homeostasis).
Instrumental Conditioning
Operant conditioning: A form of learning in whic the participant receives a reinforcer only after performing the desired response, and thereby learns a relationship between the response and reinforcer.
Law of Effect
Thorndike law of learning: consequence or effect of a response will determine whether the tendency to respond in the same way in the future will increase or decrease. Followed by a reward - will be strengthened, no reward/punishment - will be weakened.
In Skinner's system, an instrumental response that is defined by its effect on the environment.
A stimulus delivered after a response that makes the response more likely in the future.
The process of eliciting a desired response by rewarding behaviours that are increasingly similar to that response.
Behavioural Contrast
A response patter in which an organism evaluates a reward relative to other rewards available or those that have recently been available.
Partial Reinforcement
A learning condition in which only some of the organism's responses are reinforced.
Schedule of Reinforcement
The rules about how often and under what conditions a response will be reinforced.
Ratio Schedule
A pattern of delivering reinforcements only after a certain number of (correct) responses.
Interval Schedule
A pattern of delivering reinforcements only after a certain amount of time has passed.
Latent Learning
Learning that occurs without any corresponding change in behaviour.
Learned Helplessness
A condition of passivity (apparently) created by exposure to inescapable aversive events. This condition inhibits or prevents learning in later situations in which escape or avoidance is possible.
Observational Learning
The process of watching how others behave and learning from their example.
Vicarious Learning
A form of learning in which the learner acquires a conditioned response merely by observing another participant being conditioned.
Mirror Neurons
Neurons that fire whenever an animal performs an action, and also whenever the animal watches another performing the same action.
Taste Aversion Learning
A form of learning in which an organism learns to avoid a taste after just one pairing of that taste with illness (one-trial learning).
Prepared Learning
Learning that occurs without extensive training because of an evolved predisposition to the behaviour.