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23 Cards in this Set

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experience that results in a relatively permanent change in the state of the learner
classical conditioning
when a neutral stimulus produces a response after being paired with a stimulus that naturally produces a response, Ivan Pavlov
unconditional stimulus
a stimulus that automatically and naturally trigger a response
unconditioned response
an unlearned naturally occuring reaction/response to an unconditional stimulus
conditioned stimulus
a previously neutral stimulus that has through conditioning acquired the capacity to evoke a conditioned response
conditioned response
a learned reaction to a conditioned stimulus that occur because of prior conditioning
the phase of classical conditioning when the CS (previously neutral) and the US (the natural trigger) are presented together
second-order conditioning
conditioning where the US is a stimulus that acquired its ability to produce learning from an earlier procedure in which it was used as a CS
the gradual elimination of a learned response that occurs when the US is no longer presented
spontaneous recovery
the tendency of a learned behavior to recover from extinction after a rest period
a process by which the CR is observed even though the CS is slightly different from the original one used during acquisition
the capacity to distinguish between similar but distinct stimuli
law of effect
the principle that behaviors that are followed by a satisfying state of affairs tend to be repeated and those that produce an unpleasant state of affairs are less likely to be repeated
any stimulus or event that functions to increase the likelihood of the behavior that led to it, more effective than punishment in promoting learning
any stimulus or event that function to decrease the likelihood of the behavior that led to it
positive reinforcement
give an organism a pleasant stimulus when the operant response is made
negative reinforcement
take away an unpleasant stimulus when the operant response is made
primary reinfrocer
satisfy biological needs
overjustification effect
circumstances when external rewards can undermine the intrinsic satisfaction of performing a behavior
fixed interval schedule
reinforcement are present are presented on an average time period
variable interval schedule
behavior is reinforced based on an average time that has expired since the last reinforcement
variable ratio schedule
the delivery of reinforcement is based on a particular average number of responses
intermitttent reinforcement
when only some of the responses made are followed by reinforcement