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67 Cards in this Set

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Study of learning

Primarily a lab science

Difference between principles and theories

P tells us what and t tells us why

What does the cns consist of

Brain and spinal cord

What does the pns consist of

Nerves and ganglia on outside of brain and spinal cord

What is a neuron

Nerve cell


Cell body


Send messages

Myelin sheath

Fatty substance


Recieve messages

Glial cells

White matter that supports the neurons

Types of neurons

Sensory, interneuron, motor

Motor neurons

Send messages about how to behave and respond to appropriate parts of body


When the neurons dont touch and there is a gap


Chemicals that allow neurons to communicate


End of spinal cord, keeps us alive


Sensory areas- seeing and hearing


Complex mental activities

Cerebral cortex divided into 4 lobes

Frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal

Limbic system (part of forebrain)

Memory emotion motivation


Learning and remembering




Sends info from sensory neurons to parts of cortex

Core knowlede perspective

Humans are hard wired to understand the physical world

Founder or behaviorism



If u knwo organisms past and present u can determin future behavior



Unconditioned stimulus- food

Unconditioned response- salivation

Neutral stimulus- bell


The inital learning stage in classical conditioning

Associative bias

Certain neutral stimuli are more likely to become associated with certain ucs


The cs must serve as a signal that the ucs is coming


When th ucs (food) does not follow the cs (tone) the cr (salivation ) beings to decrease and everything causes extinction

Spontaneous recovery

After a rest period and extingished cr (salivation) spontaneously recivers but if the cs (tone) persist alone if the cs stops again

Stimulus generalization

Occurs when a stimulus other that the conditioned response ekoves the same response

Stimulus discrimination

Learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that do not signal and us

Higher order conditioning

Procedure or process whereby a previously neutral stimulis is presented in a predictive relationship with a previously established cs-gma wears perfume u smell perfume and think of gma

Counter conditioning

Turning an unwanted behavior into a wanted behavior

5 implications of advertising

Conditioned response harder to change

One repetition is not enough

Crafted carefully

Celebs chosen with care

Principles can be used in diff ads

Instrumental(operant) conditioning

Behave in ways that bring us desirable conseq. Or enable us to avoids unpleasant ones

Law of effect


Rewards causes responses to increase punshiment causes response to decrease


Increases reaponse

Doesnt have to be pleasent

Primary reinforcement

Satisfy a built in natural need - food water oxygen..

Secondary reinforcement

Reinforcing because they are associated with primary

Money, praise

Extrinsic reinforcement

Provided by an outside environment

Intrinsic reinforcement

Comes from inside learner

Feelings of success achievement

Over justification effect

May decrease enjoyment if increasingly rewarding

Negative reinforcement

Increases a response by removal of stimulus

Removal of anxiety/guilt

Active avoidance

Studying to avoid a bad grade

Passive avoidance

Not signing up for a hard class

Positive Punishment

Presenting a stimulus

Scolding, spanking, bad grade

Negative punishment

Removing a stimulus

Time out, taking away money

Fixed ratio

Reinforcing a response only after a specified # of responses


Variable ratio

Reinforcing after an unpredictable # of responses

Fixed interval

Reinforcing a response after a specified time

Biweekley pay

Variable interval

Reinforcing at inpredictable time intervals

Random drug testing

Discriminative stimulus

One that increases the probability that a response will be followed by reinforcement

Stimulus discrimination

Response that is reinforced in prsence of one stomukus but not in the presence of another

Elation effect

Amount of reinforcement is increased

Depression effect

Amount of reinforcement is decreased

Applied behavior analysis

Problems result from past and present response- analysis of behavior

Group contingency

An entire group must perform a desired behavior in order for reinforcement to occur

Token economy

Behaviors are reinforced woth tokens

Linear programing

All learners progress through the same set of frames in same order

Branching programing

Computer adapts to individual for further practice

Mastery learning

Students must learn lesson to high level of proficiency before moving on

3 things to know about operant conditioning

Operant responses can occure under stimulus control

Operant conditioning involves choice

Reinforcers not made equal

Who started programed instruction

Skinner- teaching machines

Abs of applied behavior analysis

Antecedent behavior consequence

Premack principle

The more opportunities for positive behaviors equals less for unwanted behavior