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226 Cards in this Set

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I have visited

He visitado

Pronounced Eh Bisitado

Have you visited

¿Ha visitado

Use infection to a question. Drop the H for pronunciation

You have


Pronounced Ah

The coffee

El cafe



I have not

No he

Pronoubced No Eh

You have prepared

Ha preperado

Used as a collective "you"

YOU have prepared

Usted preperado

Used when talking about self

You have not

No ha

Haven't you prepared

No ha preperado

Use inflection at the end if this is a question

I have prepared the coffee for you

He prepared el cafe para usted

He has prepared the coffee for me

Ha preperado el café para mì

Used generally

HE has prepared the coffee for me

Èl ha preperado el cafè para mì

Used when talking about a specific person

SHE has prepared the coffee for me

Ella ha preperado el cafè para mì

Double LL sounds with a Y as in tortilla - pronounced as 'eyya ah preperado el cafè para me"

YOU have (informal)

Tú has

Pronounced too ah

You have (plural)


Pronounced an

YOU have (informal)


They have decorated the house

Han decorado la casa

THEY have decorated the house

Ellos has decorado la casa

THEY have decorated the house (female group)

Ellas han decorado la casa



Pronounces without the R (reserva )



V sounds as B. Reserbado

A table

Una mesa

I have reserved a table

He reservado una mesa

For (the) dinner

Para la cena

Have you reserved the table for dinner?

¿Ha reservado una mesa para la cena?

(informal) have you reserved a table for dinner

¿Has reservado una mesa para la cena?

(plural / have they) have you reserved a table for dinner

¿Han reservado una mesa para la cena

I have invited

He invitado

I have invited (to) Paul to madrid

He invited a Paul a madrid

We have invited

Hemos invitado

WE have invited

Nosotros hemos

(female group) we have invited

Nosotras hemos

To speak




We have spoken

Hemos hablado

To buy


We have bought

Hemos comprado

We haven't bought it

No lo hemos comprado

To leave


Left (exiting)


They have left

Han salido



To eat


We have eaten

Hemos comido

To understand


They have understood

Han comprendido

They have not understood

No han comprendido

They have not understood me

No me han comprendido

THEY have not understood me

Ellos no me Jan comprendido

(female group) THEY have not understood me

Ellas no me han comprendido

(the past) I decorated


Emphasis on the word with the accent

(informal) you bought


(plural) you bought


They bought


We bought


I would like


Pronounced key sierra

A room

Una habitación



I, he, she, you would like


To know





¿Por qué?

I'm sorry

Lo siento

To go


I want to go

Quiero ir



I want to go there

Quiero ir allí

(me) I want to go there

Yo quiero ir allí

I want to go there with you

Quiero ir allí con usted

I don't want to go there with you

No quiero ir allí con usted

He wants



Más tarde



She wants to go there today

Ella quiere it allí hoy

(plural) you want to eat

Quieren comer

(Plural) YOU want to eat

Ustedes quieren comer

They want to eat

Ellas quieren comer

To eat it


(female group) they want to eat it

Ellas quieren comerlo

We want


We want to eat it

Nosotros queremos comerlo

(female group) we want to eat it

Nosotras queremos comerlo

They want to know why we don't want to eat it

Quieren saber por qué no queremos comerlo

THEY want to know why WE don't want to eat it

Ellos quieren saber pot qué nosotros no queremos comerlo

(familiar group) you want


I can


I can go there with you

Puedo ir allí con usted

I can go there this evening

Puedo ir allí esta noche

I cannot go there this evening.

No puedo ir allí esta noche.

He can


He cannot

No puede

He cannot go there this evening.

No puede ir allí esta noche.

She cannot go there today.

No puede ir allí hoy.

She cannot go there tomorrow.

No puede ir allí mañana.

You can (inf.)


You cannot go there tomorrow. (inf.)

No puedes ir allí mañana.

We can


to come


pronounced Beneer

We cannot come this morning.

No podemos venir esta mañana.

to see


Pronounced Behr

to see it


We cannot see it.

No podemos verlo.

to see them


We cannot see them.

No podemos verlos.

They can


They cannot

No pueden

They cannot see them.

No pueden verlos.

They cannot leave.

No pueden salir.

They cannot leave tomorrow.

No pueden salir mañana.

I want to know why they cannot

Quiero saber por qué no

leave tomorrow.

pueden salir mañana.

to understand

entender / comprender

They cannot understand it.

No pueden entenderlo.

to understand me


They cannot understand me.

No pueden entenderme.

to understand you


to sell


They cannot sell it.

No pueden venderlo.

You cannot sell it. (plural)

No pueden venderlo.

to wait


to wait for me


You can (familiar group, Spain only)


You can wait for me (familiar group, Spain only)

Podéis esperarme.

You can wait for me.(familiar group, Spain only)

Vosotros podéis esperarme

You can wait for me.(familiar female group, Spain only)

Vosotras podéis esperarme

I must

Tengo que

I must go there with you.

Tengo que ir allí con usted.

to prepare it


I must prepare it.

Tengo que prepararlo.

She must

Tiene que

to find


She must find it.

Tiene que encontrarlo.

They must buy it.

Tienen que comprarlo.

You must buy it (familiar group, Spain only)

Tenís que comprarlo.

You must buy it (familiar group, Spain only)

Vosotros tenís que comprarlo.

to send


to send me


to send it to me


to send them to me


to send it to you (formal)


to send it to her


to send it to you (informal)


We speak English.

Hablamos inglés.

They don’t speak Spanish.

No hablan español.

I am going


I am going to

Voy A

I am going to eat.

Yo voy a comer.

He is going


He is going to speak.

Él va a hablar.

She is going to buy it.

Ella va a comprarlo.

to do


They are going to do it later.

Van a hacerlo más tarde.

We are going to take it.

Vamos a tomarlo.

We are going to take it.

Nosotros vamos a tomarlo.

I’m going to go

Voy a ir

I am going to go there.

Voy a ir allí.

You are going to make it this evening.

Va a hacerlo esta noche.

to call


You are going to call me this evening. (inf.)

Vas a llamarme esta noche.

ey are going to call you.

Van a llamarle.

They aren’t going to call you.

No van a llamarle.

We will buy it.

Lo compraremos.

She will eat with us later.

Comerá con nosotrosmás tarde.

You will take it later. (inf.)

Lo tomarás más tarde.

You will take it later. (plural)

Lo tomarán más tarde.

They won’t take it.

No lo tomarán.

I would like a double room fortwo nights.

Quisiera una habitacióndoble por dos noches.

I have a double room with bath.

Tengo una habitacióndoble con baño.

How much is it?

¿Cuánto es?

For two nights… 100 euros /pesos.

Por dos noches... cieneuros / pesos.

Can I see the room?

¿Puedo ver la habitación?

Ah yes, it’s perfect!

¡Ah sí, es perfecto!

Your name, please?

Su nombre, ¿por favor?

Can I pay by (with) credit card?

¿Puedo pagar con tarjetade crédito ?

Where is the campsite?

¿Dónde está el cámping?

The campsite is over there.

El cámping está allí.

Can we camp here?

¿Podemos acampar aquí?

Yes, you can camp here.

Sí, pueden acampar aquí.

For one night, how much is it?

Por una noche, ¿cuántoes?

For (a) caravan ten pesos, for (a)tent fi ve pesos.

Por caravana diez pesos,por tienda de acamparcinco pesos.

One tent for three nights,please.

Una tienda de acamparpor tres noches, por favor.

To the plaza, please.

¡A la plaza, por favor!

How much is it?

¿Cuánto es?

What do you want?

¿Qué desea?

For me, a white wine and asandwich, please.

Para mí, un vino blanco yun sandwich, por favor.

I would like to reserve a table fortwo people.

Quisiera reservar unamesa para dos personas.

Your name, please ?

¿Su nombre, por favor?

Where can I get (take) a taxi?

¿Dónde puedo tomar untaxi?

A bottle

Una botella

Where are the toilets?

¿Dónde están losservicios?

Anything else?

¿Algo más?

Yes, two coffees and the bill,please.

Sí, dos cafés y la cuenta,por favor.

Excuse me, where is the touristoffi ce?

Perdone, ¿dónde está laoficina de turismo?

The tourist offi ce is opposite(in front of) the cathedral, overthere.

La ofi cina de turismo estáenfrente de la catedral– allí.

Opposite (In front of)


Excuse me


Excuse me (pardon), where isthe station?

Perdone, ¿dónde está laestación?

I can mark the station on themap.

Puedo marcar la estaciónen el mapa.

Where can I buy a ticket?

¿Dónde puedo comprar unboleto? (Billete in spain)

Over there.


First or second class?

¿Primera o segunda clase?

You must pay a supplement.

Tiene que pagar unsuplemento.

Excuse me, at what time doesthe train arrive

Perdone. ¿A qué horallega el tren



And you?

¿Y usted?

I’m David. I’m from Mexico.

Soy David. Soy de México.

What do you do?

¿Qué hace?

I don’t understand. Can yourepeat that (it), please?

No comprendo. ¿Puederepetirlo, por favor?

Can you speak more slowly,please?

¿Puede hablar másdespacio, por favor?

Where are you from?

¿De dónde es?



I would like a bottle of red wineand a bottle of white wine.

Quisiera una botella devino tinto y una botella devino blanco.

Here you are. Anything else?

Aquí tiene. ¿Algo más?

I am ill.

Estoy enferma.

What symptoms do you have?

¿Qué síntomas tiene?

Do you have a fever?

¿Tiene fi ebre?

You have sunstroke and youmust fi nd a doctor.

Tiene una insolación ytiene que encontrar undoctor.

I am ill. Can you recommendme a doctor?

Estoy enfermo. ¿Puederecomendarme undoctor?

Is it urgent?

¿Es urgente?

Yes, it’s very urgent – can thedoctor come here?

Sí, es muy urgente. ¿Eldoctor puede venir aquí?

He is going to comeimmediately.

Él va a venirinmediatamente.

For how long? / Since when?

¿Desde cuándo?

For two hours.

Desde hace dos horas.

Can you tell me...?

¿Puede decirme…?

No, it’s not very serious but youcannot go out today.

No, no es muy grave perono puede salir hoy.