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100 Cards in this Set

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J'aime cela.
I like that.
specifies THAT object there
Added on to the end of a noun that follows ce, cet, or cette, to specify the object is further away from the speaker as in English "that there" as opposed to "this here."
Je voudrais cela.
I would want that.
Voudrez-vous ces chiens?
Will you want those dogs?
Aimerais-tu cela?
Would you like that?
N'aimais-tu pas ça?
You didn't like that?
Aviez-vous besoin de ça?
Had you need of that?
Vouliez-vous cela?
You wanted that?
Voulez-vous ce gâteau-ci?
Do you want this cake?
Ceci ou Cela
This or That when replacing a noun.
Vous n'avez pas besoin de ce bonbon-ci.
You have no need of this candy.
Tu n'as pas cela.
You don't have that.
Avais-tu besoin de cette voiture-là?
Had you need of that car?
Vous n'aurez pas besoin de ça.
You will have no need of this.
N'aimeras-tu pas cela?
You won't like that?
Ne pas avoir besoin (de)
To not have need (of)
Vous avez raison.
You are right.
Literally: You have reason.
N'aimiez-vous pas ce repas-ci?
You didn't like this meal?
Aimerez-vous ceci?
Will you like this?
Tu n'auras pas besoin de cet ordinateur.
You will have no need of this computer.
N'aimes-tu pas ce ballon?
You don't like this balloon?
Vous n'aviez pas ceci.
You didn't have this.
Je n'ai pas besoin de ceci.
I have no need of this.
Je ne veux pas ceci.
I do not want this.
Je n'aurai pas besoin de ça.
I will have no need of that.
Voudrais-tu ça?
Would you want this?
Ne pas avoir
To not have
Vous n'avez pas ceci.
You don't have this.
J'avais ça.
I had that.
Aviez-vous cela?
Did you have that?
J'avais besoin de ceci.
I had need of this.
Tu n'as pas besoin de cela.
You have no need of that.
Aimes-tu ceci?
Do you like this?
Je voudrai ceci.
I will want this.
As-tu besoin de cette boule de neige?
Have you need of this snowball?
Je n'aurai pas ça.
I will not have that.
Avoir besoin (de)
To have need (of)
Je n'aimais pas ceci.
I didn't like this.
Je voulais cela.
I wanted that.
Voudras-tu ceci?
Will you want this?
To want
Tu n'avais pas cela.
You didn't have that.
Je ne voulais pas ça.
I did not want that.
N'aimez-vous pas ça?
You don't like that?
Je n'ai pas cela.
I do not have that.
Ne veux-tu pas cette couverture-ci?
You don't want this blanket?
Avais-tu ce livre-la?
Did you have that book?
Auras-tu besoin de cela?
Will you have need of that?
J'aurai besoin de ça.
I will have need of this.
Aimeriez-vous ceci?
Would you like this?
Ne voulez-vous pas ça?
You don't want that?
Aimiez-vous ceci?
Did you like this?
N'aimerez-vous pas ceci?
You won't like this?
As-tu ça?
Do you have that?
Ne pas aimer
To not like
Ne voudras-tu pas ceci?
You won't want this?
J'aimerai ceci.
I will like this.
To like
Vous n'aviez pas besoin de cela.
You had no need of that.
J'ai ceci.
I have this.
Je veux ça.
I want this.
Vous n'aurez pas ce jeu-ci.
You won't have this game.
specifies THIS object here
Added on to the end of a noun that follows ce, cet, or cette, to specify the object is close to the speaker as in English "this here" as opposed to "that there."
Ne vouliez-vous pas ceci?
You didn't want this?
Tu n'auras pas ça.
You won't have this.
Aurez-vous cela?
Will you have that?
This/that masc. noun starting with a vowel.
J'aimais ça.
I liked that.
Tu n'avais pas besoin de cette chaise-ci.
You had no need of this chair.
Aurez-vous besoin de cet éléphant-là?
Will you have need of that elephant?
J'aurai cette maison.
I will have that house.
Ne pas vouloir
To not want
Avez-vous besoin de cela?
Have you need of that?
Cette horloge-là.
That clock there.
Aimais-tu cela?
Did you like that?
Je n'aime pas ceci.
I don't like this.
To have
This/that masculine noun.
Ne voulais-tu pas cela?
You didn't want that?
Ne voudrez-vous pas cela?
You won't want that?
J'ai besoin de cela.
I have need of that.
J'ai besoin de ces jambes!
I have need of these legs!
Je ne voudrai pas cela.
I will not want that.
Auras-Tu ceci?
Will you have this?
This/that feminine noun.
This or That, replaces Ceci or Cela.
Je n'avais pas cette souris.
I did not have this mouse.
Aimez-vous ces jeux-ci?
Do you like these games?
Je n'avais pas besoin de cela.
I had no need of that.
Voulais-tu ceci?
You wanted this?
Avez-vous cette photo?
Do you have this photograph?
"Voudriez-vous ce petit oeuf?"
Would you want this small egg?
J'aimerais ça.
I would like that.
Je n'aimerai pas ce concert-là.
I won't like that concert.
Veux-tu cela?
Do you want that?
Aimeras-tu ces fenêtres-là?
Will you like those windows?
Cet avion-ci.
This plane here.