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20 Cards in this Set

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path goal theory definition
-centers on how leaders motivate sub. to accomplish goals
-emphasizes the relationship between
a. leaders style
b. characteristics of subordinates
c. work setting
-Goal: to enhance employee performance and satisfaction by focusing on motivation
-Motivational principles (based on expectancy theory)
motivational principles
-subordinates will be motivated if they believe:
a. they're capable
b. their efforts will result in a certain outcome
c. the payoffs are worthwhile
challenge to leader
-use leadership style that best meets sub. motivational needs
-choose behaviors that complement/supplement what's missing in work setting
-enhance goal attainment with info or rewards
-provide sub. with elements they need to reach their goals
conditions of leadership motivation: leadership generates motivation when
a. increases the number and kinds of payoffs sub. will receive
b. makes path to goal clear and easy with coaching and direction
c. removes obstacles
d. makes work itself more satisfying
basic idea
-defines goal
-clarifies path
-removes obstacles
-provides support
leader behaviors
a. directive
b. supportive
c. participative
d. achievement oriented
PT theory suggests
-each type of of leader behavior has a different impact on sub. motivation
-whether leader behavior is motivating depends on sub. characteristics and task characteristics
directive leadership
-when giving instructions includes:
a. what's expected of them
b. how task is to be done
c. time line for completion
-leader sets clear standards of performance
-makes rules and regulations clear
supportive leadership
-friendly and approachable
a. attend to well being of others
b. use supportive behavior to make work a pleasant environment
c. treat sub. as equals and respect them
participative leadership
-leader who invites sub. to share in decision making
-consults with sub.
-seeks their ideas and opinions
-integrates their input into group/organizational decisions
achievement oriented
-challenges sub. to perform work at highest level possible
-est. a high standard of excellence
-seeks continuous improvement
-demonstrates high degree of confidence in sub's ability to est. and achieve challenging goals
subordinate characteristics
-perception of their own ability, specific task
-perception of ability and competence go up, need for highly directive leadership goes down
-directive leadership may become redundant-possibly too controlling
task characteristics
-design of subordinate's task
-organization's formal authority system
-primary work group of subordinates
task characteristics
-unclear and ambiguous: leader needs to provide structure
-highly repetitive: leader needs to provide support to maintain motivation
-weak formal authority: leader needs to assist sub. by making rules and work requirements clear
-non-supportive/weak group norms: leader needs to help build cohesiveness and role responsibility
task characteristics: obstacles
-creates excessive uncertainties, frustrations, or threats for sub.
-leader's responsibility is to help sub by
a. remove obstacle
b. help sub around them
-assisting with obstacles will increase
a. subordinate's expectations to complete task
b. sense of job satisfaction
how path-goal theory works
-leader helps sub reach goals by directing, guiding, and coaching
-leaders must eval. task and sub characteristics and adapt leadership style to these
-theory suggests which style is most appropriate for specific characteristics
-useful theoretical framework
-integrates motivation
-practical model
-interpretation can be confusing because the theory is so complex
-empirical research demonstrates partial support
-treats leadership as a one way event in which leader affects the sub
-PGT offers insight that can be applied in ongoing settings
-informs leaders about when to be directive, supportive, participative, or goal oriented
-principles can be employed by leaders at all organizational levels and for all types of tasks