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73 Cards in this Set

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Incident report AKA: Variance Report for opened medication not given.

Report to provider and nurse manager, don't document in the medical record, disregard the medication, and file incident report.

HIPPA violations

Speaking about pts to other nurses in the cafeteria, elevators, restaurants, or other public areas

False imprisonment

Restraining a confused client


Not contagious if safety precautions followed

Superficial skin infection

Communicable diseases


Fifths disease, chicken pox, rubella

Noninvasive procedures

MRI, CT scan, carotid ultrasound,


Cerebral arteriogram

Uses contrast material. Get written consent

Safety for older adults

Set water heater to 120°F

•Grab the plug when unplugging not the cord itself

• use microwave or electrical toaster instead of open flame like gas stove.

• Install a handrail on at least one side of stairs for decrease fall risk

Teaching older adults

Allow frequent rest periods

• use white or buff-colored paper with matte finish to avoid glare

• present at 6th to 8th grade reading level 📚

• use 14-point font size when providing written material

Root cause analysis

Function of quality improvement in client care.

Suspicions about other employees

1. Gather data 2. Validate with another observer. 3. Take the appropriate actions to safeguard pts. Then document the incident

Nursing Process


Exposed to Unreasonable risk of injury.

Example: forgetting to put up side rails on bed


Touching a client without consent

Intentional tort

Intentionally injures another in some manner.


Injury to reputation

Health care proxy

Person chosen to make end of life decisions in the event pt can not speak for themselves.


LPN: Can do reality orientation for a pt with STABLE but disoriented, check daily weight, check NG input and output. Tube feedings, wound irrigation , irrigate indwelling catheter, tracheostomy care if (stable or not new) no ivs or push can hang antibiotic but not administer the med.

AP: Escort clients to other departments, can take blood to the lab. Cpr in cardiac arrest pts, CAN NOT check residual on gastrostomy tube, can add thickening agents to food for pts, ambulating, can do postmortem care

Living Will

It allows the client to express personal wishes regarding health care decisions

End of shift report

Include objective and measurements about the client's condition. No need to report routine care procedures or biographical information


Based on the principle that actions should be taken with the intent to do good.


Right to self determination, independence and freedom of choice


"Health care provider thinks they know what is best"

Principal that one person can assume responsibility for making the decisions of another person.


Everyone should be treated similarly and fairly


Do no harm


One person puts aside her own goals to satisfy the needs of another


Both individuals give up something


Uses passive behaviors and withdrawals from a conflict


Both individuals actively try to find a solution

Child abuse always report.

Don't wait

Process audit

Measures interventions used to facilitate expected and desired outcomes in pts.

Strategic planning

Is part of planning process. Examines purpose, mission, philosophy and goals of an organization

Structure audit

Evaluation of the relationship between quality care. Environment where Healthcare is delivered


Evaluates how the pt health status changed as a result of the intervention

Autocratic Leadership "Think all about me"

Makes decisions independently and then notifies the staff after. Autocratic manager maintains a high degree of control over the staff and allows little freedom of staff members.

Democratic leadership

"Think nice and open" encourages communication

Guides staff toward reaching an objective and shares responsibility with the staff. Example: asks staff for there input

Laissez-faire Leadership

"Think hand off" Jerk

Exerts little or no leadership and control.


"Focused on tasks"

Focuses on getting work done.

Capital Budget

Expenditure of money for equipment and major purchases. Example replacing cardiac monitors

Variance analysis

Difference between the planned budget and results of actual results

40 watt is low wattage

This is a safety hazard

Declining delegation

A float can decline tasks if she does not feel comfortable and it's a safety issue. Example: hanging blood


Verbal threatening

Case managers are for long term care

Example: Refer stroke pts that need cared for because of neurological deficits

Critical pathway

A multidisciplinary tool that guides client care and bases outcomes on an externally imposed timeline

Preparing a pt for a long term facility

Provide a written summary of the client's nursing plan of care to the long-term facility

Disciplinary process

Verbal admonishment is the first step. Written is the second step

Transformational leadership

One who motivates employees by creating a work environment in which the goals of the leader are shared by the employees


Always remove pt first.


Directions need to be clear: Frequency (number) what the task is, the duration ( how long), and mechanics of the action

Restraining Forces

Can impede change. Staff resistance can be a restraining force


Be faithful

Informed consent

Ask pt to explain the procedure that is being performed to verify the pt gave informed consent

The person performing the procedure is legally responsible for obtaining informed consent.


Good of many people

Hip arthroplasty

Teach do not cross legs, inspect incision every 4 hrs, do not flex hip past 90° angle. Make sure to let AP know of the weight-bearing if helping to ambulate

Authoritarian approach to managing issues

Gives penalties to promote behavior changes

Democratic approach

Gives constructive feedback


"Suggestion box" places emphasis on group decision making

Emergency situations think which pts will survive

Pts with head wounds and respiratory rates of 4 are probably not going to make it. Pick pts that will make it

Key words in delegation of tasks "Tell me"

5 rights of delegation; provide specific information, expectations and time-frame and when to report the information back to the RN

State nurse practice act

Administrative laws that provide guidelines for nursing

Patient self determination act

Helps pts make informed decisions about care. Like end of life

Emtala: Emergency medical treatment and active labor act

Gives treatment regardless of financial status

Good Samaritan

Protects health care professionals

Obtaining consent for surgery

The nurse has the responsibility to make sure the pt has an understanding of the procedure. Have the pt repeat. If client has questions once consent is signed refer to the dr

1. Clients can not give consent under narcotics. Get a consent from a relative

If client relative is not available and surgery is critical surgery can proceed. Do not delay surgery if pt is critical

National notifiable disease



Displacement " Move from dis place to dat place"

Pt has anxiety about test result and says they have received horrible care from nurse

Turn, cough and deep breath is priority after surgery



Putting others first

Mental health


Separates painful events from the conscious mind and describes events as if they happened to another person

Example: A client who was abused as a child describes it like it happened to someone else

Hospice nurse

Hospice care includes bereavement services after a family members death.

Teaches family how to administer medication, includes respite care also

3 hr glucose tolerance test for pregnancy

Fast the night before, blood samples collected every hr


Sudden relief in pain indicates a burst appendix